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Warning! Do Not Read Unless You're Looking For My Upwork Success Secret

Bring your ears closer and do not blink your eyes.

Okay, maybe you can skip the ears part as this is text-based advice.


If you want to make money and become a Top-Rated Plus Upwork freelancer, I have a great piece of advice that is working out profoundly for me and has made me a $ 3k+ seller within a matter of months.


However, it is really important that you test it out without doubts for several days if you want to understand how it actually works.


The catch is simple:


  • Send 3-5 Proposals daily
  • Personalize each proposal like a PRO
  • Never forget the P.S. statement. Never!


I know . . . I know. You are wondering how to personalize each proposal like a pro?


As someone with 5 years of experience as a Marketing Copywriter and a Marketing Psychology Geek, I have stumbled upon this secret idea that has been discovered by several Mind Scientists who have been working (behind the scenes) to understand how work affects human psychology.


Now I am going to shatter this idea into several pieces and describe how each piece sticks together to make your proposal a success.


A Killer Headline


If you have been reading "great pieces of advice" from writers and marketing gurus, you are probably already excruciated of the word, "killer".


Even I wonder why a copywriter would say, "A Killer Headline" instead of saying, "An Incredible Headline" or instead of using any other adjective from the pool of thousands and thousands of adjectives for the word "incredible".


The catch is simple: a killer headline means a headline that kills the idea of doubt. It instantly stops your audience from thinking any other thought by cutting the head of the snake altogether. And compels them to read what you want to say merely to become able to think again.


How I Write A Killer Headline:

  • Read the Job Description extremely carefully
  • Find that ONE LINE where the job poster succumbed to his emotions and clearly told what he "wants", not "needs".
  • Mention that part in your headline, that is an incredible idea for sales!


Here's how I did it recently:


Project Description: We need a high converting product description written for [our product/brand] - We need an absolute expert that can write this text in a way that captivates the buyer making the want to make the purchase - ...


The Want Part: Did you see how this job poster mentioned he WANTS them to make the purchase?


My Headline: [Brand Name] Will Sell BEST If You Focus on "Why it Works" - not "How it Helps"


What I simply did here was search about the product, see what it is, and find a way to negate the job poster's current endeavors - to focus him on another idea that will bring him sales.


Yes, it worked. He gave me the contract. And now I am handling all the copywriting of that brand.



Write a First Line that DOES NOT Sound Like a Template


If you are a template fan and are always looking for an incredible template that converts . . . I am sorry . . . this doesn't work anymore.


People are using AI to send proposals and this gives a good writer a great chance to use their human skills.


How I modify the first line so it may not look like a template?

  • Mention something from the job post. Something that has been stressed there.
  • Avoid talking about yourself and how great you are.
  • Follow the first point again.


Here's the first line I sent in the proposal for the Project I have talked about above:


Hello there!

Yes, I understand you've clearly mentioned that you need a product description that tells the benefits of this amazing [product].


Can you see how straight-forward . . . with absolutely no bull-**bleep** involved . . . first line this is? That's why it works!



The Genius Behind P.S Statements


Even if they skip reading your proposal altogether . . . which they wouldn't if you have followed the advice above . . . they will still be magically attracted to read the P.S statement.


I really don't know why it works, maybe the Mind Scientists know . . . because they recommend it.


How to write the P.S statement?

  • Relate it to the job post
  • Find a possible point of disagreement and clear that in the P.S statement
  • Promise something that is actually promising!


Here's the P.S statement I had written for the Project above:


P.S: If you have doubts, I can also write 2 different product descriptions for you - one benefits-based and one machenism-based, and we can find down the road which worked the best.



To Conclude...


Whether you're a virtual assistant, a graphics designer, or skilled at any other craft that has absolutely no relation with great writing, you still need to master the art of writing proposals like your life depends on it.


The advice above is tested by one of the greatest copywriters I have ever known...myself! To the point that there is absolutely no doubt in its authenticity.


P.S: You're reading it, right? Well, please share this blog with other freelancers you know, or on your LinkedIn profile, so they may receive this knowledge and I may get good or bad comments to thank them, or argue with them.