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New to Freelance, Expert in Admin & Customer Support: Seeking Guidance and Opportunities

Hello fellow freelancers!
I'm thrilled to be part of this vibrant community and excited to embark on my freelance journey. While I may be new to the world of freelancing, I bring a wealth of expertise in the field of admin and customer support. I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional customer service, resolving issues efficiently, and coordinating projects effectively.
As I navigate this new chapter, I would greatly appreciate your guidance and insights. If you have any tips or advice on how to succeed as a freelancer in the admin and customer support domain, I'm all ears! What strategies have worked for you in attracting clients and securing projects? 
Additionally, I'm actively seeking opportunities to apply my skills and contribute to exciting projects. If you or someone you know is in need of a reliable and dedicated admin or customer support professional, or would like to offer volunteer work in exchange for honest reviews, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm eager to collaborate and make a positive impact.
Thank you in advance for your support and guidance. Let's connect, learn from each other, and thrive together in this freelance journey!
Best regards, 
Community Member

hello can you please guide me for being freelancer, because im
beginner please.

Hi Dina,


Here are some tips on how to get started on Upwork:
  • Complete your profile: Take time to provide accurate and complete information about yourself and your skills. This will help clients find you and determine if you're a good fit for their projects.
  • Add your portfolio to your Upwork profile: If you have work samples and past projects, add them to your Upwork portfolio. It gives clients an idea of your skills and experience.
  • Propose your services: Browse through the projects in the marketplace and apply for projects that interest you and align with your skills. Your proposal should include your experience and skills and why you're a good fit for the project.
Check out these Upwork Academy courses to kickstart your journey:
Remember that getting hired as a freelancer on Upwork can be competitive, so it’s important to have a strong profile and portfolio and submit well-written proposals.
Good luck!

~ AJ