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how to get real job strategy

1. Create a Strong Profile:

  • Professional Profile Photo: Use a high-quality, professional-looking photo.
  • Compelling Overview: Write a concise and compelling overview that highlights your skills, experience, and what makes you unique.
  • Skills and Specializations: List your skills and specializations to match potential job requirements.

2. Complete Your Upwork Profile:

  • Education and Certifications: Add relevant education and certifications to showcase your qualifications.
  • Portfolio: Upload samples of your previous work to demonstrate your capabilities.
  • Skills Tests: Take Upwork skills tests to validate and showcase your expertise.

3. Select the Right Category and Niche:

  • Choose a category and niche that aligns with your skills and experience.
  • Specializing in a specific area can make you stand out and attract clients looking for experts in that field.

4. Set a Competitive Rate:

  • Research the market to understand the average rates for your skill set.
  • Set an initial rate that is competitive but reflects your expertise and the value you provide.

5. Write Customized Proposals:

  • Carefully read the job description before applying.
  • Craft personalized proposals that address the client's needs and demonstrate your understanding of the project.

6. Highlight Relevant Experience:

  • Emphasize relevant experience in your proposals.
  • Reference specific examples from your portfolio that showcase your ability to deliver on the client's requirements.

7. Build a Solid Portfolio:

  • Continuously update your portfolio with your best and most recent work.
  • Highlight projects that are relevant to the types of jobs you want to attract.

8. Request Client Testimonials:

  • Once you've successfully completed a job, ask clients for testimonials.
  • Positive feedback can significantly enhance your credibility on the platform.

9. Be Responsive and Professional:

  • Respond promptly to client messages.
  • Maintain a professional and courteous communication style.

10. Start Small and Build Up:

  • Consider taking on smaller projects initially to build your Upwork profile and gain positive reviews.
  • As you accumulate positive feedback, you can bid on larger and more lucrative projects.

11. Stay Consistent and Persistent:

  • Consistency is key. Keep bidding on relevant projects regularly.
  • Be persistent, especially when starting, as it may take time to establish yourself on the platform.

12. Network and Engage:

  • Join Upwork communities and participate in discussions.
  • Networking can lead to potential job opportunities and collaborations.

13. Update Your Profile Regularly:

  • Keep your profile up to date with your latest skills, certifications, and projects.
  • Regular updates show that you are actively engaged on the platform.

Improve it, please.