» Forums » Freelancers » 9 out of 10 Score: Cheap Client Postings!
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9 out of 10 Score: Cheap Client Postings!

Start of job post:

"Looking for an economic expert to analyze our case in civil court regarding a litigation that includes but is not limited to;"


End of job post:

"Our budget is limited so please do not expect to be paid what normal experts bill."


-We want the best expert but we want them to accept novice pay!

-We seek an abnormal expert, preferrably someone, who must be an expert, but so desperate that they will reduce their otherwise reasonable market-rate to something much less. 

-Would be 10 out of 10 but for the absence of the usuall "we have more [cheap] work if you do well on this [cheap] project" comment.


Do these clients even realize what they are asking? 

Community Member

Yeah I seen test job looks like that. They required high quality work almost 4 time more it actually cost and that pay low budget and hire multiple. And at the end they still required more quality work because due to low rate they didn't get that work and wasted budget. Instead of that they hire one with market rate budget with high  quality candidate.

Community Member

You have just described 99% of Upwork clients.  

Community Member

I could comment on your example if it were rare. But I'll just leave one more

Posted 5 min ago. Need expert for $0.28/hr. Posted with cheating for search filters ($700 set there) to cover more experts who filtering price range.


Do you think it is a joke and noone will apply? Client hirstory cut:


This job posts are completely ridiculous. They are also the "poster child" of what it's still the current perceptions of online work;

You get greedy clients that believe that online freelancers are so needed that they'll take any kind of payment... and should even be gratefull for it.

You get greedy clients that believe that by lowering the payment they'll still get the best work and the most profit (because hey that's how market works)...  and then complain if the freelancer asks for higher values  (capitalism doesn't apply to freelancers in their view).

And then you get clients that believe that since you work from home you really don't need money, you're some sort of privileged guy, that just does this for fun.


$50 per month???

$0.28 per hour???

I would take that job, if i was living in the eighteen hundreds


What a joke!

A precision budget (you will love this one)



In country even minimum charge is double than this for only 3D and basic part with 1 object so looks unrealistic if posted from US

Community Member

No, of course they don't know what they're asking.

And that tells a lot about the client.

Who, in they're right mind, would want to work for this client? Only unqualified frelancers, that's who.

And i hope that this client hired someone, and i hope that he got the counseling he deserves for the value, so that he'll lose the litigation and then spends tens of thousands on court fees and payments!

i hope that he got the counseling he deserves for the value, so that he'll lose the litigation and then spends tens of thousands on court fees and payments!


Unfortunately, the people who win the suit would likely have to file again, when they don't get paid, and then the discovery might be made that they have no money at all.

Let it drag for years in court... let them spend time and money; it would still be what they deserve

Community Member

I think a lot of them know exactly what they are doing, and that ad probably generated quite a few posts.

No doubt they will find someone for the job.

Community Member

here's a fresh one: this guys think they are going to get a "Marvel - Avengers" quality CGI by $40...

Yep, genius, guru, rockstar, ninja... 

And many of these clients will create a topic soon that the freelancer deceived them and they demand Upwork to immediately return their money and punish the scoundrel or they will go to court.

It's funny that this bozo is asking for not just 3D animation but SOUND DESIGN too.  

You know, sometimes i feel the need to apply to this low paying jobs...

A couple of years ago, on PPH, i got a client that made so many reviews for the kind of plants in the front of the house, and i got so tired that i made a cut-out of a cotton bush and replaced the cotton by a well known guys head (no names per guidelines), and then i asked her if she liked it with a covefe tree... 

This is what i feel i sometimes should do:

- apply to the $5 bucks job

- then wait for the last day of their deadline

- then just send some quick 3 year old child like drawing (the kind it takes 2 minutes to do with wax crayons)

"Hey man this is what you get for the  $5 bucks "

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