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Sudden Decline in Orders, Invitations, and Interviews - Seeking Advice

Hello Upwork Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out with a concern regarding a sudden halt in the flow of orders, invitations, and interview calls on the platform.
I recently faced a challenging situation with a client where, despite delivering work up to the agreed-upon scope due to the project exceeding my expertise, I received a one-star review. Following this, I've observed a drastic decline in incoming orders, interviews, and invitations. My Job Success Score has also dropped to 76%.

This decline has been unexpected and concerning, and I'm seeking advice or insights from the community on potential strategies to recover from this setback. I've ensured that my profile is complete and up-to-date, and I continue to submit tailored proposals for relevant jobs. However, the lack of response or visibility has been persistent.

I would greatly appreciate any advice, suggestions, or shared experiences that could help me understand and potentially overcome this situation. Thank you all for your time and assistance.

Best regards,
Muhammad Numan

Community Member

It looks like your writing is AI generated (and your profile photo too). That might be costing you more clients than the 1-star review.

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It is not related. Clients gone, no more works here. Not your fault, don't worry.

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It looks like your writing is AI generated (and your profile photo too). That might be costing you more clients than the 1-star review.

Thank you so much for highlighting that my profile description is written by AI. Actually, I wanted my profile description to be more structure so I asked AI to do it for me and I just made some adustments and updated my profile description. I really appreciate your valuable comment and I will be writing and updating my profile description manually by myself, now.

Secondly, I have never changed my profile picture since I created this account. so, the picture is not the problem but the real problem is the USE of AI for my profile description. 

Can you please check my profile and tell my if there is anything I need to improve on except profile descriptions. Thank you again and appreciate your valuable feedback.

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