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Suspended Client Profile, Fake Milestone, Extra 30 Hours of Free Work, Project Finished - No Payment

Hello, I'm new on Upwork. This was a very good experience for me. I'm aware I've made a lot of mistakes. Yet, even now, in the situation I'm stuck in, I'm in dire need of help. I aim to avoid further mistakes and not to damage my account credibility. I would so appreciate it if you would read to the end carefully and guide me, suggesting my next best steps. These are my concerns, in order of priority:

  1. I want my Rising Talent badge. I couldn't get this because of this client. I don't want their deceptive behavior (fake profile review from his coworker + fake milestone contract) to allow them to leave a bad review on my profile. I've tripled the agreed-upon hours and worked for free; it's not fair for this client to tarnish my reputation and cost me my right to the Rising Talent badge, which I really need.
  2. The client should be suspended for their fake profile review and for sending a fake milestone contract. I accepted because I'm inexperienced, but they sent it intentionally to avoid paying escrow. (Details in the story. I know accepting the milestone is my fault, but their milestone is very fake from a very objective perspective. The milestone is called "Test" and it's 5$ for the 700$ project.). Not just the client's profile, but also their coworker's profile who gave them a fake 5-star review.
  3. To receive the payment for the project that I've finished.
  4. I actually want to leave a very bad review for this client for taking advantage of my inexperience and for the extra 30+ hours of work I've put in for free. But I don't know how it's fair to ask them not to write feedback, while somehow I write feedback and warn other Upwork workers about this threat.


I belong to a team, and we call ourselves a startup. My responsibility is to support our team by developing my Upwork account and completing qualified jobs. Therefore, feedback is very important to me as I represent my team. As this project got more complicated and I invested more time into it to avoid bad feedback, I'm totally drained. After putting in an extra 20 free hours into the project and client communication, I included one of my team members in the project "with the permission of my client". This time, two people were investing their time and research to please them and avoid bad feedback. We have repeatedly told them we have spent many more hours than agreed upon, to show our willingness to solve the problem and our dedication and professionalism. But they have exploited our need for feedback and goodwill, effectively getting free work. It was agreed to be 16 hours of work. We have put in an extra 30 hours into the project. The system they have now is worth a lot. We have completed the project; everything they asked for is finished. But now they have decided only the last part of the system is too expensive for them. They thought they could use some applications without paying for them and want us to find a workaround for that particular feature (I don't mention project details as I think it's confidential and not allowed), without paying for these apps.


I've sent them an honest message. First of all, they somehow need to pay. I can't pull out the information they want by cheating. But okay, if you want, I'll research and find a cheaper option, and code your system according to the new system from the beginning for the needed parts only. I suggested adding 5 hours to the contract. So far, all the extra time, 30 hours, came from our side for free. But I can't take it anymore. This is our job, and we are trying to live our life. They didn't answer; when we contacted them, they gave excuses like they are traveling and don't have time to see. Now, because of no action on their side, Upwork sent us an email that there is no action; the project will be canceled, and the client will take the escrow back (the fake milestone they put for $5). Their system is finished. We have completed the job; now, they want us to update without paying extra. At this point, I have no idea what to be sad about. The whole story started because I needed a Rising Talent badge, so I wanted to show my best at the beginning of my journey on Upwork. Now, Upwork didn't give us that badge because we didn't complete this big job for a very long time, even though very small accounts can get it, but I can't, even with other good jobs I had. Not just concerned for the $700 we can't get, but also the extra 30 hours we have spent for free. My first Upwork journey was full of mistakes. They sent me a contract with a milestone titled "test" for $5. They literally tricked the Upwork milestone feature. It's a $700 job; we never talked about a test. I accepted the contract because I'm inexperienced, but they did this intentionally. Now, more experienced, I know they tricked me and lied to the Upwork system; I feel left empty-handed.


As our team and our startup are now opening a company in the US, and we want to connect it with an Upwork agency. We are growing and building step by step as we already have a few but big and loyal clients outside of Upwork. So, I came to Upwork to accelerate our startup even more and use the power of Upwork, but so far, it was a bit of a bad investment for us. We want to continue with the agency, though, just stuck on how we should proceed here. I'd so appreciate it if someone experienced on Upwork could give me some advice. I really don't want this client to leave bad feedback on our profile. I want the money for the job I've finished. I'd also want to get paid for the extra free hours I've put in, but at least that's impossible for sure. As I again become more experienced on Upwork, I've seen the client's profile is completely empty. There is only one rating from their coworker. They have given each other 5-star reviews for their profiles as friends and coworkers. I know this is also illegal on Upwork. What to do now?


(P.S. All the work and codes are on my account, so they don't have this. What they have is only my research. I've made more than 20+ market research and 10+ product tests to fit the products as they need. I finally found them. They know the names of the products. They can't have the code, but I've searched and tested dozens of apps for them for free, which took longer than writing the code.)


Extra: Just today, while I was writing this forum post, I saw this message when I tried to view our message history with the client: “Upwork has detected a potential risk with the content of this message. XXXXX does not currently have access to Upwork and will not receive messages until access is restored.”

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Hi Boss, I have recieved a message very interestengly, But I'm a regular and fresher to your organization. I need your help by these Account for moving into the future goal. I have to do...

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Now, you need to read and follow the Terms of Service. There is no way to get your money, because you didn't have a real, Upwork contract. Take this as a lesson learned and make sure you don't do it again. Use the link to the Academy at the top of the page to learn how to safely use the platform.


If you work on your profile, and make it look professional, it will help deter scammers.

Thanks to you, 

I do the best of being moral on the right path.

I've read through all the legal pages after this event. Now, all I want is to protect my account's reputation, nothing else. How could a suspended scammer account, which uses Upwork illegally, have the right to jeopardize my Rising Talent badge? They tricked both me and Upwork's policies; I'm the one who worked for free, yet they still have the right to affect my account. I've sent a support ticket and am waiting for an answer.

Thank you so much for the advices and explanations.

As a freelancer, you are responsible for everything that happens.


The Rising Talent badge doesn't seem to matter much for the freelancers I have worked with, and for the statistics I keep. Instead of worrying about it, focus on writing amazing proposals, and fixing your profile, which needs a lot of work.


The client didn't send a fake contract. You need to understand this. If you don't, you will be back here on the next job. It is your responsibility to ensure the contract reads exactly as you wish. It must contain everything that matters - scope of job, revisions, details of revisions, duration, deadline, money to be paid, job funded, and everything concerning the job. Yes, the client is a likely a scammer, but you made the error of accepting it without reading it through. I'm not being mean, but this was your fault, and not Upwork's. The good thing is, you can learn from this, and now you know why there are rules, and you need to follow them. Sure, Upwork doesn't want anyone to make money where they don't get the connects and their cut, but by following the Terms of Service, you won't be scammed, either. Yes, the client took advantage of you being new and inexperienced. Don't let anyone do it again.


Upwork won't suspend a client unless they have blatantly broken the big rules in the Terms. However, the client's payment method probably is invalid. Even if the client owed you money, you wouldn't get it because the card number is likely stolen.


I'm not sure what you mean about a suspended scammer account. If Upwork removed them from the platform, it wasn't for giving you a $5.00 contract instead of what you wanted.


I suggest you spend some time outside of Upwork, researching the best business practices. You are new to this realm, and you need to understand the risks associated with freelancing in an online environment. Upwork is no different from a random chat room. You have no idea who you are talking to, why they are there, or what they intend to do. Every client must be assumed to be a scammer until you prove otherwise.


Please read this post, and follow every link. It will take you through all the information you need to know to safely use the platform. Pay special attention to the Terms of Service and the Red Flags on Scams. Do not even look at jobs or accept an invitation before you learn. You have to protect yourself, and your employees, etc. because no one, including Upwork, will do it for you.


It's unfortunate this happened, and while the client tried to take advantage, they couldn't have without you accepting it. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but you have to understand your part in this, so you never repeat it.


Learn through the information I have given you, and talk to your employees, etc. honestly. There is no money owed through the contract. The client is likely a scammer, so who would pay? Certainly not the person whose card was stolen, nor the bank, nor Upwork.


If you have solid, marketable skills, money to run the business, buy connects, etc. and the other qualities it takes to successfully freelance, you can have a good career. Somehow, you have to put this behind you and move on.



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