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Upwork Biased Ruling.

I'm a really disturbed fella, A client offered me a contract, and told me to accept the contract so that we can start the job the following day, I accepted the contract, appreciated him and gave him my assurance that I will dedicate myself to give him the best. But the following day when I woke up, the client had cancelled the contract overnight and blocked me without any notice or communication. I realized he had also hired other 6 freelancers for the same job and canceled their contract too and probaly blocked them without any communications. 


This unethical, unprofessional and inhumane behaviour from this client lowered my JSS from 91% to 80%, this was realy devastating and gutting.  But here is what is more shocking; upon flagging this job and contacting Upwork they have told me everything was good and there is nothing wrong. I know it is an unjust world, but how can Upwork allow such an unprofessional client to jeopardize freelancers credibility by hiring them and canceling their contract overnight without any necessary reason to do so? Has the world become an animal farm, where all animals are equal but some are more equal than others? I am literally damned  right now and there is probably nothing I can do now, so guys I need any advice that can keep me going.

Community Member

Well, a client can change his mind. Neither we or you know the reasons why he didn't need the work anymore. 

Since you earned no money on the contract, even if he left negative private feedback, the effect of your JSS should be nil, as far as I understand, since feedback is weighed by dollar value. 

I haven't closed any other contract. So, this was the contract that lowered my JSS. It is very disheartening for such a malice action by this unprofessional client to affect my JSS.

Community Member

Clients are allowed to cancel a contract at any time. Freelancers are allowed to cancel a contract at any time.


This is a good thing. This is freelancing.


Did you have a question about any of this?

This is not a good thing at all! Upwork can't allow a client to hire 8 freelancers and cancel the contracts overnight without any necesary reason to so! It is like a young infant playing with his toys, I thought we were all professional out here? How can Upwork allow this unprofessional behaviour to affect freelancers credibility, a credibilty we have earned through hardwork and sacrifice?

Hi Paul,


I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience you've had. Our team will investigate this further and will take proper actions if any violations are found. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran, I know you value clients more than freelancers but for once just listen to a freelancer! I am the bold one enough to speak out from this traumatic and discrimantory encounter, but 7 other freelancer are suffering in silence. Please investigate this throughly, and please don't put profits before professionalism, integrity and justice. If you are just enough you will sanction this client, he is only out to destroy freelancers credibility, a credibility we have earned! This client has no reviews or feedback meaning he has been a pain in the ass to every freelancer he has encountered, Please let justice prevail!

This is a very touching story. I hope Upwork will investigate it thoughtfully and make the just call. I am very eager to know the outcome.

Community Member

Paul M wrote:

This unethical, unprofessional and inhumane behaviour from this client lowered my JSS from 91% to 80%..

Why do you think that it was that contract that affected your JSS? Also, I think you want to adjust your idea of "inhumane" and "unethical" - Clients can end contracts at any time. Freelancers can, too. There is nothing unethical, let alone inhumane about that...


I have no idea where you see an "bias"?  Bias against whom? 


Paul M wrote:

 But here is what is more shocking; upon flagging this job and contacting Upwork they have told me everything was good and there is nothing wrong. 

What did you expect them to do about it?


Paul M wrote:

I am literally damned  right now and there is probably nothing I can do now, so guys I need any advice that can keep me going.

You are not "damned", don't be so over-dramatic!


Complete future contracts perfectly and make sure your clients are happy. That way you can fix your JSS.

I thought this client was everthing wrong with the human race, but it turns out that people can't see the malice in this inhumane and unprofessional behaviour! I can't believe that anybody with a rational mind and thinking can defend a client who hires 8 freelancers and cancels their contracts overnight and subsequently affect their JSS. I had build a good reputation with my clients, that had earned me a good JSS of 91%, I still believe that I will still build on from 80%. But from this encounter I have learned that HUMANITY is DEAD!

Paul M wrote:

I thought this client was everthing wrong with the human race, but it turns out that people can't see the malice in this inhumane and unprofessional behaviour! I can't believe that anybody with a rational mind and thinking can defend a client who hires 8 freelancers and cancels their contracts overnight and subsequently affect their JSS. I had build a good reputation with my clients, that had earned me a good JSS of 91%, I still believe that I will still build on from 80%. But from this encounter I have learned that HUMANITY is DEAD!

If this small matter destroyed your belief in humanity, you really really must lower your standards. I don't know how you get through a regular day?

If you were on the recieving end of this inhumane encounter, you would probably feel the pain I feel! And Upwork siding with this client just added to my wounds. TRUTH, JUSTICE and LIBERTY are not just mere words, they are perspectives! And Humanity is dead where these perspectives are denied!



You, like me, are Business Owners that provide freelance services to clients. 


You, like me, are subject to clients changing their minds, without warning or notice.


You, like me, are treated unfairly more times than we care to think about.


You, like me, shake our heads and fists for unjust actions taken against us.


You, like me, get back up and move forward and are thankful we get to do what we do.


You, like me, remind ourselves, nobody, and I mean nobody will stop us from succeeding.


You, like me, are  Business Owners that provide freelance services to clients. 

Hello Woodrow,


Thank you for the motivating words, at least I am now convinced that all is not lost with humanity. Even if Upwork won't act just enough, I will carry myself and work with what I have at least that is the best I can do now.

Paul M wrote:

Hello Woodrow,


Thank you for the motivating words, at least I am now convinced that all is not lost with humanity. Even if Upwork won't act just enough, I will carry myself and work with what I have at least that is the best I can do now.

As your colleague, I would expect nothing less from you.


Much success to you!

Community Member

I'm sorry, but considering how the world REALLY is outside of Upwork, how do you manage to go through each day exactly? If that occurrence got you so bothered to the point you are now rejecting human nature and see everything through a machiavellian lens, is it that you never leave your screen? And you never read the news? Because I mean...the theatrics here are strong.

Paul M.,


You are right to complain so bitterly about this particular client (or at least this particular project and the client's actions).


His behavior, as you describe it, is not in the spirit of professional ethics. Canceling a project so quickly may have been necessary, but not communicating the reasons to you was unprofessional. A simple note of explanation and then blocking communication from all freelancers involved might have been a better approach.


Just because something is possible and allowed under Upwork's rules does not make it OK to actually do it.


However, although Upwork can't make rules about every possible action by a freelancer or client that occurs over the at least 800,000 projects that are undertaken by freelancers on Upwork each year; just plain regard for others is part of every successful contract - social or legal.


But if this was, in fact, the cause of such a substantial drop in your JSS then Upwork needs to take specific action beyond what's its algorithms provide for. (I've never had a project - zero dollar or otherwise - cancelled in this way. Can you leave feedback for this client?)


Good luck with your future projects!

Hello Will, I am glad that you can see the unprofessionalism in this client's behaviour. I am literally gutted that a client who I didn't earn a penny from can have this huge impact on my JSS, just becuse he was probably egoistic enough to cancel the contract overnight and block me without any necessary reason. I mean, how is Upwork allowing such a client to get away with such an unprofessional and inhumane behaviour? and he did this to 7 other freelancers who are probably scared to come forward.


I wish you the very best too, thanks for raising your voice! 

Community Member

Dear Paul,


I am very sorry to hear that this client's unprofessional behavior has affected your JSS that I know that we as freelancers work hard to earn!


I have myself been on the receiving end of gaining a lowered JSS from a client ending a contract due to miscommunication on behalf of the client. Like you have said, this is very unfair and I believe that everyone would be better off if Upwork changed their regulations to not allowing canceled contracts that do not contain any work to determine the JSS of freelancers!


I hope that Upwork will investigate your case further and that you get back your hard-earned JSS and I also hope that Upwork can look into changing their regulations as per proposed above"!

Hello Karin, thanks for speaking out against unprofessional and egoistic clients. It is unfortunate that you have encounterd one yourself.


It is time for Upwork to adjust regulations and put more sanctions on inhumane clients inoder to protect hardworking and competent freelancers credibility.

Have you considered a career in acting, Paul?

Honestly I don't know if some freelancers are on Upwork's payroll to intimidate fellow freelancers who are seeking justice after being victimised and discriminated by egoistic and unprofessional clients!

How can any rational thinking human being not see the inhumanity when a client I didn't earn a penny from lowers my JSS from 91% to 80% without any necessary reason? I am I the only one who see malice in this inhumane act?
Community Member

Paul M wrote:
Honestly I don't know if some freelancers are on Upwork's payroll to intimidate fellow freelancers who are seeking justice after being victimised and discriminated by egoistic and unprofessional clients!

How can any rational thinking human being not see the inhumanity when a client I didn't earn a penny from lowers my JSS from 91% to 80% without any necessary reason? I am I the only one who see malice in this inhumane act?

First, you have zero proof that the canceled contract is the reason for your JSS decrease. You have presented only speculation. 


Second, based on that speculation you have accused the client of all kinds of wrongdoing at a level usually associated with war crimes and similar atrocitiies. That you have such a limited perspective on what constitutes inhumane treatment implies that you have very poor judgment and thus, causes others to question your credibility. The fact that you immediately attempt ad hominen attacks when challenged further erodes your credibility. 


Third, business transactions are contractual in nature. There is no humanity or justice or liberty. There is only the terms of the contract. You agreed to the terms of Upwork's contract when you began working here. If you seek redress, take them to court and see how a judge will respond to your hyperbole. If they are like me, they will find it to be insulting in light of the genuine human suffering that occurs in the world. 




Community Member

I have every proof that the cancelled contract is what lowered my JSS from 91% to 80% because that's the only contract that closed recently on my account.

Secondly, any client who hires 8 freelancer and cancels their contract overnight and blocks them without any notice or communication has no humanity in his or her soul! This is terrorising freelancers and destorying their hard earned reputation without any necessary reason to do so.

But I have put my case to bed, I know I will never get justice on this, it is their game their rules! I will build again from the ashes! Even broken crayons still colour. I forgive him, and I forgive Upwork for being coconspirators and failing to act justly!

Paul M wrote:
I have every proof that the cancelled contract is what lowered my JSS from 91% to 80% because that's the only contract that closed recently on my account.

Secondly, any client who hires 8 freelancer and cancels their contract overnight and blocks them without any notice or communication has no humanity in his or her soul! This is terrorising freelancers and destorying their hard earned reputation without any necessary reason to do so.

But I have put my case to bed, I know I will never get justice on this, it is their game their rules! I will build again from the ashes! Even broken crayons still colour. I forgive him, and I forgive Upwork for being coconspirators and failing to act justly!

Your forgiveness is duly noted. (I have no idea how you know that he hired 7 other people and then canceled. You can't know that unless you talked to them.)

In his job posting he hired 8 freelancer, after one day from his job in progress all the freelancers were gone! You don't the IQ of a rocket science engineer to know that he probably cancelled their contract overnight and blocked them without any reason like he did to me!

Those freelancers are not bold enough to come forward they're probably suffering in silence from this inhumane action from an egoistic and unprofessional client who has probably turned Upwork his playing field and Upwork have given him all the liberty to do so! And out here fellow freelancers are doing everything to disregard my claim for justice. What a baffling world we live in?

Paul M wrote:
In his job posting he hired 8 freelancer, after one day from his job in progress all the freelancers were gone! You don't the IQ of a rocket science engineer to know that he probably cancelled their contract overnight and blocked them without any reason like he did to me!

Those freelancers are not bold enough to come forward they're probably suffering in silence from this inhumane action from an egoistic and unprofessional client who has probably turned Upwork his playing field and Upwork have given him all the liberty to do so! And out here fellow freelancers are doing everything to disregard my claim for justice. What a baffling world we live in?

As you have been told, you are being too dramatic about all of this.

I don't know if this will be possible, but couldn't it be that client canceled the contract with you but not with the others?
Does anyone know if this could be so?

Paul M wrote:
In his job posting he hired 8 freelancer, after one day from his job in progress all the freelancers were gone! You don't the IQ of a rocket science engineer to know that he probably cancelled their contract overnight and blocked them without any reason like he did to me!

For what it's worth, open jobs with no payment yet don't always (or maybe ever?) show on the job post's jobs in progress. I just confirmed that on a job post I was recently hired for but that has had  no payment yet—it's not listed in the client's jobs in progress even though it's on my open contracts page. So, the fact that the jobs are not showing on that client's list now does not mean that they were closed.

Paul M wrote:
I have every proof that the cancelled contract is what lowered my JSS from 91% to 80% because that's the only contract that closed recently on my account.

What day was this job closed?

Hi Paul, lets get this straight . Everyone understands that you're pained by such behaviour and its normal to feel that way. This is life, people do alot of funny stuffs and still get away with it. 


You are a professional service provider so let it slide as you have laid out your disappointment, move on with the other projects that you have and keep delivering good results as usual. 


If every freelancer tell thier disappointment story here, you would see that alot of things happen to all, but sometimes we need to just count them as "loss" and brace up to get the best ones ahead. 


I feel for you and don't support such actions from clients but let it slide and move on. 



Wish you and every one here more success.

Hi fortune, I have put my case to bed, I know I will never get justice on this, it is their game their rules! I will build again from the ashes! Even broken crayons still colour. I forgive him, and I forgive Upwork for being coconspirators and failing to act justly!

Paul M wrote:
Honestly I don't know if some freelancers are on Upwork's payroll to intimidate fellow freelancers who are seeking justice after being victimised and discriminated by egoistic and unprofessional clients!

How can any rational thinking human being not see the inhumanity when a client I didn't earn a penny from lowers my JSS from 91% to 80% without any necessary reason? I am I the only one who see malice in this inhumane act?

Even your headline is wrong. There was no ruling from upwork since there ain't no case. 

Just leave a note in your profile description, stating why your JSS is low. Just one sentence, you don't need to be too analytic or too dramatic. 80% is not the end of the world. You can recover very quickly with a couple of good contracts. Close 1-2 of your running contracts if they are not needed. If the client did the same to 8 freelancers, maybe Upwork will take some action and remove the effect of his action to your JSS.

Hi Ioannis, very true "80% is not the end of the world". I don't think Upwork will take any action at all. They're in client's defence because it looks like he is some high profiled guy and we know that in such a case justice will never prevail....The only thing I can do is to accept, move on and try to build from the ashes! But hopefully we will live in a Just world someday, a world where TRUTH and JUSTICE are not just words!

Paul M wrote:
Hi Ioannis, very true "80% is not the end of the world". I don't think Upwork will take any action at all. They're in client's defence because it looks like he is some high profiled guy and we know that in such a case justice will never prevail....The only thing I can do is to accept, move on and try to build from the ashes! But hopefully we will live in a Just world someday, a world where TRUTH and JUSTICE are not just words!


Paul, no one is denying that it's a crappy situation. But you really don't know much about what happened on the client side. 


The client hired you, decided not to work with you, and left whatever feedback he felt privately. This is not a crime. It's not injustice. We've ALL had a bad contract situation where we had little control and took a hit as a result. 


If we talk about truth, you were at 91% prior to this. That is hanging on by a thread to being above 90%. You've had numerous contracts, so at least a few of your clients would not recommend you. For whatever reason, there is something going on with the clients you pick that's leading to a poor JSS. THAT is where you need to focus your energy. What red flags are you missing when you select clients that is leading you to select clients who rate you poorly privately? 


Focus on what you can change, not what you can't. No crime has been committed here. You got a bad review. It happens. Live, learn, do better. 

Hi Amanda, the encounter has devastated me honestly. The client hired me and I was yet to begin working the next day but overnight he cancels the contract and blocks me without any communications, this sounds very unprofessional to me, sounds like an action driven purely by hate and malice, maybe he just wanted to hire me and destory my hard earned JSS which ultimately he did, because after this malice action my JSS lowered from 91% to 80%.

Just imagine a client you didn't earn a penny from cancelling your contract overnight and blocking you, yet you aren't at any fault and this affect your JSS tremendously, it lowers it by 11%, everyone would be gutted by this inhumane encounter!

Hi Paul,


Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about your experience with a client. I see that you are already communicating with our support team via a ticket here. One of our team members will reach out to you as soon as possible to assist you further. Please don't hesitate to follow up with them on your support ticket if you have additional questions regarding your concern. 


Thank you.



Hi Pradeep,

Thanks for your reply, I hope Upwork will let justice prevail! You can't allow a client to hire freelancers and cancel their contracts overnight and block them without any necessary reason to do so. This inhumane act is only terrorising and demoralising freelancers! And subsequently destorying our JSS a JSS we have earned through hardwork and sacrifice!

Please also adjust your algorithms accordingly, don't let them be that biased! How can a client I didn't earn a penny from lower my JSS by 11% yet I wasn't at any fault for the client canceling the contract?

Ioannis T wrote:

Just leave a note in your profile description, stating why your JSS is low. Just one sentence, you don't need to be too analytic or too dramatic. 80% is not the end of the world. You can recover very quickly with a couple of good contracts. Close 1-2 of your running contracts if they are not needed. If the client did the same to 8 freelancers, maybe Upwork will take some action and remove the effect of his action to your JSS.

I would not recommend doing this at all. It looks defensive and argumentative. Not a good look on a profile. Since Paul is unwilling to disclose the exact timing of when the contract was closed, it is hard to say what really happened. There is a very good chance he is completely misinformed. 

I am not misinformed at all! I have even carried out a background check on the client and the client has an ongoing lawsuit and guess which lawsuit? One of his former employee sued him for wrong termination, even off Upwork this fella is **Edited for Community Guidelines**! I wanted to share everything about this client and post a link to his job posting, so that everybody can see how unprofessional this client is, unfortunately I don't wanna do this, I don't wanna act out of hate and malice like he did! 


All in all, I hope that Upwork won't allow this unethical and unprofessional client to terrorize more  freelancers out here! They have to stand against such clients with a bad track record of engagement! I would really hate other freelancers to go through what I went through!

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