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how do I view a Client profile

I have tried clicking on their name but it does not take me to a client profile page. I want to be able to view their profile and all the information related to it. 


Hi Cheka,


Thank you for reaching out to us. The clients don't have a profile to display but you can find relevant information about the client when you check their job posting and proceed to the "About the Client" section. You will see information such as their general location, hire rate, and whether their payment method is verified or not.

~ AJ

hi my name is naushad..i am trying from last 2 years to get my first jobs but we can do job only job posting after that client are no repying 



Community Member

Rubbish. Before choosing to work for a client, I want to know what kind of organization they are. Am I familiar with their industry? Do their values align with mine? Only being able to see their location, job history and vague industry **Edited for Community Guidelines**. How am I to make a decision on whether or not I should apply for a project? Perhaps I could ask the client, but now that it costs (connects) to apply for a project that doesn't make sense.


Unfortunately not knowing the client will keep me from using the platform.

You have a match here 😀

Hi Patrick,


I do appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and concern. I understand that it can be difficult to make an informed decision when applying for a project without knowing all about the client. I will share your suggestions with the relevant team so that we can improve the information available to freelancers when applying for projects.


In the meantime, you can learn more about the client by viewing their profile 'About the Client' section and Client's recent job history sections on their job posts. You can also reach out to the client directly to ask any questions you may have. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


- Pradeep

Community Member

Wait a sec. Another mod said "The clients don't have a profile to display" and you say "In the meantime, you can learn more about the client by viewing their profile [...]" Interesting but explains a lot of confusion created on the forum by the mods.


I personally agree with Patrick. Clients can view our profiles freely then we should have the right to view their profiles too. Perhaps if you force creating profile by the client, it will scare away many lazy scammers that exist only for the sole purpose of trolling and making people spend connects as they usually don't posses the ability to write in a correct and professional way so they wouldn't bother with creating legitimate profile. If they see my profile photo, my work history, earnings etc, then I demand to see these details about them, so I can make informed decision if I want to work with them or not. For years I have been asking for this feature, no idea how much Upwork must lose in yearly earnings to finally introduce fair rules for both freelancers and clients.

Hi Olga,


Apologies for the confusion. I was referring to the 'About the Client' and the Client's job history sections to learn more about the client. I have corrected my response above to include the correct information. 


I do appreciate you taking the time to share your concern with us and I would like to assure you that this is already shared with the relevant team. 


- Pradeep

Community Member

"About the Client" is not the same as freelancer's profile. You may want to consult freelancers in this subject and see how we respond. I will repeat: clients see my profile photo, my work history, my earnings (unless I hide them but I do not do it since I refuse to pay for membership, as per my decision not to spend more than I absolutely have to on the platform), portfolio, other clients' feedback. I want to see the exact same things about the client: their photo (or the photo of the person in charge if it is company), company/client location, their work history with details, feedback, their company history/individual history in a form of list of achievements/completed projects/etc., also some short bio that we also write in our freelancer profiles. You have no idea apparently how many fakes, frauds, criminals, bots and scammers would this chase away, and despite panic of losing money, this would only benefit the platform in the long run, since if we implement fair rules, people that PLAY FAIR will more likely come here to find work/freelancer.

Hi Pradeep,

And where do I find the reviews of the client made by freelancers if this client contacts me directly without creating a job proposal? Thank you

Hi Sofiia,


I'm afraid that unless the client has posted a job, you won't be able to see details of reviews left by other freelancers. I recognize this isn't ideal, and I'll gladly share your feedback with the team for consideration. 

~ Luiggi

Where can we see jobs posted by a client? For example, I was direct messaged by a potential client. I can see in his About section that he has one job listing open. How can I see that open job posting, and then reviews by former freelancers? I agree, it is scary replying to clients when I can't really see anything about them. Especially with cybersecurity getting so serious. For my own security, I need to know who I am speaking to!!

I guess one option would be to ask the client to create a job post and invite us to it, so we could see their history of participation with other freelancers under that job post. 

Community Member

When a client reaches out with a direct message, is there any way to see their feedback from prior contracts? I know I can view the overall star ratings and total spent on the righthand column, but I would like to also check out the written feedback if possible. I had a prospective client reach out with a 1.8/5 rating over multiple contracts and no additional context. Is this information only visible on their current open job posts, if they have any?

Yes, you're correct that you can only see the overall star ratings and total spent on a client's profile page. Unfortunately, access to detailed written feedback from prior contracts isn't directly available when a client reaches out with a direct message.

If a client has left written feedback on their past contracts, you can view it by clicking on the "Reviews" tab on their profile page. However, if the client hasn't left any public feedback or if it's not visible due to privacy settings, you may not be able to access it.

In cases where you're uncertain about a client's history or if their overall rating raises concerns, it's a good practice to proceed with caution and consider asking the client for more information about their project and expectations before committing to any work. Additionally, you can search for any job postings they may have to see if there's any additional context provided in those listings.

Ultimately, it's important to weigh all available information and make an informed decision about whether to proceed with a potential client based on your own comfort level and risk tolerance.

Even though this seems basic, I'm surprised we can't view the client's full profile when they directly message us. I tried tackling this issue with no success, Nicole. That said, this client's rating doesn't seem encouraging at all and isn't worth the risk, in my opinion. 


Good luck


What if connect points only reduced when the client accept our offer and not when we applying?

Yeah, I agree as well. It's always been this structure on Upwork that the client has more freedom on viewing freelancers profiles while it takes many loops just to find out even just minimal information on the client for the freelancer. 

Not applicable

 For years I have been asking for this feature, no idea how much Upwork must lose in yearly


You're wrong! Upwork is benefiting big time from this! After all, those connections lost by freelancers cost money! That's why they're taking part in this scam. And I wonder, or in fact I'm sure, that they are the ones who wind this mechanism. Because give me one reason why someone in Pakistan, Poland or India places a job order and doesn't hire anyone, without even looking through the job application? What is the interest in this? Now look at it from a different perspective. Who will pay the Man in the Indies $3 to open 10 such accounts and apply for 30 job vacancies? 12 connections for one. 30 x 12 x 30 frellaner = 10800 connections! $1,620. For someone in India, $3 is 1/10 of their monthly income! and for Upwork it is $1,617 - and here I see the sense and explanation why Upwork does not remove old and outdated job offers.

This is irrelevant. We're talking about client's profiles, not fake "jobs" they post (which UW encourages but that's another discussion somewhere on the forum).

Community Member

I think the reason there are no client profiles to view is that Upwork is afraid they will be bombarded with freelancers requesting jobs.

Community Member

Bs. No need for the freelancer to contact the client directly. I'm sure even student could come up with a simple code allowing us to view client's profile without "message" button. It's just laziness and unfair "rules".

Community Member

Agree with Patrick. This is unfair for the freelancer, by knowing at first what kind of client we are about to connect is important. I'm new member in Upwork but I have found some client who seems not serious with their project offer, not even login for several days, even a month then the project no longer available. I mean as freelancer we also need to know how serious the project owner is so at least knowing a bit of their profile will help freelancer too. Hopefully someday that feature will come without hidden agenda (spending connect just to see client profile).

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