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Profile review

Please check out my profile anf let me know what is wrong that I'm not wble to secure interviews or invites

Community Member



Your profile, alone, will not necessarily ensure you get interviews or invites. Competion is high, so even with a great profile, there are other factors that determine how much attention you get on Upwork.


I think your profile looks good. Your summary sounds good too, but I think you can enhance the first part of your summary by removing the emojis, and focusing on the text. For example:


Master 3D Modeler with 4+ years of experience in creating stunning visuals and animations that can help boost your product sales by over 30%. I specialize in Motion Graphics, Product Rendering, Animation, 3D Rendering, 3D Modeling, and 3D Animation.


I recommend removing emojis because they provide no value to clients. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-250 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space (approximately two short sentences) to get their attention. You want to squeeze as many important words as possible into this small space. Emojis can waste much of that space.


Your portfolio, skills list, project catalog, certifications, and employment history look great.


You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on specific 3D modeling/rendering services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Clark S,

that's great advice and I have implemented it too so I was wondering if you could check again that I have done it right or if I can do something better with it and what else I should add to stand out of the crowd, please  have a closer look on my profile picture cause I think it's not a good one, just conscious

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