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Stan's avatar
Stan G Community Manager

Announcing new, simpler fees on Upwork

Today we introduced two key pricing changes: on May 3, 2023, we are retiring our sliding scale fee structure and introducing a 10% service fee for all freelancers, and on April 26, 2023, we are implementing a one-time contract initiation fee for clients of up to $4.95 per contract. Click here for the full announcement.


Please share your questions and feedback in the thread below.

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Sophie's avatar
Sophie A Community Member

So, for a freelancer who already brought a $10,000 contract (for which Upwork got $1050 in service fees) you remove the 5% fee and will raise it to 10% at the end of 2023? Quite an incentive to keep ยซserious paying clientsยป on the platform.

Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Sophie, Denis and others,

We will be continuing the 5% service fee through the end of 2023 on contracts that are already eligible, in order to give freelancers like you time to adjust to this new fee structure and to adjust their own rates, work strategies, and contract selections accordingly.


In many cases, freelancers on Upwork will see simplified and reduced fees as a result of this change. 


The new fee structure will also simplify freelancer processes:

  • Freelancers wonโ€™t have to track tiers on contracts to determine how much they will earn each week
  • Freelancers wonโ€™t have to calculate fees for multiple tiers when determining pricing for a contract.
  • Calculating year-end revenue and expenses may be easier to do once all contracts have the same freelancer service fee percentage
~ Valeria
Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

None of that is helpful, but thanks for the corporate spiel. I will be figuring out how to move my 2+ year clients off platform before I lose my 5% fees with them as well. Doesn't make any sense to give up that much money after 2 years. And yes, for some of us it will be thousands of dollars in loss. Do not preach to me about adjusting my rates or my business model. We can all see Upwork is becoming a glorified temp agency. This move simply validates that. 

Sofia's avatar
Sofia V Community Member

I'm with you here, it's thousands in loss for me too! I've been on this platform for 7 years, and this is how they reward loyalty. 

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



What about the freelancers that have earned more than you and this is a pay raise for them?

Kelly's avatar
Kelly B Community Member

what about lower the rate for the first $500 to 10% but keep the rate for those of us with long term clients at 5%?

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Upwork lost $89 million last year and needs to become profitable therefore there are only so many fee cuts possible.

Michele's avatar
Michele G Community Member

So your company managed to lose 89mln DESPITE all the changes that you introduced throughout the last 4 years (paying for connects, auctions, etc.) and we have to pay for it?! 


Have you tried considering the idea that the reason why you keep losing money is that freelancers are moving to better marketplaces?

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



I am an Expert freelancer on this site who has completed $900,000 with 350 jobs in the past five years.


Why do you FEEL that Upwork is losing money by freelancers leaving?


Did you know that there are 4,000,000 active freelancers to 800,000 active clients on this site per quarter. In my opinion, we need the majority of the freelancers to leave.

Michele's avatar
Michele G Community Member

Yeah, "how do you do, fellow kids".


It's just a guess, but if there are different answers to how the company managed to lose money despite the extra costs that they added for us in the last years, I'll be happy to hear them.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Even with these 10% fees Upwork is less than the 20% fees from the other major competitor.


I would much rather have 10% than 20% anyday.


Fees that are too low are not sustainable.


I have always Upskilled for the past 25 years as a freelancer and continue to increase my rates regardless of the platform.

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

We don't care about you or your experience, William. It seems like you have an illusion that you have the right to teach us, which is quite hilarious.

Your position is clear: "Stop whining, just swallow it. You can't do anything. I invested money into this company, so I only care about profits." That's an understandable position, but you are not contributing anything to the conversation.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



I am sorry you FEEL that way.


I don't own Upwork, however IMHO believe this is the BEST freelancing site.


If Upwork doesn't become profitable, the company will cease to exist and we ALL lose.


Upwork's current gross margins are 16% and the company lost $89 million in 2022.


5% freelancer fees with 5% client fees equals 10% total fees. That is helping the company to lose too much money too fast.

Maria's avatar
Maria T Community Member

William T C wrote:



I am sorry you FEEL that way.


I don't own Upwork, however IMHO believe this is the BEST freelancing site.


If Upwork doesn't become profitable, the company will cease to exist and we ALL lose.


Upwork's current gross margins are 16% and the company lost $89 million in 2022.


5% freelancer fees with 5% client fees equals 10% total fees. That is helping the company to lose too much money too fast.

Hey, wait, isn't it that you are an investor in Upwork and what you are interested in is that they win and win and win?
Because if so, I think your opinions will be quite biased ๐Ÿค”

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Investors can long and short a company and use financial instruments called PUTS and CALLS.


Therefore, either financial position can easily be made in seconds.


IMHO Upwork is the best freelancing site and as a freelancer want it to prosper.


What is your opinion on that matter?

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

William T C wrote:

IMHO Upwork is the best freelancing site and as a freelancer want it to prosper.


What is your opinion on that matter?

It's nice that Upwork is the best freelancing website FOR YOU. Up until last summer, I would have said the same. But now that my invitations have all but disappeared and I'm getting no response to my proposals - no new clients at all for months now - I can't really make a case for this being the best website FOR ME. Other long-time freelancers who were previously successful feel the same. It's not that difficult to understand.


And no, this isn't a matter of upskilling or synergising or all of the other things that you've been saying over and over and over again. My services are in demand everywhere EXCEPT Upwork. This leads me to the conclusion that this website no longer provides a good ROI for me. Obviously, Upwork needs to become profitable and they're going to run their business as they see fit. I don't expect them to care about my specific situation, but you can't expect me to be happy about it, either. 


Why do you really think that Upwork is making the kinds of changes that they've implemented over the past year? Surely you don't buy the whole spin about the fee changes being made for "simplification" purposes? It seems to me that every recent change has been made in order to grab a bigger market share from the website-that-shall-go-nameless, but is known for its cheap prices rather than its high standards. IMO, Upwork reduced the service charge to 10% in order to siphon off freelancers from this competitor, along with bringing in project catalogs, doing away with testing, and doing everything in their power to encourage newbies to stay on the platform (despite saying that there are too many freelancers). And now this latest manoeuvre, doing away with the 5% incentive; while this barely affects me at all, I see it as further disturbing evidence that Upwork just doesn't see a future in catering to expert, higher-charging freelancers. And, if good freelancers take their services elsewhere, how long do you think that good clients will stick around?


You keep saying that greater expertise will save us from becoming obsolete, and I just don't think that this is the case (not here, anyway) - I think that Upwork is trying to go down-market, not up-market, and it's the cheaper freelancers with mid-level talent who will be in demand. Even if you just look at the images that Upwork is using in their online advertising these days, the underlying message seems to be, "Hey American clients, come get yourselves some cheap talent from developing countries." The change in approach may not have affected you personally - yet - but if I were you, I wouldn't be quite so complacent nor so dismissive of other people's concerns.


Edited to add: BTW, how do you feel about this announcement that Upwork is going to hide those big earnings that you're so proud of, and also hide the profile overview that you've worked on "synergising"? It's yet another change that's designed to benefit newbies at the expense of loyal, successful freelancers.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Thanks for showing the new test announcement!


I am indifferent to the change because clients truly want the process streamlined, and I will just adapt my strategies as needed. But let's see how it affects the results.


The weak macroeconomy and generative AI are absolutely affecting freelancers in your job category and will continue to. Yes, your services are in demand, however not at that billing rate. Too many freelancers will do the same work for as little as $10 per hour. I am sure that you do exemplary work, however that can be a hard sell in the current business environment especially when employees are getting laid off with those skills in corporations.


Upwork produced a 2023 most in-demand list skills. It's not easy for everyone or maybe not for most, however that is what clients want. I have always been Upskilling for the past 25 years as a freelancer and don't see any way around doing so.


My clients are from 30 different countries with many of those from developing countries and they are more than happy to pay $200 per hour. Why? Because I have Expert in-demand skills and know how to sell.


Freelancers that can't or will not adapt to the business conditions probably were not destined to be freelancers in the first place.

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

William T C wrote:



Thanks for showing the new test announcement!


I am indifferent to the change because clients truly want the process streamlined, and I will just adapt my strategies as needed. But let's see how it affects the results.

If you want to stick your head in the sand and not admit that Upwork is going in a different direction than one that will benefit you, that's your business. I've been freelancing for over 23 years and I know how to adapt to changing circumstances, and I've never put all of my eggs in one basket as you've done.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



I have been freelancing for 25 years and 4 of the sites used have produced 7 to 8 figures in sales for my services with my Upwork Profile of $900,000 being the smallest.


I understand that you FEEL bad about the changes and sorry to hear. As you stated, you will learn to adapt.

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

William T C wrote:



I have been freelancing for 25 years and 4 of the sites used have produced 7 to 8 figures in sales for my services with my Upwork Profile of $900,000 being the smallest.


I understand that you FEEL bad about the changes and sorry to hear. As you stated, you will learn to adapt.

I've already adapted, thanks, and found other ways to market myself that are more beneficial. No need to feel sorry for me. But it's funny you're now saying that Upwork is the smallest of your sales funnels, when in previous posts you've said that you find it most convenient to direct all of your customers here. **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Boriana's avatar
Boriana D Community Member

I've also stopped getting invitations and hear far fewer responses to applications.


What's  caused this, do you know? Is it changed they've made to the platform?  I'm top in my field and used to get every job I interviewed for, but it's become so slow recently.


I assume the new connects changes and these (that benefit new freelancers) would reduce quality for clients, so I'm confused...

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

I think that they've changed direction and we need to look elsewhere for jobs.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member



Please modify your Summary into four short paragraphs. It's too long and many clients will stop viewing the rest of the Profile. Consider changing the Earnings to Public from Private so clients can see the size of projects handled. 


Bigger Issue: You are in a job category that has been harder hit by the weak macroeconomy and generative AI especially since employees are being laid off with these types of skills.


View Upwork's 2023 list of in-demand Skills for more jobs. With a Master's in Computer Science, there are many in-demand jobs that clients need assistance.

Mark's avatar
Mark E Community Member

100% agree. In the IT world we've already been pitting Silicon Valley costs of living against middle America costs of living with proposal rates spread over an unrealistic range wherein you know that 9 out of 10 times the potential client from LA is going to select talent from Birmingham over San Jose because of $$ and the story of experience and ongoing currency won't ever be part of their thought process. I was brought in twice last year on projects where lesser talent had been hired first, burned through a chunk of budget, and then I got to clean things up and get those projects on track.


It gets worse when you are competing with the global environment. Which means anything that isn't in U.S. only is a waste of time to start.


This new fee structure makes it easier for lesser talent, working on small jobs, and harder for expert talent working on large jobs.

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