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Breach of Contract and Unauthorized Access and Vandalism by Former Freelancer


Dear Upwork

I am writing to formally report a serious breach of contract and unauthorised access to our digital properties by a formerly contracted freelancer. Despite assurances and explicit agreements to deliver specific tasks and services by set deadlines, the individual has consistently failed to meet these obligations. Consequently, this failure to honour the agreed terms left me with no option but to terminate the contract.

Upon requesting a report of completed tasks for our records, the freelancer not only refused to provide this information but also retaliated in an unlawful and harmful manner. Following the contract termination, the individual in question accessed our server and website—credentials for which had been provided during their tenure for work purposes—and intentionally introduced errors and false data. This unauthorised and malicious action has resulted in significant delays to the launch of our platform and incurred financial damage to the business.

As a long-standing client of Upwork, I have engaged the services of numerous freelancers over the years, investing in excess of $20,000 in my start-up without incident. This is the first time I have felt compelled to raise a complaint. The freelancer's actions post-contract are not only unprofessional but unequivocally illegal. Unauthorised entry and deliberate sabotage of our website and server are unacceptable.

I respectfully request that you acknowledge the severity of this issue and provide a resolution that includes fair compensation for the delays and financial damages we have incurred.

I seek your immediate attention to this matter and request that appropriate measures be taken against the individual for their misconduct. This is a matter of urgency, as their actions have directly impacted our business operations and integrity.


Thank you for your prompt response to this critical issue.




Hi Mia,


I'm sorry to hear about your experience with this particular freelancer. I understand how this has negatively affected your experience using the marketplace and even more so, the impact it left on your business. I have escalated this to the relevant team and they will reach out to you via a support ticket as soon as possible. 

~ AJ

Hi Annie, 


My business and my platform is on hold because I do not know the sabotage that the freelancer done to the server and the website. He does not provide me with the action that he has done. It makes it complicated to work with someone new. I need your immediate urgent, help and support!

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