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Increasing Transparency in Boosted Proposals

Our team recently launched a test to increase transparency around bidding in Boosted Proposals to help you make a more informed decision around spending Connects.

Check out the product update about this test here and let us know your thoughts about this update in the comments below.

~ Valeria
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Community Member

Hello Upworkers,


I just noticed that there is a option to check "Boosted live bid place" and I found first place bid spent 400% than second one. What do you think about this Connects war? Is this good for us?

I think Upwork just want us to spend more connects. Which is really bad for me personally. I sent 10 proposal within last 30 days and only 1 was viewed. 😥




connects war.png


I think is a money wasting.

It is good that you can see current bids. It was hidden before.

Visibility make me confuse. It feels if I spent more connect then I can be the winner. ha ha.

Haha. There is no confusion bro. Everything is simple and fare.

It's simple and unfair, towards the freelancers and spending habits

hello m.asad


Yes, I am agree with you.

Until Upwork provides real life data that proves boosting proposals with extra connects typically leads to more proposals won on the kinds of projects I do, I won't be using extra connects to boost any of my proposals.


I suspect the biggest users of this boosting mechanism are either new freelancers or freelancers desperate to win new projects. I doubt the kinds of clients I work with would pay special attention to boosted proposals.

Some clients very unhappy with.

I don't know about boost insight but if proposal sorted out as boosted first then porject winning will be very hard for without boost.

Most boosted proposals are from unqualified freelancers. So, even if they are first, they likely will not be hired. Boosting seems to be useful to Upwork, not the freelancers. Obviously, Upwork likes the income from the connects. I won't use it, and many clients don't like it either. I still win jobs without boosting. I don't think it raises chances much, if at all, of getting projects.

Thank you for you common sense approach. I was so worried about that but I agree with you. Even with the former boosting system, after going through a large amount of connects in a short time, I started only boosting by 1 connect each time I submitted a proposal and I saw no difference than when I boosted with higher numbers of connects.  A phrase that keeps popping into my mind about this topic is "the rich get richer and poor get poorer". It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


That is the correct name. War. We fight and upwork wins.

You've explained the real sceniaro.

This makes sense. I just checked my stats and I don't think bidding increases my chances of being viewed, on the contrary... most of my views have been from organic proposals and none of my hires came from boosting either. I wouldn't loose my head over this new bidding feature. I prefer focusing on building my portfolio and learning new skills that will add value to my work.

But it is happening the other way too.


Great but i am not winning jobs these days i don't why but 


The biggest problem is the flood of unskilled and scammer freelancers. Those are followed by the flood of scammers who are looking for ignorant and/or greedy freelancers. Here they find both in unlimited numbers because Upwork lets anything be a freelancer and will not stop.

In addition, the world is still an uncertain place because of the pandemic. Every country is still dealing with illness and deaths. Many countries sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. That isn't true, and the pandemic is not finished with the world. The resulting financial instability has not been resolved and the world will not be the same.


If you read through the comments, you will find you are not alone. That fact doesn't help the situation, but at least you can stop blaming yourself. It is highly likely the factors I mention are having an impact.

Please I need your help🙏🙏🙏

Here is my email let me narrate please

**Edited for Community Guidelines**



I'm not sure what you need help with Elekwa. an you explain?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Elekwa, 

Is there anything our team can assist you with? 

~ Avery

I agree, the primary difficulty for freelancers is the flood of scammers and unskilled workers. When a client has 50+ proposals to sift through, and many of them are not even real, many proposals are going to get skipped over.


I also agree that the world has become a very uncertain place. This has probably driven many more people to pursue freelance work than prior to the pandemic. 

unskilled workers. When a client has 50+ proposals to sift through, and many of them are not even real, many proposals are going to g

Same here with me. No invites anymore

Boosting proposals are useless. I boosted my all proposals for last two weeks and spend a lot of money and connects as well. No one outbid me but clients are not open my proposals even. I'm just loosing money and connects every day. Upwork getting frustating day by day.

I tried to spend more 200 connect to test this effectivity features, but it looks like so effective to wasting my money 

Same here, boosted some proporsals with a lot (for me, anyway) of connects. Haven't heard back from anyone I've submitted a proposal to, no matter if I used connects or not. Upwork should monitor better who they allowed on here (do they still do videos to verify the identity of freelancers) and make it easier for both freelancers and people offering the jobs. I'm very very dissatisfied with this website. 

The fact is different. No matter how many praposal you submitted. The answer is don't be dependent 

Ye 100% Agree. Upwork should stop ot

Hi Upwork.

I think you guys should stop the boosted bids feature. It is wrong business model as well as wrong strategy. This feature encourages your loyal customer (Freelancer) to divert his mind from Upwork to another marketplaces. Moreover it discourage them to apply on new jobs more frequent because they know only boosted bids will be notified. So please make a sensible desision and remove this bloody feature.

The fact is different. No matter how many praposal you submitted. The answer is don't be dependent

So you think nothing is really happening other than upwork getting money from new unqualified freelancers. 
This has no impact on the rest of us? 
I do not agree. That seems not to be my experience so far.

Too many unskilled freelancers has a detrimental effect on all skilled freelancers.

Daniela, what is your experience?  Are boosts improving the acceptance rate of bids you have submitted?

Jeanne, How can you be so sure there are no repercussion on the hiring process? How do you know this is not affecting the client´s selection process? How do you know this is not leaving clients confused while Upwork keeps making money?

As I said, many clients do not like the system. No doubt there is someone who does, but I haven't encountered them yet.

Lucky you. Not my case. I am aTop Rated Plus architects, first time in 13 years that I spend two months without an interview. Appling to 6-11 jobs per day. Not a single response. 
Many jobs are open for months, with no interviews, and if so without hiring. Upwork keep those connects and I am left with nothing.

But then new clients may end up landing these so-called unqualified freelancers boosting their proposals. This whole boosting thing seems to be messing up the Upwork I knew!

This is very wrost thing i according to my view, after this new system I wasnt able to win any of job because some people are bidding more than 400% of connects than that we use, so our connects are also wasting quickly 


Please revert this one to the previous one, Clienct can decide who is the better one for his work, 


That will be a justice for both clients and freelancers


Very Dissapointed about this new system 




Thank you 

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