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Issue Logging into Upwork Android App

Hello Upwork Support,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out regarding an issue I'm encountering while trying to log into my Upwork account via the Android app. Despite being logged in on my laptop, I cannot access my account through the mobile app. Upon attempting to log in, I received the following message: (I have attached a screenshot of the error message here).

I have tried troubleshooting by reinstalling the app, ensuring my internet connection is stable, and verifying that my credentials are correct. However, the issue persists.

Could you kindly assist me in resolving this matter? I rely heavily on the mobile app for managing my projects and communicating with clients so a prompt resolution would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your assistance.

Warm regards,
Muhammad Yaseen


Hi Muhammad,


I am sorry to hear about the trouble while signing into your Upwork account. Could you please check the email address you are using while logging in to your Mobile App? 


- Pradeep


Thank you for your prompt response and suggestions.

I've double-checked the email address and password I'm using to log into the Upwork Mobile App, and they are indeed correct. Despite this, I continue to encounter the error message stating, "Username or Password is incorrect"

Looking forward to your guidance.

Hi Muhammad,


Thanks for following up here. I have requested our team's assistance and converted your post into a support ticket to give it the attention it deserves. Rest assured that one of our agents will be reaching out to you.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Dear PradeepH and JoanneP,

I'm pleased to inform you that the problem has been resolved, and I have successfully logged in.

Thanks a lot, both for your efforts in helping me regain access to my account.

Warm regards,

Muhammad Yaseen

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