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Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects

Two new Marketplace updates: 

  1. Introduced a fourth slot in Boosted Proposals, increasing your chances of being noticed, while continuing to let clients see who is most interested in their job post.
  2. Adjusted the range for the cost of Connects per job to better match the demand for jobs in the Marketplace.


Check out the product release for Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

621 REPLIES 621

Mohamed A. A wrote:

However, I have to respectfully disagree with you on this: The fact is, the JSS calculation is shrouded in mystery, and no one can confirm its algorithm.

Upwork has never given specifics about how the JSS is calculated, but it's an exaggeration to say that it's "shrouded in mystery". You end up with a low JSS when clients give you bad private feedback, and you don't get a JSS until you've completed around 5 projects. Therefore, I don't see how a single case of bad luck could account for a JSS of less than 60% - I don't even think that the "weighting" matters as much as some people seem to believe - but if you ever see a profile that proves otherwise, I'd be happy to eat my words. 🙂

I also disagree with number three, but not the JSS portion - I disagree with jettisoning freelancers who haven't won a job in six months. It is surprising how fast the calendar can spin, and people can struggle for months on end when UW makes changes such as they did in the last few months. Many – MANY – can point to the bottom dropping out from beneath them when UW focused hard on boosting and followed that up with trying to become a middleman for so-called agencies. I have felt this same frustration because overnight, I could no longer win a job. Boosting or no boosting, lowball jobs, or something that might actually be worthwhile. The "agencies" want to hire people for reprehensibly low amounts, boasting that you/we just have to suck it up and do it because it's "steady work." 


If you're going to start calling for dumping freelancers who are struggling, let's at least go out a year. Otherwise, I might fall into that camp, or you. Freelancing can turn ugly in a heartbeat. Tie removal to not winning a job, AND JSS, AND not submitting any proposals. If someone is submitting proposals and honestly trying, they don't need another hurdle to climb over. 

Michael Z wrote:

I also disagree with number three, but not the JSS portion - I disagree with jettisoning freelancers who haven't won a job in six months.

 Agreed. I haven't landed a job on this platform in more than 6 months, for various reasons, among which being the quality of projects/clients getting lower by the day.

And I'm top rated plus. Would Upwork benefit from removing me from the platform? I don't think so.

Cat N wrote:

Michael Z wrote:

I also disagree with number three, but not the JSS portion - I disagree with jettisoning freelancers who haven't won a job in six months.

 Agreed. I haven't landed a job on this platform in more than 6 months, for various reasons, among which being the quality of projects/clients getting lower by the day.

Why do you want to stick around if there are hardly any good projects and you're not getting any jobs?

Because it's better than any other freelancer site, and I don't have to do this to feed a family or keep a roof over my head. I'm 66 and looking at a quieter life in the near future. I enjoy what I do. I went full-time freelance two years ago. 


There are some good projects, but the clients get so inundated with crap proposals that they don't even want to look through them. That system needs to be fixed. 

Michael Z wrote:

If you're going to start calling for dumping freelancers who are struggling, let's at least go out a year. Otherwise, I might fall into that camp, or you. 

If I go for six months - or even three months - without any work here, I'll voluntarily leave. I can take a hint.

Assuming you're applying and looking for jobs... what if you're sick, or you're taking a well-earned break?

Agreed. I'd be very hesitant to encourage them to start dumping freelancers all the time. It's one of the few places left in the world where a "free market" is still somewhat functioning, with relatively little interference. Let's not destroy that with more bureaucracy!


Many people freelance to earn a more flexible lifestyle, and build a business that can change with their life. If there's a family crisis or a lifestyle change, you should be able to come back online and pick up where you left off, without having to start from scratch. Getting started can take a while, too. I think it works best to start slowly, which means it ideally doesn't have to start as a full-time income.

Christine, I wish I could somehow boost what you said above.  Makes perfect sense.

Superb list. If I were a dev I'd be making the site you imagine now, and trying to get traction.


May I add one thought to your wonderful dream-list of improvements for Upwork, which once seemed as if it was going to be so vital for me and is now close to kaput?


*If* upping connects-per-job is a good idea (I'm not on board as it stands, but if it made it a better marketplace—say by upping, over time, to 18 as suggested elsewhere, along with dropping boosts—maybe it would make sense), *if* it's a good idea, then lowering the 20% take once you get a job, say to 15%, to make up for how much more "expensive" it is simply to get to the job stage, would be the logical extension.


It's not that Upwork is a charity, it's that helping good professionals to get good jobs is... I think... their entire raison d'être. (And make money by doing so, obviously.)

Kelly E wrote:

Superb list. If I were a dev I'd be making the site you imagine now, and trying to get traction.

Like I said, Upwork's competitors (the three other websites that I'm on, anyway) have already implemented one or more of items on the list that I made above - testing, profile screening etc. - that's where I got these ideas from. 


In fairness, I'll also point out that all of the other websites I'm using are also charging increasing amounts of money to freelancers who want improved visibility. Upwork isn't alone in this. 

This freelancer isn't happy with the update. There are so many low-quality posts. Yes I don't have to apply to them, but if Upwork wants to improve the experience, improve it all around - if I'm forced to spend 8 connects on a proposal, that post should have clear expectations, realistic budgets, and substance. 8 connects for a $5 an hour SEO job that has a one-line description? Come on. That's ridiculous. 



Agreed that there have always been low quality jobs and it might be worse now due to the macroecononomy. Have you used the Upwork custom search features so that those types of jobs mostly don't show?


i need connenct please help me  im new on upwork 


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Atif,


There are two ways how you can get Connects: either you buy them or earn them. While we can’t share all the details of when Connects are given out (we don’t want dishonest people to “game” the system), here’s what we can share:


  • You’ll receive 40 free Connects when you register for Upwork for the first time
  • You’ll receive 30 free Connects if you earn a Rising Talent badge
  • You’ll receive free Connects (the number can vary) when you win an interview with an established client on Upwork. (To prevent gaming, we aren’t sharing all the details of what we consider “established.” In general, it’s a client who has hired and spent on Upwork in the past.)
  • You’ll get a one-time Connects bonus if you complete an Upwork Skill Certification


Please check this article for more information.

~ AJ

I have noticed a shift since boosting was initiated here. I always boost. Have plenty of connects to boost however I am noticing only 1/2 of my submissions are not even being looked at at all by client. Meaning they aren't even opening the cover letter or my profile. 
If you submit a proposal early with boosts you may not get seen until the client logs back in a few days later and then had trillions of notices. If you wait to boost to outbid others then the risk is it's too late and the client has already began to interview. It's a no win for the freelancer. 




Agreed that there is no perfect solution that will work the best 100% of the time. Some types of jobs are immediate and need an immediate response, whereas others clients don't hire for a week or more.


If 50% of the prospects are viewing your Profile, you are doing well especially since only 50% of the clients hire a freelancer from their post.

Community Member

Well if you keep updating many features why don't you update the connect limitation to 8 to 20 ? .. why you updated to 8 ?.. all these features updated are useless  in my point of view .. why do i send proposal on 8 connect .. on other hand you update the feautes of boost proposal which is totally a looted scheme are you want to become a unaffordable platform for all freelancers ? i know putting thsese stuff is not mean to you..but i am totally frustated of these updates ... now you making a destructive ,unaffordable website 

I understand that you are frustrated with the recent changes to the Upwork platform, specifically the update to the connect limitation. However, it's important to note that Upwork is a platform that constantly updates and evolves based on user feedback and market demand. The change in the connect limitation is designed to encourage freelancers to submit proposals only for the jobs they are most qualified for and truly interested in, rather than applying for every job that crosses their path. This can lead to higher-quality proposals and more successful job outcomes.

Community Member

Hi, I am really shocked to see that the connect policy is changed or something else happened. The job that requires 6 connects now requires 8, the job that requires 4 connects now requires 6 and so on. That's strange. Is that upwork has changed its policy or we are facing any problem kindly help me out.

we should oppose the new connect policy system please more freelance to come and do raise voice against this 

Hi Waqar, 

We announced more about it here. I have moved your post to the discussion thread where you can share your feedback about the adjusted cost of Connects per job.

~ Avery
Community Member

A client does not hire even one freelancer and you know it happens many times, than Upwork should return connects to everyone who applied for the specific job.

Community Member

Hi Miss,


For the freelancers reading this post, the net result of increasing the minimum connect bidding to 8 will be:


- Fewer freelancers bidding on jobs that truly are not a good match.

- Fewer freelancer submissions for client review which speeds the client decision making process.

- Increased revenues for stockholders. Upwork NEEDS to become profitable. Hopefully by  2024.


Increasing the minimum bid should make the professional freelancers, clients and Upwork shareholders happier.


It is highly likely that the bid system will need to continue to increase to the 12 to 18 minimum range to met the above goals. The data scientists and the economist at Upwork can optimize for the best outcome once the new data starts coming in. My best guess is that 8 connects will be very inelastic and bidding will need to go higher to have the desired outcome for all involved.

That would be an "INSANE" decision to make.!!


How could you want to CONSUME your freelancers like this and expect them to keep using this platform and paying most of their profits to buy connects just to have the chance to send a job proposal .!!


You can LIMIT the job proposal "NUMBERS" instead of making it much more costive for freelancers, it delivers the same concept. 


Why would someone pay 14$ for 85 connects to just send only 8 job proposals.!! You are killing your own freelancers' ambitions and chances.


Increasing the bids helping only FREELANCERS with high budgets, NOT THE PROFFESIONALS! at the end it would be a CLOSED community on a short group of RICH freelancers.


 GUESS its INSANE decision! OMG !!



There are 4,000,000 active freelancers to 800,000 active clients on this site per quarter. Therefore, all else being equal, the average freelancer only has a 20% of receiving ONE JOB per quarter.


To keep the professional freelancers, clients, and shareholders happy, Upwork needs to reduce the freelancer to client ratio. Professional freelancers ONLY bid on exacting jobs which is not what is currently occurring today on the site.


Actually it's the opposite of helping rich freelancers. It helps the PROFESSIONAL freelancers that know when and how much to bid. Increasing the bidding itself doesn't help poor, intermediate or rich freelancers, but instead the professional freelancer which needs to be visible to clients.

This system will help only FREELANCERS WITH BIG BUDGET and will leave no chance for newcomers at this site.


Maybe the newcomer is MORE PROFESSIONAL than the one who has made a lot of income or has a bigger budget, MONEY is not a STANDARD for determining who is professional and who is amateur.


Activating a system like what you described will KILL any chance for newcomers or low-budget freelancers to find a job here, you are just making MONEY is the main STANDARD of determining who is professional.!!!


If you aren't willing to PAY a lot then find another platform "THATS THE MESSAGE".!!


Maybe you won't feel the case ever as you already made a great profile and increasing connects for bidding wont affect you and is better for you, this will devestate most of the other freelancers. You will never get the point!!


And as i said before "at the end it would be a CLOSED community on a short group of RICH freelancers." not PROFESSIONALS!!



If a freelancer properly bids and is a great match for the client, the freelancer gets the job; that has nothing to do with their economic status, but instead their professional abilities.


Every freelancer on this site was a newcomer at one time. Please click the Academy link at the top of this page for success TIPS which helped all newcomers become professional freelancers.


If you have any questions about how to improve your odds of obtaining client jobs, let me know and I will post here.

>>If a freelancer properly bids and is a great match for the client, the freelancer gets the job


If most proposals aren't opened, because the firehose is too damaging to the process, then this "great match" isn't even something the prospective client gets a chance to be aware of.


It's just how many garbage proposals they can stomach reading and which garbage is cheapest.

Yes, the whole idea behind increasing the bids is to reduce improper bidding. Freelancers need to do a better job before applying versus applying for every and any job.


I am $200 per hour with clients in 30 different countries, therefore clients are not seeking cheap garbage, but instead want VALUE.

William, you seem to have a completely different definition of what is improper bidding to most of the people on this thread. So, to make sure we're on the same page let me clarify the following:

1) Do you consider the definition of improper bidding to be people sending proposals to jobs they know they are not qualified for?

2) Do you think that the above is done as a majority by people who do not boost their proposals or by people who do boost their proposals?

You do not want even to give newcomers a chance to make a proposal !!


Each month you get a FREE 10 connects, that was something helping newcomers with sending like 4 or 5 proposals, now they are worth nothing as you can use them in 2 proposals or 3 at maximum even if they provide good work and are professionals, it won't help at the end.


So the advantage of this system will always lean in favor of the freelancers with the bigger budgets, not the professionals. You have to PAY in order to get the chance to compete with the guys with the big budgets! Hope you get the point.


About the things, you said at the beginning it won't be a LOGIC and fair unless you create a new system like :
Divide the site into 3 segments: "Entry level, Intermediate Level, and Expert level",  for Entry level as a sample ( All jobs provided by clients allocated under the "entry-level" item go directly to the newcomers and maybe profiles under 1000$ income) to send proposals with maximum of 6-8 connects for bidding.

and the Intermediate level goes directly to the profiles with maybe 1000$-5000$ to send their proposals maximum of 12-14 connects for bidding.


And the Expert Level goes directly to the profiles which achieved more than 5000$ or more than 10000$ for a maximum of 18-20 connects for bidding. "AS YOU WANT"

This system will be "fairer" as the "client" is the one who determines the degree of efficiency of the freelancer who will carry out his work and the proper amount of connects for each level.





The goal needs to be for ALL freelancers to reduce the number of job submission because there are too many.


Did you know that if 50+ freelancer proposals are submitted and 50% of the client job postings are not filled then there is only a 1% chance on AVERAGE of getting hired. Unless there are fewer freelancer submissions, the average freelancer needs to submit to 100 jobs to get hired. Nobody wins, not the freelancer, and not the clients.


Making the bids higher causes all freelancers to think twice about randomly submitting to every job.



An UNFAIR system is asking from the guys with weak PROFILES the same amount which is asked from the big PROFILES.

The newcomers cant pay the same connects as the freelancers who already have the ability to pay it.

Yes "Making the bids higher causes all freelancers to think twice about randomly submitting to every job." but it gives the freelancers with high budgets the advantage always to send more proposals. 


NOT FAIR.!! and looks like you dont get the point yet.

Weak profiles shouldn't be applying as much because the clients don't hire weak profiles.


Clients want to hire professionals.

I didn't mean by WEAK profiles "HOW BAD THEY ARE", but I mean newcomers.


And i understand why you are defending on these increasings in bid connects as it benefits you not as a PROFESSIONAL but a freelancer who already made a lot of jobs with a based budget to help him more than anyone else like newcomers.


We say "The one whose hand is in fire is not like the one whose hand is in water." , you wont get the point ever as you are seeking your own interest only.


Its not about professionals anymore, its all now about money and who could PAY for his proposals.

Why upwork is not doing anything to attract serious clients and screen clients? Upwork does a good job of removing old jobs but still, there is room for improvement. 

Help me I’ve been trying for so long not a single order for me I have
watched thousands of videos but no benefits gained till now I am a website
developer and expert plz help me getting a project
Community Member



For the freelancers reading this post, the net result of increasing the minimum connect bidding to 8 will be:


- Fewer freelancers bidding on jobs that truly are not a good match.

- Fewer freelancer submissions for client review which speeds the client decision making process.

- Increased revenues for stockholders. Upwork NEEDS to become profitable. Hopefully by  2024.


Increasing the minimum bid should make the professional freelancers, clients and Upwork shareholders happier.


It is highly likely that the bid system will need to continue to increase to the 12 to 18 minimum range to met the above goals. The data scientists and the economist at Upwork can optimize for the best outcome once the new data starts coming in. My best guess is that 8 connects will be very inelastic and bidding will need to go higher to have the desired outcome for all involved.

I wish I could agree with such optimism.

A job was posted just two hours ago, requirements 8 connects. I already see 50+ proposals and frankly, I don't see any points applying and wouldn't dare to outbid the freelancer in the 1st place.


Minimum 18 connects??

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