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Seeking Advice: Facing Unfair Restrictions on Hourly Projects After 10 Years on Upwork

Hello Upwork Community,


I'm reaching out to discuss an issue I'm facing and would greatly appreciate any suggestions or advice. I've been a part of this platform since it was ODesk and have built a solid client base over the years. One of my clients, with whom I've worked for the past 10 years on Upwork, has a consistent contract with me for 60 hours per month. I also work with other clients.

Here's the situation: I log all 60 hours for this client in the first week of each month and additionally work about 40 hours a week for another client. It seems that Upwork's system has flagged this, perhaps questioning how one developer can log 60+40 hours in a week.


Upwork is now asking me to close this project and switch to a fixed-price contract. Moreover, they've informed me that I won't be allowed to take on hourly projects in the future, indicating that a violation could lead to the suspension of my profile.

I have explained the entire situation to Upwork support, provided screenshots, and assured them that I handle all programming and communication with my client personally, and that my client is satisfied with my work. I've even suggested that they contact my client directly to confirm that no subcontractor is involved. Despite this, Upwork support doesn’t seem to understand my position, which feels extremely unfair. I have been with Upwork for over 10 years, have never had my profile suspended, nor have I ever violated any policy.


This situation is quite troubling, and I'm seeking guidance on how to resolve this issue effectively.


Thank you for your help,



Hi Muhammad,


We saw your post in the community and converted it into a support ticket to give it the attention it deserves. Rest assured that one of our agents will be reaching out to you on this page with more information and further assistance about your concern.


~ Arjay
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