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The number of total jobs and Job Success are not updated

I am a member since 2008.


Please check the 1st screenshot from 2008-2012. I had finished around 250 contracts.

2nd screenshot Nov.2012-March.2022. There is 66 number of the page meaning i have finished around 660 projects.

3rd screenshot April.2022-August.2022. There is 4 number of page meaning I have finished around 40 projects.

250 + 660 + 40 = 950 project.


But my number of projects stopped at 699 last week.

I just finished 3 more jobs this current week but my number of jobs is stuck at 699, as well my Job Success is stuck at 91%.

A number of jobs and job success are very important on Upwork to get jobs. at present. I have had an open case last 5 months but there is no solution. I do not understand why Upwork takes so much time. I am losing my jobs and my career. very annoying 😞


Hi Javed,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ Luiggi
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