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Why are freelancers in the Blockchain industry being shunned by Upwork?

Hey Everyone, 

I am quite certain that there are lots of freelancers that have been providing various services to blockchain based projects and contracts for years same as i did, i haven't accepted jobs here in a while, and few weeks ago i accepted consultancy job which required me to perform some research initially but later down the road client asked me to give him 50% refund off platform which resulted me in reporting the client. 

In turn, upwork suspended my account, for a while under suspicion of breaching upwork ToS (Cleared after a while) where they told me i provided my client with entirely differet service than i actually did. I never sold my client any crypto and charged hours for it..... I don't even have any idea how they came up with that idea in the first place, nor would i ever do something of a sorts, if need be il buy or sell via echange directly for myself. Perhaps eventually show someone how to do it in 1hr consultation! Not sell it to them via upwork. Makes 0 Sense whatsoever.

Ultimately, i provided client a service, afterwards reported him. and as a response from upwork i was told that my contract isn't eligable for payment protection and that all funds are returned to my client. Not to sell any cryptocurrencies via upwork anymore (Which i never done in the first place) 

Today i was looking at job posts with Blockchain and cryptocurrency tags just to find countless clients without reviews posting same job posts over and over, some asking for wallets set up help, some for tutoring sessions and many others that if you run into the first time look entirely legit. Payment verified clients . 

Which leads me to a question? 
Shouldn't upwork be protecting it's freelancers instead of unrightfully accusing each one that accepted any job of such a kind that ends up being posted by a fraudlent client of selling crypto to them? Refusing them a payment protection and creating an ideal place for scammers? 

This is the way i see this : 

Consequences for a freelancer: 
Provides a service, whatever that may be. 
Gets his money taken. 
Risks losing his account on fake charges provided by upwork. 

Consequences for scammer :
Gets job done, 
Loses account, which can be solved in an instant by opening another one with a new email. (Without any verification)
Gets money returned to him!
Scams more people. 

Id really like to know why hasn't upwork been doing anything to protect us from such Clients/Scammers and is instead punishing freelancers

Why isn't payment verification process stricter? At least as hard as verification for freelancers?, and should we even be doing business with clients that don't have 10+ jobs completed at all? What is going to become of upwork as a platform if we stop risking our income from new clients by assuming they are all scammers?

in the end i was told i wasn't payment protected because clients account wasn't in good standing (No idea what that even means) and not because of anything i did. Altrough please note :
At the begging of the contract i had payment protection badge next to the contract when i accepted the offer.
Making me believe that upwork is supportive of this scammer scheme.

Thank you all for reading and i am wondering what others in this industry think, and how should we tackle this problem? And how to make upwork take responsible place. Because if we ''Freelancers'' are obligated to follow ToS set by them and pay fee's, Upwork should be obligated to protect us and follow those ToS as well not only at it's convinience but always. 

Best Regards! 


Community Member

Intresting update, here customer service requested me to literally break upwork ToS and request payment off platform (I Assume this post will be quickly redacted by support but i will provide this image to whoever wants to see it, where they clearly stated, reach out to your client directly if you want to be paid)

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


They suspected me then cleared me. and are still comming up with excuses for not paying upwork payment protection we all pay for trough fee's


Hi Goran,


Thank you for your message. I understand your frustration and disappointment with the situation. I have reviewed the job that you mentioned and found that it violated Upwork's Terms of Service. For security and confidentiality reasons, I cannot disclose the specific details of the violation or the action taken.


I can see that you're already communicating with the relevant team via a support ticket regarding your concern. You can access your support tickets here. Please don't hesitate to follow up with them on the same support ticket if you have additional questions regarding your concern. Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.

Thank you,


I can show you. 

Besides you can see that my account is not suspended any longer, Support team jumped and started accusing me from one thing to another, and i had to prove them wrong each time which took days thanks to slow responses:
First i was acussed of cooperating with fraudlent client (Disproved) 
Second time i was told, altrough there was payment protection , clients account wasn't in good standing and my account was enabled
Third time i was acussed of Selling Client crypto Also disproved. 

What will you acuse me of next time? printscreen i attached clearly shows you told me to ask client for money directly. This is DIRECT Violation of Upwork ToS

My Question remains and please answer it. Why are Freelancers taking responsibility for something upwork should manage and being wrongfully acussed? And why are upwork policies directly supporting  **Edited for Community Guidelines**

By allowing clients to take money back, and or rewarding fraudlent clients with you are Directly supporting them and **Edited for Community Guidelines**  

Regardless of my request plaese answer this question, and prove me wrong if you can. As things stand now it's proven that you willingly provide enviroement for scammers and **Edited for Community Guidelines** directly. Also abuse your own ToS as you see fit. Last question was why dont you verify clients same way you verify us? 

Congrats, You sent me identical response as i got 10 days ago before i asked for a revision! I request human revision of the evidence provided, not bot revision! Thank you very much. 

This  is outright abusive beheviour!

I have been waiting over 24h for a support request. 

Just to see identical response i got 2 weeks  ago after which i asked for revision, i was communicating with human yesterday. thank you i don't want my requests handled by Bots , i requested high level escalation. I was asked for additional evidence, i provided 3x each time there is something more and in the end you close me off with generic response, is that hard? 

At least have some dignity! And revise the case with provided information, or tell me to **** *** Politely, don't send me this generic stuff any more. Why did you ask for additional evidence and gotten me to go around and gather like a fool if you won't even look at it?

It is normal here. Bot answered me with templates for 2 monthes. I tried to reach someone alive but no luck. It is useless at all.

Hi Goran,


I am sorry for the frustration this has caused. I shared your report with the team handling your case and one of our agents will follow up with you on your support ticket as soon as possible to assist you further. 


~ Nikola

I sincerely hope so, generic reply was an understatement, we won't share any details, you violated tos. 
Then i ask how, they ask me various questions and accusing me I was accused of 3 different breaches, then they resume my account appologize for the inconvinience as they made a mistake, and then when i ask for payment protection. and get a reply: Please ask your client for payment directly! We ''suspect'' you breached upwork ToS and as such you aren't eligable for payment protection. 

I got that email 3x now. and circle just keeps spining, it was hourly contract with upwork payment protection badge. 
Question stands, even if client ended up being fraudlent, why i am getting punished for his breach of ToS?

You guys here, Like you Nikola and other suport agents are alive here. Why can't you directly handle the customer requests or at least make sure they are maned by people?

Hi Goran,


We certainly understand why you're upset. However, as much as we (Moderators) want to directly assist you, we can't disclose any information or actions being taken on a user's account publicly here in the Community. This is due to privacy reasons and most importantly, for all member's safety. 


As other moderators mentioned, feel free to coordinate with the team through a single ticket here and they will surely assist you accordingly. We seek your patience and utmost understanding.


~ Arjay
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