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Feb 14, 2024
How I Made Over $20k From One Job on Upwork

Getting a job online on a platform like Upwork can be very competitive knowing fully well you're competing with different freelancers all over the world. Some of these people are highly experienced and have gotten Upwork badges which showcase the strong reputation they have built on Upwork by getting positive feedback from clients.


These badges can be the Top Rated: representing the top 10% of talent on Upwork.

Top Rated Plus: representing the top 3% of performers on Upwork.

And Expert-Vetted: representing the top 1% of performers on Upwork.

Imagine competing with a job of 20-50 proposals which will most likely include these top performers, how do you compete with that? Well, it all boils down to many factors that helped me to land a job that I will eventually earn $20k+ in a few months.



Below are what helped me:

1. Good profile - This is the most important thing to land a job. It serves as a communication tool for you as it speaks a lot about you. A very detailed profile only enhances the chances of getting jobs. And this can include a nice profile picture, detailed work experiences, captive portfolio (The more, the better chance) and of course a well tailored cover letter.

2. Long term jobs - To earn more can simply mean getting a long term job. So it's very reasonable to apply for long term jobs. As a freelancer on Upwork, a long term project can simply mean 6 months + jobs.

3. Connects - Many if not all long term jobs require more connections to bid for such jobs. Connects are what's needed to bid for jobs on Upwork and connects can be bought with $$. A job can require as low as 6 connects to 16 connects or thereabout. And at times you might need to boost your cover letter to top 1-4 so that your proposal can be among the first freelancers the client will check.

4. Freelance Plus -  This subscription paid plan comes with a monthly connects and visibility into competitor bids. Imagine having a foreknowledge of the lowest bid, average bid and highest bid on a particular job will better shape how much to bid for that same job so as to be more competitive.

5. Constant Internet & Prompt response- Now that you've submitted proposals for different jobs, you will always need a constant internet connection so as to get notifications ASAP from any interested client(s) who might be reaching out to you! Will you be the only the client will reach out to? Probably not! Your fast respond determine if you get the job or not. For a client to message 2-5 different freelancers means that they are all qualified or have almost equal chances of getting hired. A delay in response can mean the loss of the job. Do everything possible to reply messages ASAP. And if at all you get a message from a potential client and the client ask "What time best works for you to have a quick call?" Please don't give any time just say "I'm flexible. What time works best for you? And I will make myself available" This will allow the client to choose and give you their possible closest available time for the interview! Making you the first person to get an interview and likely an edge over others too!

And these are what helped me land a single job on Upwork with over $20K+ earned. 

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