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Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member

A well-chosen profile photo could help protect your JSS


What makes for a professional profile photo?


Imagine a client going berserk (perhaps with good reason) and the freelancer’s photo shows an over-friendly person.


What effect would that beaming face have on the client?


The client might very well end up leaving a stinging private feedback.


Many freelancers show a happy face, while some others appear not just friendly but almost flirtatious.


Wouldn’t it be wiser to use a more professional pose?

Edited to ensure the post is gender-neutral. Some words are more commonly associated with a specific gender.


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Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member

I think you've given this too much thought. However, yes, if someone is mad at you, a photo with a silly smile on your face is not going to help you any.

Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member


Perhap so.


I would rather err on the safer side. 😁


"Certa bonum certamen"
Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

In more than 20 years on this website, I have never had a client "go berserk". If this is something that you need to worry about, you've got bigger problems than just your photo. 


When I see a photo of a freelancer who's scowling in their photo - and a lot of freelancers' photos look like mug shots, frankly, especially the men - that's way more off-putting. In fact, when I've hired as a client and scrolled down the list of proposals, I'm much more likely to consider someone who looks happy and smiling. I wouldn't want to work with someone who seems bored, sullen or miserable.

Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member


In more than 20 years on this website, I have never had a client "go berserk". If this is something that you need to worry about, you've got bigger problems than just your photo. 


When I see a photo of a freelancer who's scowling in their photo - and a lot of freelancers' photos look like mug shots, frankly, especially the men - that's way more off-putting. In fact, when I've hired as a client and scrolled down the list of proposals, I'm much more likely to consider someone who looks happy and smiling. I wouldn't want to work with someone who seems bored, sullen or miserable.

You're going to the other extreme: scowling, bored, sullen, miserable?

There is such a thing as a polite smile.

BTW, I was not referring to any particular gender.

Berserk is perhaps a strong word. How arbour the client feeing angry or upset?

A beaming male, female, or other face could compound the problem.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

I've never had a client get angry or upset, either, but if they did, I should think that my profile photo would be low on their list of reasons for giving me a bad review. IMO, the best way to protect your JSS is by doing good work, not by smiling exactly the right amount in your profile photo.

Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member


I've never had a client get angry or upset, either, but if they did, I should think that my profile photo would be low on their list of reasons for giving me a bad review. IMO, the best way to protect your JSS is by doing good work, not by smiling exactly the right amount in your profile photo.



Of course, there is no substitute for good work.


"Certa bonum certamen"
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