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Crowd Story Writing

Hi Friends,

How about collaborating and writing a story? Let's try out and see what it will become at the end. Each one can contribute one or two lines. Please see that it has a contilous flow. Here is the starting: 


She couldn't help but smile when she saw him, her heart fluttering in her chest. He was everything she had ever wanted in a partner and more. They had been through so much together, and still, their love only continued to grow stronger. Even when things were tough, she knew that as long as they had each other, they could make it through anything. 


Continue pouring out your imaginations and let us make a funny story. Expect your collaborations.

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When they entered, they received a message, that Tapi was rescued from the monster, and came back home. So they stayed alone in the unusual castle.

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  • Hello 

Hi Junja


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.........Even when things were tough, she knew that as long as they had each other, they could make it through anything. ...
One day a stranger walked into their home and she didn't want to chase him away. So she accepted him and gave the furfriend a name. 

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Tapi was the name of their firfriend. Her partner loved to feed him and train him. Her main chore was to feed him since he was too small.

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Day by day Tapi grew up. He became a big panda. She loved Tapi and it loved her. But one day Tapi disappeared.

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The couple felt very sad and set out searching for Tapi.

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They asked their immediate neighbour, " Did Tapi our cute panta walk into your house?" 

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But the answer was negative for them. The couple felt sad, the bright sun wasn't glad, and the birds sang for somebody else. Suddenly they received a message with a photo of Tapi. It was in the other country. And the text says...

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"Tapi is safe and sound in our country. The soldiers found him wandering near the border and decided to bring him here. Don't worry, he's well taken care of and seems to be adjusting just fine. You're welcome to visit anytime."

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Everything seems decided, but Keruk is the husband. He said that this was a bad sign, that - "You're welcome to visit anytime". It was a coding for him. Because in the past he was ...

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a soldier himself. 

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But the wife did not want to give up. She was too attached to the furfriend. 

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And she started to prepare for the journey. And at night she saw an interesting dream. She was in a starship, which was ruled by her husband. And she thought...

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that the journey would not only lead to Tapi's safe return but also to a reconnection with the man who had once been a soldier, a protector, and, above all, her husband. Her heart carried a silent wish, hopeful that the stars would align to guide them....

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When she woke up, she was in a real starship. Keruk was near to her. He said to rescue the Tapi they needed to do a mission in the galaxy Upok. And the task of the mission is...

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to retrieve a rare and precious crystal that held the key to Tapi's location. The crystal was said to be hidden in the heart of a distant planet within the Upok galaxy. The couple, fueled by love and determination, embarked on this intergalactic adventure together. As they navigated through the vastness of space, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles,.....

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In front of the cave they stood, and the cave was the start of a thousand miles passage to the heart of the planet. And guarded it was by three blue dragons. "Only the ones who can proove they are in true love can pass by," the first dragon said. "But no true love in the Universe ever existed," said the second dragon. "So never anyone can pass by," the third one concluded. "Just give up and go back there you belong," all three dragons said and turned into three stone monuments as heavy and cold as human hearts are.

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The couple realised that the mission was not just about rescuing Tapi; it was a chance to bridge the gap that had formed between them over the years....

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"But our love it true, right?" she asked. Keruk was silent. "Right?" her voice started shivering. "How can we proove that?" she thought now she mostly want a proof for herself than for these stone hearted beasts.

Keruk gave her a long grim gaze. "I think I know what they mean. There's just one way to proove our love is true."

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Keruk took a deep breath and looked into his wife's eyes. "We have to share our most cherished memories, the moments that define our love and commitment to each other",he said.

When they finished sharing their memories, a sudden transformation occurred. 

The first dragon spoke, "Your love has proven to be genuine, unlike anything we have witnessed before. You may proceed."

The second dragon nodded, "We were wrong to doubt. Your love is a rare gem in the vastness of the universe."

The third dragon, now softened, added, "May your love guide you through the challenges ahead. You have our blessing."

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5136, 5137, 5138...

Keruk was happy. He managed to make some sort of improvised stretcher from his coat, so his wife felt comfy sleeping in his arms while he was walking ahead.

5245, 5246...

They stopped 3 times on their way through the passage, and each time it took more and more will to stand up and continue forwart. 2 times they took short naps. On the last time his wife hadn't woke up. Keruk realised it whan it was too late to turn back: they walked much more than the half of the way. The passage was pulling life from them, and the old solder hoped carrying his wife would help, as she didn't touch the ground.

7589, 7590, 7591, 7592...

But his own right leg got numb. Keruk suspected he could go so far just because his other leg was blown up by the mine and replaced by a high-tech but artificial one. He was a real warrior. A man of iron will. But now he could feel how small cracks appeared on it and started growing slowly.

9891, 9892...

That's why he started counting steps. He must make it. For his beloved wife. For Tapi.

10245... He couldn't feel his body anymore. The only thought was making him staying in consciousness: he must carry his wife away from this place at any cost. Even at the cost of his own life. His true love was driving him through this cave.
12435... Keruk felt his wife moved. She opened her eyes and send a silent question to him. He gathered his last drops of energy to smile at her. He wanted to say "good morning", but at this moment darkness felt in front of his eyes, and his consciousness finally left him.

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It seemed like everything was over, but it was the Upok. And when life is over, Upok gives you a little energy to contineu...

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As Keruk succumbed to darkness, he felt a surge of warmth and vitality coursing through his veins. The Upok, the mystical force that breathed life into the universe, had granted him a second chance. Slowly, he regained consciousness, finding himself in a realm of ethereal light.

Keruk looked around and saw that his surroundings had transformed. The once ominous cave had given way to a radiant landscape filled with vibrant colors and floating orbs of energy. Beside him, his wife stirred, her eyes widening in awe at the surreal beauty surrounding them.

A gentle voice resonated through the air, "You have proven your love and commitment. The Upok has granted you the strength to continue your journey."

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Keruk and his wife Apony gained a lot of experience. They could have returned home and lived happily ever after. But they decided to achieve their goal and save Tapi. They landed on the planet of the Identic. With the stones from the cave, they needed...

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...to activate the ancient portal that would lead them to Tapi's location. The stones they collected from the cave were not just ordinary rocks; they were infused with the energy of the Upok, granting them mystical properties.

As Keruk and wife stood before the portal, they carefully arranged the stones in a specific....

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In a specific, the portal activated the properties of the stones. Keruk and Apony saw Tapi and mentally sent him to the best place for him, the Oolong National Park. And they both found themselves at home.

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Days and months passed very quickly and soon a surprise came into their life to brighten their lives and to fill their home with love, laughter and noise.

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Those days the family lived a beautiful life. Since then they have had six extra surprises. The couple had a big business and a lot of friends. And the magic stones from the cave were kept by them.

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One evening they decided to use one of the magic stones to acquire a special boon. And the boon was....

the boon was to get a beautiful puppy with curly white fur.

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But with this boon, they opened a portal. And they didn't know about it when they woke up in the interesting unusual world...

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Curious yet cautious, they ventured forth into this unfamiliar land, their hearts filled with both excitement and trepidation. As they journeyed deeper into the realm, they encountered beings of all shapes and sizes—some friendly, others more menacing.

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These creatures couldn't have a problem with food for sure: the sky were spilling warm milk and fragrant honey all over the place. Unfortunately Keruk and Apony couldn't predict it. So the couple got wet and sticky in a split second as every single living being in this world. But it looked like Tapi had fun of this.

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They continued to explore the place. And when the light was going out, they began to fly uncontrollably in the space.

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At last they fell in a huge garden adorned with beautiful white blooms. As they were enjoying the sweet scent and the angelic beauty, the soft cry of a puppy attracted their attention. Slowly they walked towards that direction......

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The crying sound got louder. The poor thing was suffering for sure. The couple rushed forward but Tapi had outrun them easily. He jumped over the bushes, and Keruk and Apony lost his sight.

It took some time to get through the tungled branches as some of them had quite sharp spikes. But when they got finally through they saw....

A giant monster who simulated crying puppy sounds to attract kind helping creatures into his massive jaws. Lucky the noice in the bushes distracted him for short. Otherwise Tapi would be eaten already. But the couple realized they have just several seconds before the tragedy happens.

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The couple noticed the creatures that were distracting the monster. So they started throwing them at it. But they didn't notice that the number of creatures behind them was growing.

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They realised the immediate need of finding a safe escape.  So they quietly walked towards a huge tree and got hold of a hanging branch. Both of them clung to the branch and made a huge leap which took them outside the compound. They ran for their life and reached a nearby castle.

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When they entered, they received a message, that Tapi was rescued from the monster, and came back home. So they stayed alone in the unusual castle.

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