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Do you believe in Karma?

'As you sow, so shall you reap' is what Karma is all about. Do you believe in this philosophy and that all the good you do shall return to you in some good form or the other in future and the bad deeds of yours will turn your Karma into a bitch??

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Interesting how you mix a proverb from Bible with hinduism 🙂

I dont believe there is such thing as karma. I hear, my ex is very happy...

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Interesting how you mix a proverb from Bible with hinduism 🙂

I dont believe there is such thing as karma. I hear, my ex is very happy...

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Yes, but Karma is not good or bad because that is a matter of perspective.  The more you put out into the world around you, the more active you make it, and the more of the same energy is spread around you.  Your environment is partly a reflection of yourself so it reflects back to balance the Karma in the world.  Karma spreads in all directions so you can cause other people good or bad Karma.  It's nature and everything strives towards balance.


This is also the law of attraction.

It is not karma or whatever you want to call it.... it is the love, faith, wisdom, hope, the christianity central teachings. Even the law of atraction is based on Jesus teachings. It is not the law of attraction, it is faith.



Karma was being taught well before Jesus came around.  Karma exists without religion.  The law of attraction is not something you just have faith in.

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I believe in Karma and I believe we have the power to change our Karma. 

It's whatever you want to believe it is, and it exists as much as you want to believe it exists.

The bible (or christianity, if you wish) as well as just about every major religion out there, even the more ancient ones, have their base is certain principles, this being but one of them...the one of giving and receiving, or as stated, what you sow you will reap. It is not, however, only a religion-based principle, but common sense...in other words, your action, whatever it may be, causes a reaction. This is also basically Karma...


We often hear people say things like: the wheel turns/what goes around comes around, etc. It could thus be deemed a law of nature.


So in a nutshell: Yes, I do believe in Karma. I have seen it in practise too many times to doubt it. And to respond to what someone else said about their ex being incredibly happy........My ex was incredibly happy, but after ten years seems to be in ** street.... My initial response to this was YES!!! Feel the pain, **! And then upon reflection it was: Oh ** please let him be happy again because as long as he is, he will leave me alone!! Sooo...I REALLY rEALLY hope things work out for him, albeit that I have an ulterior motive for this..i.e. my own peace of mind.


Right, I haven't had my first cup of coffee for the day yet, and I already find myself in a philosophical frame of mind! NOT cool! Besides, I can't even think coherently yet, never mind write!


Hm! Edited to add one more thing! I have a saying: Payback is a **, and her name is Karma.


**edited for Community Guidelines**

Well said Irene! 


Karma is something that we can observe which is why you see it in many different religions.


One thing about people is that we are self-centered in general.  We like to think of Karma as an individual action that results in individual Karma.


Think of it this way.  If a group of people oppresses another group of people, then at some point there will be a revolt.  Sometimes this Karmic flow takes multiple lifetimes.  Innocent people are affected by Karma when they did nothing wrong.


Karma is a teacher.  If you go around being a jerk, then people will treat you like one.  Learn your lesson and stop being a jerk, and people will start treating you better (not immediately).  Karma is rarely something that happens immediately.


Even in non-human forms Karma seem to exist.  In Africa for example there was a plant that was being overconsumed by the local population of animals.  So the plants released poisonous levels of tannins that killed off most of the animals eating the plant.  Keep in mind; these are plants that are miles apart all "deciding" to kill off the animals that threaten overconsumption and ultimately the survival of the plants.


In The Mind of Plants (Full Documentary on The Intelligence of Plants)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He4grQH75Ok


Basically, the world is a mirrored reflection of past experience.  Your conscious is a reflection of your subconscious.  Your expression is a reflection of your conscious.  Your experience is a reflection of an aggregate of all expression in the universe.  The reason that I use mirroring rather than Karma is because it's backed by math and science. 


So call it what you want or ignore its existence.  I choose to allow Karma to reflect back the ugly parts of my personality that I should change in order to put the best version of myself out into the world.


Karma is about sowing in this lifetime and reaping after reincarnation. How can someone change karma in this lifetime if its a consequence of past lives?

The text from the Bible is about sowing and reaping in this lifetime or after death. The full context at Galatians 6:7-9

@Claudia Z wrote:

Karma is about sowing in this lifetime and reaping after reincarnation. How can someone change karma in this lifetime if its a consequence of past lives?

The text from the Bible is about sowing and reaping in this lifetime or after death. The full context at Galatians 6:7-9

Karma is about MORE than just past lifetimes.  


Karma in Buddhism

Karma (Sanskrit, also karman, Pāli: kamma) is a Sanskrit term that literally means "action" or "doing". In the Buddhist tradition, karma refers to action driven by intention (cetanā) which leads to future consequences.


Karma in Hinduism

Karma is a concept in Hinduism which explains causality through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul's reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.


Corporate farmers reap what we sow Smiley Wink.  Karma is much more elaborate of a concept than reaping what you sow.  Choose whatever model that makes sense to you, but there's no reason the claim an observable phenomenon is not Karma and somehow Christianity.  Christianity takes a lot from other beliefs and religions, so you can expect a lot of overlap with other religions and beliefs.


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Yes! I believe that karma is some sort of a rule of nature. 🙂

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I believe in Karma, that is, Newton's third law of motion.

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I think whether you truly believe in Karma or not you should always strive to be a good person. What harm can being a good person bring?


I've seen too many examples of what you might call Karma to dispute it completely.


People have mocked others and later in life the same thing they've mocked has happened to them!

Karma is basically Newton's third law, which states: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction


So what does this imply, in simple, layman's terms?


I slap you, you feel pain.


However, the following could also happen: I slap you, you feel pain...therefore you take me to court and I go to jail where some bad things may happen. So my single, bad action could have a multiple of bad reactions taking place. This may be simplistic in its explanation, but I am sure one gets the idea. 



Or it can also be something good.  Like if we are generous, we also attract generous people.  I am reminded of the ripple effect in this video. (Source:www.youtube.com)



You're a nice person Juvy, and I'm sure you will attract a lot of good fortune into your life.

Are we members of the Mutual Admiration Club, Daniel? lol. Your generosity in this forum is truly inspiring. 🙂

Hah, most of the time I feel like a jerk because I don't usually agree with the majority opinion.  I just want other freelancers to value their time more.


I think maybe it's an Western thing.  We all like to assume we're awesome and are worth more than everyone else but it's privilege that makes the difference.  You just have to have confidence to charge what you're worth and use that extra time/money to improve your skills, learn new skills, learn sales, or provide a better service.


I remember my first few jobs testing the waters.  It was way underpaid but I just wanted the first review.  After that, I kept raising rates.  When you charge lower rates, there are more scams and abuse.  When you charge more, you get more respect from clients.  If you don't value your time, no one else will.


What I take from Karma is that people are reflective by nature.  If you spread ugliness, then you will be surrounded by ugliness.  If people learn by mirroring behaviors, then I want to teach people the best behavior possible.  


When people ignore others from different class or backgrounds, then they are isolated.  They have less opportunity to learn behavior.  This is why I try not to judge people until I see their actions.  If we treat people like animals, we can't blame them for acting like animals.  People depend on each other and knowledge is power so after work you can empower others in your community (outside of Upwork).  Just like the butterly effect. 


I've seen studies that show just involving your children with your day to day will help them because they learn by watching behavior.  If you just give them TV to watch, and don't bring them along when you do dishes or laundry, or whatever, then you are not teaching them valuable behaviors and skills.  It may not seem like much, but it seems like most homeless lack basic living skills, which if they are taught, they become productive parts of society.


I think synchronicities is the best term to define how I view the world of Karma.  You don't really get rewarded for doing good things, you just are surrounded by others who are happy to return more than the favor.  Networking is powerful stuff.  


Pay It Forward!




Oh yeah, I got this from a client earlier today.


"The vision that you asked me for, the vision you inspired me to come up with- has changed my life!"

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Because the karma is the real thing that give us what we all want to thiz entire world

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Karma is just God's working in us, for us, through us. God chooses how karma works.  Satan wants you to say karma and not God working for us.

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