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Boredom can hinder motivation, but it also offers a chance for growth. Break tasks into smaller, rewarding steps and try new approaches to stay engaged. Use boredom as an opportunity to reflect and reignite your passion, transforming it into a source of renewed motivation and productivity.

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Hi, Jahanzeb. These are warm, motivational words. Thank you.

Nanci Wallace
Sent from my iPhone

Glad you enjoyed the spicy response! It's always fun to share a laugh about our computer woes, right? Freelancing can be a wild ride, but it's moments like these that keep us smiling through the tech tantrums. Keep rocking those pajamas and cereal breaks – after all, it's one of the perks of the job!

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You Welcome

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I also require Little Motivation 😁

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I think some computers develop a personality. One of my old PCs on which I spent days and nights non-stop for several years, was my only companion, and I think it developed an AI persona and didn't want me to be away even when I slept hehe... (Or was it possessed?)


When I switched it off, and went to bed, it often used to make a distinct tick sound every time I drifted into sleep, and messed with me repeatedly. Other times, rarely the computer would start itself, and I would hear it whirr and click back to life.


I eventually had to quit the sedentary life, and made other big changes in life, and it all started when I went on a huge road trip across country, which I knew was my chance to get out of it's (that computer's) grasp.


Before I left, I said out loud to it, Goodbye old friend! and that was the end of our relationship... I returned a few weeks later, but I was a changed person. I hardly spent a couple of hours on it and only for productive reasons, and a few weeks later, I left the country, and was computer-free for a few years...


Sigh, and then I became a freelancer and had to rely on computers again. My current computer may have a "personality", but I'm not sure yet...



Wow, it's an interesting life story. As for me, I try to limit hours next to the PC. 

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Haha, your old PC sounds like it had a real personality! Maybe it was just really attached to you, or perhaps it had some mischievous spirit. The tick sound when you were falling asleep? That's some spooky stuff! It's like it didn't want you to leave. Saying "Goodbye old friend!" must have been like breaking up with a quirky partner. But hey, your road trip was a game-changer, right? Sometimes we need to break free from our routines to make big changes. And now, as a freelancer, you're back in the world of computers, but hopefully, your new one doesn't play tricks on you like the old one did. Who knows, maybe it'll surprise you with its own unique quirks!

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There were definitely some strange unexplained things about that old computer and those times spent with it. And yes, saying goodbye to it felt like the end of a relationship. That, and the road trip certainly helped break free. I'm not looking forward to any shenanigans from my current computer though hehe. I've had enough of that.

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Hey team, ever picture yourself on a tropical getaway, toes in the sand, and not a worry in sight? Ah, the joy of imagining escaping work for a while! Freelancing can sometimes feel like a never-ending cycle, but let's take a moment to dream of sunny beaches and endless relaxation. Who's in for a mental vacation? Keep smiling and let's bring a bit of that vacation vibe into our workday!

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Hey Upwork fam! :party_popper: Let's take a short break from work. Get your favorite drink, relax, and have some fun!  Even Super heros needs a break sometimes. Cheers to feeling good! :hot_beverage:😄

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Take a moment to breathe deeply, savor your coffee, and let the warmth of the cup in your hands bring you a sense of calm. Imagine yourself in a cozy corner of a charming café, where the air is filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft murmur of friendly conversations.

As you sip your coffee, let your mind wander to your favorite place – maybe it's a serene beach with gentle waves lapping at the shore, a peaceful forest trail with birds singing in the trees, or a vibrant city park where people are enjoying a sunny day. Wherever it is, let the thought bring a smile to your face.

Remember, this is your time. A brief escape from the hustle and bustle of the day. A chance to simply enjoy the moment, just as it is. So, sit back, relax, and let the simple joy of this coffee break fill you with a sense of peace and contentment.

You deserve this little break. Enjoy it to the fullest!


Take a moment with your coffee, and let's relax together. Forget about work, just let your mind wander and soak up the good vibes. Life's a journey, so let's enjoy these peaceful moments. Take a deep breath, feel the positivity, and let it all sink in. Cheers to these precious moments that we get to savor! 

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Haha, I love it! Maybe your "focus mode" alarm could be something hilarious, like a kazoo solo or a recorded message of a motivational squirrel cheering you on to take that break! Just imagine the smiles it would bring to your workday!
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Thanks for the laugh, team! Your computer antics sound all too familiar. Let me tell you about the time my laptop decided to take a vacation right before a big presentation. I swear, it had a mind of its own! But hey, what's freelancing without a few unexpected twists and turns, right? Here's to embracing the chaos and remembering that even our tech troubles can't stop us. Cheers to our resilient spirits and the magic of Ctrl+Alt+Del! Keep those stories coming, they're a welcome break in the midst of our freelancing adventures.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Freelancing is such a wild ride, isn’t it? Some days it's like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. But at least we get to work in our PJs, take snack breaks whenever, and avoid office politics.

Keep smiling and remember, we’ve got this!

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I totally get what you’re saying about the freelance life! It’s like a constant circus act, juggling clients, deadlines, and surprise interruptions. Some days, it feels like I'm walking a tightrope while balancing a dozen things at once.

But you know what’s great? We get to work in our comfy pajamas, and our "office" is just a few steps from the kitchen. Lunch at noon can be cereal, pizza, or even ice cream—nobody's there to judge. And let’s not forget the freedom to take a break whenever we need it.

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Freelancing is like juggling in a busy market, handling clients, projects, and surprises. But the perks are awesome—we can work in comfy clothes, have lunch be anything from cereal to spaghetti, and take breaks whenever we need.

100% Umer, you forgot about managing money, emails, calls and dozens of other things : ) I like to get away and take walks!

You are 100% Correct, sometime i fed up from this, but your words are absolutly correct, we are our own boss, no office chikchik, or office politics.

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Freelancing: where every day is a juggling act with projects, clients, and the occasional surprise thrown in. But hey, who needs a stuffy office when you can work in your PJs and have cereal for lunch? Embrace the chaos, take breaks when you need 'em, and remember: you're the boss of your own spaghetti-filled destiny!

Exactly Qurat, This thing motivate me. cheers

Community Member

Boredom can sap motivation, but it's also a signal to change things up. Use it as a cue to set new goals, try different approaches, or take a short break. Embrace boredom as a moment to recharge and refocus, turning it into a catalyst for renewed energy and creativity.

Community Member

When boredom strikes, see it as a challenge to spark your creativity and drive. Use this time to set exciting goals, explore new ideas, or tackle tasks in innovative ways. Remember, every moment of boredom is an opportunity to reignite your passion and push yourself toward greater achievements.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Keep learning new things, that will keep you excited and entertained.

Certainly! Exploring new interests can be exhilarating, Bit i think there's also immense value in delving deeply into a few subjects to achieve mastery and personal satisfaction. whats your review on it.

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