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Joanne's avatar
Joanne B Community Member

Procrastination - show me your views.........please!

Honestly, I'm procrastinating!

Too warm to work Smiley LOL

Plus I have this view Smiley Happy

What's your view like when you work?

Wassim's avatar
Wassim T Community Member

That's exactly what I meant, Mary.

Pat's avatar
Pat M Community Member

We've (Central, Illinois) had several Heat Advisories recently.  The humidity has been horrible.  Yesterday the temps were in the 90's; the highest heat index I was aware of was 111.  Last year we actually had a heat index of 130 at least once.  


We don't really have 4 seasons any longer.  Spring this year was maybe 2 days-honest.  Oh well, we're not large, old trees; we could always move.  Needless to say it's been discussed many times for many reasons.


I'm with those of you that are ok with heat but can't stand high humidity.  I hate to wish my life away, but COME ON FALL!!! 

Mary's avatar
Mary W Community Member

I could never go back to the winters in the Midwest.  I would rather have a four month heat wave every year than go back to sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfalls.  Actually, that's exactly why I moved south.  Cannot tolerate hard winters and fortunately, I don't have to!

Pat's avatar
Pat M Community Member

Mary, I'm not a big fan of Winter.  However, overall our Winter's have become more mild.  I don't mind some cold and snow but hate ice.


I'm not a fan of high heat and high humidity either.  It feels just plain uncomfortable to me; perhaps especially since I have mild C.O.P.D.


Also, I don't prefer the idea of hurricanes; although we have tornadoes so...  I had a good friend (since passed) that went through a hurricane in North Carolina and a tornado in Missouri and actually said that all of the way around he found the hurricane less devastating than the tornado.  Bottom line I guess there's no "perfect" place.  Of course the definition of perfect varies per individual.           

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

I don't much care for July and August here, not so much because of the heat (I just stay under the aircon) but because of the tourists. My place is in a building with mainly second homes, Of the 8 apartments 5 are empty 10+ months a year, including the one above me and the one I share an internal wall with. In fact "my" half of the building is empty almost all year round and the lady I share a garden hedge with is lovely and has even more cats than I do.


In August, however, the tourists fall in like locusts and it gets noisy and busy and the beach is full and so are the restaurants and shops and roads. I literally can not WAIT until September.


I am seriously considering going an hour inland and renting a remote lodge in the mountains for July and August next year... I saw one last year and it was gorgeous, plus it's cooler (relatively) up there and there are views and wildlife... I recently bought my dream lens for my camera and my dream / life ambition is to photograph a bear or a wolf or a lynx and they all live up there...


I have this all within an hour's drive...





Mary's avatar
Mary W Community Member

Petra, have never been to your part of Italy but I know it's gorgeous.  I would head to the mountains if I were you!  If I could afford two places, I would summer in Milwaukee and winter down here but I can't so I won't.  Sigh.

Luce's avatar
Luce N Community Member

Petra, I totally agree with you, can't stand mass tourism season. I feel very sorry for people who are told they must spend money to have the pleasure of being  part of a crowd of tourists, to buy trinkets that were made in China, and to meet only other tourists as the 'natives' have chosen to run away.

Wish they had the good sense to stay away from those traps.

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