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Pups, cats and Christmas

Akela and Keiki met Santa and their list was endless. Akela & Keiki & Santa 2017.jpg

Community Member

Just look at their happy faces, you have gorgeous dogs! ❤️


Murphy just wants balls. His universe revolves around balls. His current fave is an LED one which works with his Chuckit ball launcher.


Murphy also wants Santa to have a word with me about please not adding more cats to the household.

Here's my Jack, although a few years ago.Christmas dog.jpg

Dear Santa, ALL we want are

1. Antlers

2. Balls

3. Toys

4. More toys

5. People food - just once .... please.


Petra, your comment about "no more cats" had be LOL-ing.


Now everyone needs to do what Mary did.  Post pics of your furbabies in Christmas garb ...


@Wendy---We don't dress our critters up for Christmas other than the occasional bow on their cute, little heads.  However, I do dress my hubby up.  There's two choices there:  a "Ho Ho Ho" hat that's sort of a combination of a baseball cap and a stocking cap with a white pom pom on the end or a red/green antler headband.  Of course he looks adorable in both!  Oh my gosh, and I can't forget several pairs of Christmas socks which we both have. Smiley Very Happy  

@Pat M wrote:

@1) @Wendy---We don't dress our critters up for Christmas other than the occasional bow on their cute, little heads. 

2) However, I do dress my hubby up.  There's two choices there:  a "Ho Ho Ho" hat that's sort of a combination of a baseball cap and a stocking cap with a white pom pom on the end or a red/green antler headband.  Of course he looks adorable in both!  Oh my gosh, and I can't forget several pairs of Christmas socks which we both have. Smiley Very Happy  

 1) Me neither.. Dressed up dogs (NOT a hat or antlers for a photo, or a cute haloween something for an hour, or a waterproof cover for working dogs.... I mean people who treat their dogs like Barbie Dolls and the dogs have more dresses and jackets than their owners) are one of my pet hates.....


2) Is that the secret to your incredibly long happy marriage?

I'm with you on that particular pet peeve.  Cat Very Happy


@Wendy C wrote:

I'm with you on that particular pet peeve.  Cat Very Happy

 Wendy one of my Facebook friends keeps posting pics of her Boston Terrier in a tutu with nailvarnish and pseudo Chanel jackets.... I nearly unfriended her a few times because it makes my eyes bleed.


No pics of anything christmas-y with dogs or cats from my house because a Christmas tree or decorations would last a grand total of 5 minutes (if that) with a ball obsessed Springer Spaniel and 4 cats (OK, 6 if we count the 2 stray / feral ones that don't officially live here and are NOT allowed in the house beyond the kitchen and CERTAINLY never on any furniture at all under any circumstances ever.....)


Like this one who is not on the bed in the guest room at all, ever, in any way.




I happen to know that clothes from Build-a-Bear are perfect fits for a dachshund.  (No, I didn't do it)

@Petra R wrote:

@Pat M wrote:

@1) @Wendy---We don't dress our critters up for Christmas other than the occasional bow on their cute, little heads. 

2) However, I do dress my hubby up.  There's two choices there:  a "Ho Ho Ho" hat that's sort of a combination of a baseball cap and a stocking cap with a white pom pom on the end or a red/green antler headband.  Of course he looks adorable in both!  Oh my gosh, and I can't forget several pairs of Christmas socks which we both have. Smiley Very Happy  

 1) Me neither.. Dressed up dogs (NOT a hat or antlers for a photo, or a cute haloween something for an hour, or a waterproof cover for working dogs.... I mean people who treat their dogs like Barbie Dolls and the dogs have more dresses and jackets than their owners) are one of my pet hates.....


2) Is that the secret to your incredibly long happy marriage?



Petra, I've never considered that, but it just may have something to do with it-lol! 


@Wendy C wrote:

Dear Santa, ALL we want are

1. Antlers

2. Balls

3. Toys

4. More toys

5. People food - just once .... please.


Petra, your comment about "no more cats" had be LOL-ing.


Now everyone needs to do what Mary did.  Post pics of your furbabies in Christmas garb ...




My little guy was operated at an early age - I guess he would echo Wendy's #2 request - I feel so bad!! 😄

Community Member



I was expecting Clover to be much more timid with Santa but she is the chillest possible dog. It was Shai that was a bit unsure of what was going on!


My husband permitted me to dress Shai in a tux for her graduation from puppy school ("absolutely NO DRESSES!") but I'm not allowed to dress them for Christmas. They'd probably destroy a costume anyway! And in any case, it's much harder to find costumes for medium-large dogs. Most of them are for the little ones.

Shai looks a bit dubious about that big man in red. 😉  Clover's just chilling and smiling for the camera.  Love it!

@Wendy C wrote:

Shai looks a bit dubious about that big man in red. 😉  Clover's just chilling and smiling for the camera.  Love it!

 Yeah Clover was a little dubious but when I encouraged her up she was like "well, Mum thinks he's okay so I guess it's fine" and just jumped up next to him and lay down. But Shai I had to pick up and position next to him and she kept leaning away from him, hehe 🙂


Kathryn, thanks for the tip 🙂 Maybe I'll see if I can get them a t-shirt each or something 🙂

@Jennifer D wrote:



I was expecting Clover to be much more timid with Santa but she is the chillest possible dog. It was Shai that was a bit unsure of what was going on!


My husband permitted me to dress Shai in a tux for her graduation from puppy school ("absolutely NO DRESSES!") but I'm not allowed to dress them for Christmas. They'd probably destroy a costume anyway! And in any case, it's much harder to find costumes for medium-large dogs. Most of them are for the little ones.

 *cough*children's clothing section at the store and make adjustments as needed*cough*


Gorgeous pics everyone.  🙂  Hope you're all doing well and that the holidays are being kind as they slowly creep up.

~I am only here when I can tolerate having my eyes blasted, my privacy treated like a joke, and my temper pushed to it's limit. For all other times, please request alternate contact methods~

If any of you have pets who cower from thunder, lightening, and storms in general - kid sized t-shirts, along with judicious use of Velcro to make the T fit - are the least expensive Thunder Shirt on the market.

A couple of dollars vs. whatever the going rate for them is.

@Wendy C wrote:

If any of you have pets who cower from thunder, lightening, and storms in general - kid sized t-shirts, along with judicious use of Velcro to make the T fit - are the least expensive Thunder Shirt on the market.

A couple of dollars vs. whatever the going rate for them is.

 ^---- That.  Plus, if you live in a cold weather climate, you can do the same thing with two t-shirts and some blanket filler (craft section) to make doggie winter jackets FAR cheaper than you will find them in a store, plus they'll be custom fitted to your pup.  $5-$10 vs. $40+ is definitely worth it.

~I am only here when I can tolerate having my eyes blasted, my privacy treated like a joke, and my temper pushed to it's limit. For all other times, please request alternate contact methods~

My Jack Russell had a genuine Barbour jacket... (to keep warm and dry, not (only) because it looked cool and co-ordinated with mine) ...

@Wendy C wrote:

If any of you have pets who cower from thunder, lightening, and storms in general - kid sized t-shirts, along with judicious use of Velcro to make the T fit - are the least expensive Thunder Shirt on the market.

A couple of dollars vs. whatever the going rate for them is.

 I had an actual ThunderShirt for  Phoebe and it did nothing. I even had her on anti-anxiety medication during storm season and it didn't help. She was absolutely terrified of storms. Luckily so far it seems the two new furbabies don't care at all.

@Jennifer D wrote:

@Wendy C wrote:

If any of you have pets who cower from thunder, lightening, and storms in general - kid sized t-shirts, along with judicious use of Velcro to make the T fit - are the least expensive Thunder Shirt on the market.

A couple of dollars vs. whatever the going rate for them is.

 I had an actual ThunderShirt for  Phoebe and it did nothing. I even had her on anti-anxiety medication during storm season and it didn't help. She was absolutely terrified of storms. Luckily so far it seems the two new furbabies don't care at all.


 Mya, our female husky is petrified of storms.  I did get her an actual Thundershirt and some calming treats.  I spray some diluted lavender essential oil on the Thundershirt; the combination of the 3 has greatly assisted the situation.  

I was never able to ease AussieMop's hatred of storms despite 15 years of effort and every possible 'cure'. Nothing works as well as cuddles and a soothing mom voice.  Thankfully the 2 in the pic have no reaction to the nasty booms.  I long ago decided for rescue pups we can't erase the evil memories; we can only help them cope.

That's so true Wendy. When we first got Clover she was terrified of the hose - when my husband fills up their paddling pool Shai loves to play with the hose and Clover was actually trying to push her out of the way of it and protect her from it at first. Then she realised that it is actually a fun game and now she loves it too. I think she'd had the hose used as punishment before 😞


A friend of a friend rescued a dog and they despaired of ever teaching him even the most basic commands. He just would not respond to training. Then one day they were watching TV and someone started speaking Spanish and the dog immediately sat up and stared intently at the TV. They asked a friend who speaks Spanish to try some Spanish obedience commands on him and he responded immediately. He was a very obedient dog, they just weren't speaking his language! So they taught themselves the Spanish basic commands and just give him commands in Spanish now 🙂 You never know what you're getting with a rescue!

Community Member

My Yorkie loves Christmas to a ridiculous degree. He gets excited as soon as we start talking about it, a couple of weeks before Christmas, and amps up with each new step--loves when the Christmas tree goes up in particular. 


On Christmas morning, he runs back and forth between me and his stocking until I help him take it down and go through his presents. Then, he plays with everything he owns (old and new), eats his weight in treats and passes out for hours like a little kid who had a big day.

That's adorable Tiffany! I am not at all a fan of little dogs generally, but I do have a soft spot for Yorkies - my dear departed grandmother had them her whole life. They have a huge personality for such a tiny dog!

Community Member

I've always wanted to be able to contribute something to these threads but up until this weekend I could only enjoy pictures of other peoples' pets.

However, this past Saturday (Ortodox Christmas Eve) Basil the Greyhound joined our household. He's a sweet, elegant and curious boy. He does need to wear a coat in winter here in Minnesota because greyhounds barely have any body fat.




~ Valeria

I love, love, love greyhounds and they get a very raw deal in Europe, particularly in Spain. Gentle loving dogs. Basil is adorable. How old is he?


(I'm so relieved that there is orthodox Christmas, because for those who celebrate it on 24/25 December, you are meant to take your tree down by the 6 January. Mine is still up - but due to be dismantled tomorrow!)

Hi Valeria,

He is really beautiful.
Like Nichola, I really like greyhounds, and here in Spain, they are really treated in a horrible way.
There are many associations that are dedicated to rescue them, but there are so many ...
Take care of him, they are very affectionate dogs.

And buy him a good coat Woman Wink

Valeria,  Basil is drop-dead handsome.  Please continue to post pics of him - esp. as he discovers all the fun and security of his real home.

Fashion update. 


I turned an old jacket into a new coat for Basil. He looks pretty pleased with himself when he's wearing it. Now... we accept suggestions as to why a dog would need pockets.



~ Valeria



Pockets? He needs his doggy treats when you take him for his walk - or an extra house key. Pockets are absolutely necesary! 


It's a beautiful coat, with a trendy neckline.  You should start a business and patent that pattern!


Treats? Poop bags? Favorite ball? Geotag? So many possibilities! As a woman *frequently* frustrated by the lack of pockets in women's clothes, I wholeheartedly support pockets for doggos.

In other Greyhound news, Clover has made friends with a Greyhound at our local dog park:




When we were there yesterday, she took him on in a race, and managed to nearly keep up with him! When she gets going, she is *much* faster than she looks. I wish I'd got it on video, I was amazed at how quick she was.

He's gorgeous Valeria! A friend of my husband volunteers with a greyhound rescue organisation here and she always has at least 2 lazing around her house - her own plus a foster. She'd been trying to convince my husband to rescue one but he doesn't like them. They're apparently very lazy dogs except when they have the zoomies!



Nichola, he's almost 5 years old and retired from racing just a few months ago. He's mature but is still very playful and super cuddly.


Jennifer, he does nap A LOT. But I noticed he does it mostly when his humans are just sitting around with their computers. As soon as we start moving around the house doing something else, he gets up and participates in everything we do. And he loves his long walks. After 3 days of having him here, I'd say he's a perfect dog for somebody working from home on their computer.Woman Very Happy


Wendy and Maria, I'll try to post more pictures once we get him more fashionable coats for this cold weather (sorry Petra). The coat he came with from the rescue is ugly...

~ Valeria

Photos of Basil in the house - playing with hs toys, curled up under your desk, etc. also work.  😄

Greyhounds are wonderful. As one of my doggy friends says "They are either flat out (running / playing / hunting) or flat out (cuddling / sleeping / lying in the way)"


Bless you for giving him a forever home, he is absolutely gorgeous!

I love the most recent pic, Valeria. You've created not only a warm stylish jacket  but booties as well.  🙂 Basil is the epitome of a well-dressed pup.  Unlike many dogs, he looks quiet regal.  


@Wendy C wrote:

I love the most recent pic, Valeria. You've created not only a warm stylish jacket  but booties as well.  🙂 Basil is the epitome of a well-dressed pup.  Unlike many dogs, he looks quiet regal.  



Certainly unlike my dog, who doesn' t need extra insulation, and who although small, is so hairy that, with what I brush off him and off the floor,  I could stuff several cushions a day, and if I knew how, weave several rugs!

Photo please, Nichola.

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