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Second day of being in upwork. Im having my coffee and donut while pondering my approach.

Hello all hope ur all doing well. I am currently attempting to think of ways to avoid mistakes when accepting a job. I bet some of u have suggestions on that. Please share as I would like a good start to avoid bad experiences. Also what music category do u all listen to while working that is if u do? Thanks and cheers!

Community Member

Start by doing all the Academy courses, then focus on your profile. 

I'll be looking into that thanks for the suggestion.


There are quite a few unwritten rules about being a freelancer worker and one of those is that you become an expert at something first. People who pay money for your skills have high expectations and describing yourself as a hard worker just doesn't quite cut it. Everybody is a hard worker -- or at least everyone is expected to be. You have to have a product that you can really sell out loud and proud. There's no employer to back you up -- if you make a mistake as a freelancer, it's all on you;. 

It's nice to tihink of freelancing as a free-for-all, everyone join the party. And, it's true. The doors to freelancing ar invisible. Anyone with access to the Internet can join Upwork. But the reality hits back with a vegence. What are you goiong to do if your first clients are disapointed and start posting bad reviews on your profile? 

Employers train workers. Freelancers are expected to know what they're doing. Nobody's going to train you here ... that's not freelancing; that's employment. 

Everyone's gotta remember the Client's promise: 


I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger
Those who attempt to poison and destroy my projects
And you will know my name is the Client
When I lay my vengeance upon thee

Community Member

In addition to what Martina has suggested, you could start by improving your profile. Your overview is all about you and not what you can deliver to your client. You could also add some work experience and a portfolio. 

I honestly havent worked so the only thing i got is to work on my portfolio
from things ive made in the past. But its not very much and need to work on
finishing it as its all started only.


Sorry to be so blunt, but without some experience, I think you are going to struggle, and you may be targeted by scammers.  We have all had to start from the beginning, but most of us have had some work experience before going into self- employment, which is what freelancing is about.  The problem with using a client as a work-experience platform, is that if a job(s) goes pear-shaped, and you get poor feedback, it makes it difficult to find more work. I really think you must reconsider your position and at least offer a skill that you have some experience in.  Or, get more B&M experience or certification to lend more weight to what you offer in your profile.  

Community Member

I believe you need more "fillers" in your profile: for now you only have an unformatted text about you, no previous job history, no portfolio items, no consultations and no projects. 


I am no pro, but here are some tips:

Use the first two lines of text as a sales pitch, something like

First line: 15 years experience / Cooperation with 5 Fortune 500 companies / 100% positive Feedback / Client Testimonials

Second line: "Working with Reynalo has been a delight, I have never been so happy..."

Disclaimer: This is only an example. Fill the information regarding your success in those two first lines!

Tip in a Tip: The same principle works for proposals. The two first lines is what the client sees without opening your proposal. So use the two lines of your cover letter as a sales pitch. 


Go to your profile and edit it:

Add job history 

Other experiences

At least 3 portfolio items




Those will be fillers, making your page more complete, giving the client more information about you, without the need to ask.



Community Member

REYNALO V wrote:

Hello all hope ur all doing well. I am currently attempting to think of ways to avoid mistakes when accepting a job. 

Hi! One thing I avoid like the plague is vague clients. If I can barely nail down a list of tasks/features from them I know they will keep adding more and more things they “forgot” (read: never thought about in the first place) with no offer of extra pay (I do fixed price stuff generally). I just turned down a job and took one that paid way less because the client had no idea what she wanted and couldn’t communicate effectively at all.

REYNALO V wrote:

Please share as I would like a good start to avoid bad experiences. Also what music category do u all listen to while working that is if u do? Thanks and cheers!

A lot of downtempo stuff that's on the abstract side, like Massive Attack and Boards of Canada, atmospheric music like Brian Eno, Bitchin' Bajas, White  Rainbow, Souljazz Orchestra - stuff I can ignore but is interesting when I choose to listen. And some modern artists I just find pleasant to listen to like Julia Holter, Fazerdaze, Winter and Jane Weaver.

Good luck and cheers!


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

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