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Samuel's avatar
Samuel O Community Member

Agency and Sub-accounts

Good day
Please I want to wake an inquiry, this is about owning an agency on upwork. I have a Freelancing account on upwork and I'm planning to run an agency with the account and have a couple of other accounts which will be managed by my staffs but my question is, if the main account run into an issue, let's assume the main account get suspended, will it affect the other accounts in the agency? And will each (Sub-accounts) also get their monthly connects independently or it will be the main account's connect that they'll all be using for biding.

In short all I'm asking is, will sub-accounts under an agency be affected (Account Suspension or deactivation) or unaffected if something goes wrong with the main agency account (Mother account)?

Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Samuel, 


For the connects question, on an agency account, the agency will have a connects that will be shared among all agency freelancers. This means that if a freelancer sends a proposal through the agency account, the connects that will be used will be the agency connects. However, if the freelancer (exclusive freelancer) chooses to send a proposal through their freelancer account, the connects will be debited from their individual freelancer account. You may read more about sending agency proposals here.


For the suspensions, this will depend on what suspension the agency owner received. 

You may want to read up on these help articles to help you get started on Upwork as an agency.

~ Avery
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