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Autofill, Ai and how to detect bad job posts and bids (clients and freelancers)

I'm not the first one to mention this issue and i'm not the first to post this topic, but i believe this is a problem that must be continuously addressed.

In my view, this option to autofill or get some directions on how to respond jobs is **Edited for Community Guidelines**!!

It's lazy:

 - it shows that the client doesn't care, he's just looking to look professional on the proposal, without any kind of clear clarification on the job requirements

 - it shows that the freelancer doesn't care, he's just biding because... or he's some sort of bot trying to grab what he can without any knowledge of the job.


Here's some tipical samples that everyone surely already saw:

 - "The architect will be responsible for creating detailed architectural plans, including layout, lighting, materials, and finishes. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of local building codes and regulations, as well as experience in designing commercial spaces. Attention to detail, creativity, and the ability to work within deadlines are essential for this project.

 - "The ideal candidate should possess a strong understanding of design principles and be proficient in 3D modeling software. Attention to detail and the ability to bring concepts to life through realistic renderings are essential. This role requires a creative and collaborative mindset, as you will be working closely with our team to refine and iterate on the design. If you have a passion for translating ideas into visually appealing designs, we'd love to hear from you.

- "The successful candidate should have a strong understanding of scaffolding design principles and be familiar with the specific requirements of ringlock systems.

 - "The ideal candidate will have a strong eye for design, an understanding of color theory, and the ability to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. As an interior designer, you will be responsible for conceptualizing, planning, and executing design projects for residential and commercial clients. Your role will involve collaborating with clients to understand their design preferences, creating design proposals, selecting furniture and accessories, and overseeing the installation process.

 - "The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of local building codes and regulations, as well as experience in designing commercial spaces. Attention to detail, creativity, and the ability to work within deadlines are essential for this project.


All of this can vary according to the job category, but they are all the same and reflect the same: laziness

 - lazy clients : the large majority of this clients have 0 ZERO reviews and 0 work history

 - lazy freelancers; if you are so lazy to write a personal bid that takes less than 5 minutes, i can only wonder the kind of work you'll deliver for a week's job....



Here's my take:



Quick publishing jobs and quick replies will never guarantee a PRO work,


 - A client that takes the time to explain the requirements is a client that cares for quality!!

 - A freelancer that takes time reading the job post and replies on is bid explaining the why the value of his bid and asking questions and clarifications is a knowledgeable freelancer.

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I agree 100%.  I avoid all AI generated job posts... and as a Client, I avoid all AI generated applications.  AI = Avoid Immediatley.


The fact that Upwork is pushing this technology on us without our consent is worrysome.  It is alienating clients and Freelancers and leading to a less transparent, honest and productive environment.  

It's lazy!!

And talking about lazy (and you've surely noticed this to) is the increase of job posts asking for academic assignments, either for graduates, Md or even Phd's.

If you add this to AI, we are not only breeding the most of the laziest generations but also cultivating the most underqualified and least knowledgeable generations!!!

S**t i'm starting to be afraid of going to the doctor 20 years from now

It's like that movie "Idiocracy"

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