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Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Bad Client

Hi Upwork Community, Recently I started working with a client on a project. I submitted my work and she didn't like my design even though I was provided with very little information. I revised my work multiple times and gave her a total of 5 revisions but she still isn't satisfied. Then we came to terms where she will pay me half of the project price and agreed to wrap the project up. Now she keeps requesting new changes and will only pay me half. Is there anything I can do now I am afraid if she will leave a bad review?

Jeremiah's avatar
Jeremiah B Community Member

Just remind the client that you both agreed to end the contract and that requesting additional work does not align with that agreement.

"Sir/Ma'am, we have both agreed to end this contract after I complete ___ and ___.  The additional requests for changes do not fall into the scope of that agreement."

Or you can agree to do them, but don't be surprised when the client asks for more and more.

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Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

I assume this is escrow? Your only option is to dispute or give a full refund and bail unless you can somehow convince her to give you half and go away with no more revisions.

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you for taking the time and helping me out. Yes, the amount is in escrow, and even after we both agreed to end the project my client still requested more work. I guess I should give a full refund this is the only way left for me.

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

Is the contract ended? If so, you could keep going for 30 days until she can't dispute anymore, but there is still a chance for a chargeback. 

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

No. it's still open. Can i open a dispute on Upwork. Will it be helpful or I should resolve it on my own?

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

I'm not even sure if a freelancer can trigger a dispute before a refund request is filed. If you just refuse to do any more revisions, she'll probably close it and request a refund and then you can go for the dispute option.

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you Jennifer for helping me out.

Apinia's avatar
Apinia R Community Member

If the client paid already, you can end the contract, give them stars and leave your comments. I just did this with a client recently. I didn't expect to get any stars and comments from them. There is a story behind the scene but not bad like you. 

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you Apinia

Jeremiah's avatar
Jeremiah B Community Member

The point where you and the client both agreed to mutually end the contract is where all future work requests and changes should completely stop.  Fufill the agreed obligations and end the contract.  As in life, some clients are "takers" and will continue taking from you until you have nothing left to give.  

I can recall at least one client that did this to me.  Constantly asking for changes that were never part of the scope of work.  Constantly asking for just one other small request.

You need to set a boundary and say no.  Depending on the relationship, you might try saying something to the effect of:

"I am sorry but this was not covered in the scope of work for this contract". 

"I would be happy to add those changes into the scope of work but we will need to renogotiate the original contract"

"I would be happy to address those additional items, lets draft an addendum contract once this one is closed"

So on and so forth.  The idea is to let the client know that you're happy to do the additional work, but that you want to be compensated for it.  This isn't goodwill.

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you Jeremiah for sharing your experience and sharing your suggestions on how to deal with such clients. However, how do I convince my client to stop requesting more changes as she herself suggested ending the project and now she is demanding more work? Can Upwork dispute help me in this regard or i should try to solve it on my own?  

Jeremiah's avatar
Jeremiah B Community Member

Just remind the client that you both agreed to end the contract and that requesting additional work does not align with that agreement.

"Sir/Ma'am, we have both agreed to end this contract after I complete ___ and ___.  The additional requests for changes do not fall into the scope of that agreement."

Or you can agree to do them, but don't be surprised when the client asks for more and more.

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you Jeremiah. I appreciate your help.

Apinia's avatar
Apinia R Community Member

Sad to meet with this type of client. Pray that you can deal with them peacefully. 

Fizza's avatar
Fizza Y Community Member

Thank you Apinia, I really appreciate your support.

Apinia's avatar
Apinia R Community Member


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