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Maja's avatar
Maja P Community Member

Client Testimonial not approved by UpWork

I'm joining what seems to be like a long line of freelancers whose testimonials from clients outside of UpWork have not been approved because the clients contact details 'could not be verified'. I provided both my client's email address and one of his two LinkedIn profiles (he is a professor at two separate universities.) A quick google search of his name will confirm that he is a renowned historian with several publications under his belt. My client was kind enough to take the time out of his busy schedule to write me a testimonial for the copy-editing work I did for him last year. The project was a major step forward for me in terms of my freelancing career. I am baffled as to why this testimonial was not approved and the fact that I have wasted my client's time with this, is embarrassing. I hope you can resolve this issue and approve the testimonial. Thank you.

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Akbal,


We know many freelancers have worked with clients outside of Upwork and we want to give them an opportunity to showcase that on Upwork by getting testimonials from these clients. You can send requests to clients you've worked with in past.


To ensure the trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. 


You can use your profile overview or portfolio section to include endorsements and testimonials from people you worked with outside of Upwork. Make sure not to share any private or contact information.


~ Arjay

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174 REPLIES 174
Aditya's avatar
Aditya V Community Member

Thanks for the message, I really appreciate it.I am looking for more transparent approach from Upwork.

Cameron's avatar
Cameron B Community Member

Hi there I have requested a client tesimonial from a previous client of mine and received the email that it was not approved. I am happy to provide more evidence or whatever is needed to get the testimonial approved I just do not know who to contact or get in touch with. Thank you for your help! 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Cameron,


To ensure trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients when we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.

Cinde's avatar
Cinde W Community Member

One of my clients off of upwork submitted a nice testimonial for me.  I gave all the information that you requested and everything is perfect and clear.  I have been working with him for over 2 years. You declined his testimonial. This is the second time that you have done this and after a support request you posted the last one.  I guess we have to do this again.  I pay a premium for my membership and struggling to get work and I need my testimonials to help gain work.  Could you please relook at the submital and either tell me what is wrong with it or please post.  
Thank you!

Adam's avatar
Adam S Community Member


I'm having the same issue as well. My client has a Linkedin profile but the testimonial was declined. I would like to know the basis of the decision that was made not to approve the testimonal of Crystal Cunningham. I have worked with her for the past two years on a podcast. In addition, I’ve done drone work for the church we both attend. How can I work with you to resolve this issue? It’s especially important to me, since I have not had any work through Upwork and need potential clients to know that I have the talent and skills to do the work I apply for. 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Cinde and Adam,


To ensure trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients when we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.

Cameron's avatar
Cameron B Community Member

I understand you are just doing your job but these responses are really quite unhelpful. They offer no opportunity for the problem to be solved and I wish Upwork would pay more attention to this area of their product as us freelancers are providing all we can and offered no opportunity to work with Upwork to get these approved even though they are real client work.  

Adam's avatar
Adam S Community Member

Thanks for the reply, I’ve seen the same reply in several different places. Unfortunately, I don’t have a bunch of customers who have LinkedIn, so sending out another request really won’t work for me. I’d like to request that someone from the Upwork team reach out to me and help resolve the issue.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Adam,


I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sorry we couldn't approve your Testimonial request. I want to clarify that we have tools and a system in place to review and check the validity of the testimonials. To better ensure the integrity of our review, we do not share the details of our process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for how this outcome may inconvenience you.


I want to take the opportunity to encourage you to visit our Upwork Academy page. You'll find several courses that can help you learn all of the basics on Upwork to increase your chances of landing jobs with your potential clients.


In addition, you can also sign up for upcoming events and webinars that are sure to boost your success on Upwork.

~ Luiggi
Sankalp's avatar
Sankalp W Community Member


After requesting a testimonial from one of my clients (Outside Upwork), they kindly provided it. However, Upwork rejected the testimonial without providing a clear reason. I was informed that Upwork's policy prohibits disclosing reasons for such rejections, and furthermore, I was prohibited from asking the same client for another testimonial. I find this puzzling. Even if the testimonial violated Upwork's terms and conditions, I believe it should be permissible to request a testimonial from the same bona fide client. I offered to share the client's contact details so Upwork could verify the testimonial directly, but this offer was not accepted.

Can anyone help me with this? How to get Testimonials from my genuine Clients without getting the same rejection by Upwork?


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Becca's avatar
Becca M Community Member

Im having the same issue my client took time out of her busy day to write a testimonial because she liked my work. It was sent right to her bussiness email and I provided her personal linkedin page. Upworks support is useless it seems no explanation given as to why it was rejected other than the standard email . What the point of them if they just get rejected?

Gilbert's avatar
Gilbert C Community Member

Hi, I also experienced a similar problem. I requested for a testimonial from my previous colleague since she previously hired me to create a digital graphic design for a car show. My colleague (client) really allotted a time just to submit her testimonial to Upwork. Minutes after she submitted it, it was not approved by Upwork saying that the platform does not have sufficient evidence that the contact information was valid even though I provided my client's LinkedIn profile link. With that being said, I am also wondering the same thing, how can I provide sufficient or additional evidence? 

Thanks in advance!

Safia's avatar
Safia B Community Member

Dear Upwork Team,

Today, I changed my profile name . Old name on my account was ( Attia Farooq )  but even now my profile is at same name as it my take a few days to reset to new name Safia B. I requested a testimonial from my client outside of upwork but after hat I changed my profile's name as when I get to know about fiverrr terms and policies regarding name that it should be legal. After that client give me testimonial but I received an email for which I attached the screenshot below. Kindly tell me how can I get that Client's Testimonial because that was of very high importance. And kindly tell me when will be my new account name be approved. I want to ask that I didn't get testimonial as I changed my profile name . That's the reason or anything else. Kindly let me know. Anyone who view my message can respond me and share your thoughts . Thank you.

Anxiously waiting for your reply, 

Best Regards,

Safia B 



Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Attia,


I checked your account but I was not able to see any request to change your name. To change your name please go to Settings > Contact Info to edit your name.



~ Joanne
Dolly's avatar
Dolly S Community Member

Dear Upwork Community Members, 


I am a fresher on the Upwork platform and trying to build credibility through profile building, where I understand that the testimonial is an important step. I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the recent rejection of a couple of testimonial requests.

Please note, I do not have clients on Upwork to provide testimonials, however, I do have over a decade of experience from my previous roles and have worked with different teams. Despite the genuine nature of the testimonials and the valuable time that my clients/ex-colleagues have taken from their busy schedules to provide them, it is disheartening to see them not being considered valid. The LinkedIn profiles provided as evidence of our professional relationships are authentic. I can also share links to the websites wherein our names are listed in the committee list which can also showcase the authenticity for the testimonials. Requesting a reconsideration of my testimonial request.


Thank you for your attention and understanding.


I sincerely hope for a positive reconsideration.

 Available for any further information you may require.

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Dolly,


I am sorry to hear that your previous Testimonials were not approved. To ensure trust and quality of our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.


- Pradeep

Rio's avatar
Rio C Community Member

My proposal wasn't approved, and I'm willing to provide Upwork with proof and receipts if needed.

My client is too busy to provide testimonials for me. It's been a recurring issue if Upwork doesn't approve them. What's the use of asking for testimonials if they're not approved? If you need anything from me to speed up or help the approval process, let me know, and I'll provide it.

Kenneth's avatar
Kenneth M Community Member

I sent a client not on upwork a recommendation email which he submitted but hasn't reflected on my freelance Upwork profile

Abinet's avatar
Abinet T Community Member

To resolve this issue, I recommend the following steps:

1. Follow up with the client: Reach out to the client and inquire if they successfully submitted the recommendation on Upwork. They may have forgotten, encountered technical difficulties, or mistakenly submitted it to the wrong profile.

2. Verify Upwork guidelines: Make sure that the recommendation meets Upwork's guidelines and requirements for being displayed on your profile. Recommendations must be written by clients who have hired you through Upwork and should address your skills and work experience.

3. Contact Upwork support: If the recommendation still doesn't appear on your profile after following up with the client and ensuring it meets Upwork's guidelines, reach out to Upwork support for assistance. They can investigate the issue and provide guidance on how to resolve it.

By taking these steps, you should be able to address the problem of the recommendation not showing on your freelance Upwork profile.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member

Sometimes it takes 24 hour processing to appear.


Make sure the client truly submitted and there was not an error message.


Otherwise click the Support link above with a client screenshot of the submission.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Kenneth,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents has contacted you with more information. 

~ Luiggi
Amit's avatar
Amit T Community Member


I have requested 2 different testomials from my exisitng client as I am new to upwork and both are rejected by upwork, please let me know why they are rejected as I also mentioned the linkedin profile of the member. There is no such just get the mail of the rejection. 

Please let me know your thoughts on it. 

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Amit,


To ensure trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients when we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.

~ Luiggi
Krishna's avatar
Krishna T Community Member


I got the email from Upwrok that testimonial given by previous client  is not approved. I am surprised why the testimonial is not approved ? may i know the valid reason ? I have spend more than 5 moths developing omnichannel chatbot solution for this client and now testimonial is not approved, is there any way i can defend it ? I can provide support documents, my work link with this cleints and all. 

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Krishna,


To ensure trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients when we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.

~ Joanne
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