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Alia's avatar
Alia T Community Member

Client stopped responding after work is done

Hi I had a new client and he stopped responding me after everything in the project is done.
He only paid me $50 out of $300 and went offline.
He says to call me tomorrow and tomorrow but never responds when the time comes.
What should I do? I want to get paid for the project.
Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Alia,


I checked your contract and I can see that it is set on hold at the moment. I would recommend to stop working until your contract is resumed and a new milestone is funded. 
To learn more about how you're protected under our fixed price protection, check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran
Alia's avatar
Alia T Community Member

I already have done everything. And why is it on a hold?
Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Alia,


The contract is on hold due to a problem on your client's end. Once this is resolved the hold will be removed. For any additional information, I would recommend communicating further with your client. Thank you.

~ Goran
Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member


You made many mistakes with how you used Upwork on this project. These mistakes were your fault, not the client's.


This is a GOOD THING.


Because it means that YOU HAVE THE POWER.


You can do things differently in the future.


The important thing to learn is this:

Don't work for free.


If the client funded a $50 escrow payment, then you are only supposed to do $50 worth of work. Then you stop.


If the client wants you to do the whole project, and the whole project is worth $300, then the client needs to fund that much in escrow.


The budget does not count. It means nothing.

A promised payment of $300 does not count.


The only number that matters is what is funded in escrow.

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