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Connects needed

Hi everyone,


I am an architect and I am a new freelancer on Upwork, so I am looking for jobs from the field of architecture or designing. The problem is: to apply a job offer normally I need between 8 or 12 connects (without boosting)(image 02) , but seeing some Upwork tutorials on youtube and searching among the filters of the upwork job research (image 01) I realized that the maximum number of connect needed for a proposal is 6. So may I ask why I have to pay 8 or 12? I think it's not depends from the kind of job. It's quite unusual. Somebody could help me? Thank you.


Have a good day

Community Member

The 8 and 12 connect / proposal is normal in this field. You can choose to use the search filters to only apply to jobs that require less connects.
No one knows how the connects needed are estimated, the youtube tutorials could be abit old

Community Member

Upwork is doing a business from selling connects. In fact, people are boosting their bids buying 50 connects! 

Why is Upwork taking money from freelancers asking to buy connects?

Why is Upwork allowing the scammers to post a lot of jobs, where people boost their bids and of course will not be hired, or will be scammed? I guess it is a good business for Upwork.


Check also: 





Community Member

An example of an insane boosting ... Actual=4 connects, Bid= 100, 51, and 50 connects



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It is interesting to know if those freelancers that paid for 100 connects were hired, or even if the client viewed their proposals.

They are paying to Upwork for bidding, they are not earning money from working. Is crazy!   

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Outdated information. Check Upwork, not YouTube.

Community Member

Also, from what I have seen, the "Connects Needed" filter (shown in your 01.JPG screenshot) has not been updated and does not allow you to filter jobs based on 8, 12, or 16 Connects.

Community Member

That is the reason of my topic. As the filter shows only the 1, 4 or 6 connects options, I believed that the maximum number of needed connects was six. By the way, maybe it depends on the kind of job.

Limit is unknown. Someone saw 20 connects as well. Also Upwork want more and more money so dont be surprized with 50 or 100.

Community Member

You have raised an important point, but you can join any agency. So that you can apply for more jobs.

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