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I submitted two proposals, but just as I clicked 'submit proposal,' I found myself outside of the top four bidding positions. However, I still haven't received my boosted connects back.

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Community Manager

Hi all,


As a freelancer or agency, you'll use Connects to Submit Proposals and let clients know you're interested in their project. You receive ten free Connects every month at the beginning of your billing cycle and bonuses for some interviews you win. We will send you a notification in Upwork (notification bell) and an email when you earn free Connects. For more information on how this works, check out our guide here.


To purchase Connects, go to Settings > Membership & Connects and click on the green 'Add More Connects' button. From there, select the amount to buy and click on the 'Buy Connects' button. Please note, that if you have sufficient funds on your Upwork balance, the charge will be applied to your Upwork balance. You can check out this help article to learn about the available Billing Methods.

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Community Member


I read that I will receive 10 free connects for creating an account and my current balance is 0 connects.

I need help. 

thank you.

Hi Chika,


Thank you for your message. I checked your account and can confirm that the free Connects are already credited to your Upwork account. You can check your Connects balance from the Connect History page.


- Pradeep

Community Member

Dear Upwork Team,

I made my upwork account in the start of june but still i did not recieve my initial 50 connects hence i am unable to use this platform. kindly help!


Saba Zahid

Read the articles in the moderator's post. You receive 10, and then you have to buy them.

Community Member

Good day, I registered in the middle of May, but the free connections were not counted. Please tell me how to do it, thank you

Hi Yana,


Upwork currently requires new freelancers to do one of two things before being able to submit a proposal for a job: subscribe to our Freelancer Plus membership plan for $20 USD a month, or purchase 100 Connects for $15 USD. After you fulfill this requirement you will also receive 50 free Connects to further help you get started on Upwork.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

I signed up to upwork before 72 hours, but I didn't got my free connects. What should I do?

when you recharge for your 1st 100 connects. you'll get all the free connects with it as well around 150 if you are new.

when your account is approved, then you will get free connects every month.

Community Member

Hello, I was Invited by 2 clients on Upwork, and I sent proposals to both with Connects.

But I didn't receive any connects.

Why does this happen?

Community Member

you do not receive additional Connects for applying to an invitation.

Community Member

when applying, u don't receive connects.

Community Member

Hi, I just submitted a proposal to a client on a number of connects, then I bid 40 connects to it.
Now the job posting says "This job is no longer available.". The job was not in the "jobs in progress" of the client.

This was the job.


khantuff1_0-1718516200943.pngHe already hired someone as shown in the screenshot - it will showup in progress once the freelancer start working

If you are now to Upwork, I would suggest you take your time to learn and understand how the platform works first. You can start with the academy courses and you can also learn from successful freelancers. 


With upwork, you cannot just bid your way through to succeed. If you do that, you will be very disappointed. Right now connects are very expensive and hiring rate is very low ( 17-20%).


With your case, the client has hired someone for the job posted meaning your connects are gone forever. Bidding higher does not give you any advantage if your proposal is poorly written, your profile title does not relate to the job posted and the client feels you are not a good fit.


Don't be desperate for jobs. Take your time to learn and freelance professionally. 


Wishing you all the best

Community Member

I've been away fro UpWork for a while and just joined back in with the idea to make some extra side money.

But I see every job requires me to buy credits to bid on them.

Does every bid require credits that I have to pay upwork for? Doesn't this seem a bit scammy?

Every bid requires credits and its even worse now becuase previously bids were less than 10 credits but now they've all crept up to 22. Just be Very selective on what jobs you apply for. My tips are: (i) look at the client hire rate - if they post heaps of jobs but never hire, its a waste of time and the "client" is probably just fishing for cover letters to copy. (ii)look at the rate they have posted for the job. Its instant red flags for me when a see rates between $5-$200 or the client is offering say $80p/h but has only ever paid $5 p/h on all previous contracts (iii) Look at the previous reviews from other freelancers. Some clients are simply just a**holes and you'll tell straight away from the reviews.

Unfortunatley Upwork is on the downhill. They charge freelancers for everything and most of the time you get nothing in return.  The latest moneygrab is that they want freelancer to apply to become expert vetted - it will cost you 300 or 400 credits (cant remember shich one) and that doesnt guarantee you will get the expert vetted badge. 

Appreciate the advice. That is very helpful.

Every bid costs you money since day 1 of Upwork and its predecessor Elance, and also its competitors. What is scammy in it?

The idea that you are required to pay Upwork for access to oppurtunities that may not pay off. That's what MLM's do lol.
It totally makes sense that they charge a percentage fee for jobs you win.... but charging for access to the chance of getting a job is used in a lot of MLM scams.

Ramesh, I don't recall paying for submitting proposals (vs. bids), or for membership on Elance. There was a pro type of membership, it helped to see the proposals' range on any project (vs. job), but you could do very well without paying a dime to Elance BEFORE earning any money. The same was true for oDesk.


If I had to pay for the chance to prove my worth to clients, I couldn't start freelancing. Simply because I couldn't pay my bills, or buy a pair of shoes of proper size for my son when fall and school start approached.


Elance and also oDesk made freedom and opportunity part of their value proposition. Today, you won't hear much about Upwork's social responsibility, and could actually detect it even less.


Where cha-ching ($) becomes the only reason why a business, UW in this case exists, stakeholders (you, or me, clients and freelancers) who have no shares, are loosing importance.


I wouldn't call it a scam. It's all open, and compliant with the rules written by UW. But that doesn't mean it's good for freelancers and clients in the long run.

Its not a scam when you consider the marketing work you have to put up to gain a contract without Upwork. This platform has always been a great source of earning for me and have given long term contracts too. As Laurs suggests, you need to filter job opportunities and apply for only the ones that fits and feels best for you. Consider the membership, $20/month is reasonable price.

$20 for 100 creds with an average bid being 22 would give me 4 chances to bid a month if I don't want to spend more. Marketing yourself can be done efficiently, but the idea that it puts you in front of much more than 4 people for $20 is what I'm getting at.


Extrapolate that to a budget of $100 a month to pay for a Google Ad vs $100 worth of credits that lock you into 22 oppurtunities vs lead potential on an ad running all month in your keyword and location.

Community Member

What is the meaning of connects and how can I get a promo code

I am really in need of a work fromhere to cater for myself..


Hi Ruth,


You use Connects to submit proposals to clients when you're interested in applying for a project. You can learn more about how they work in this article


We don't have any discount codes or promos available at the moment. Upwork periodically sends offers via email, at events, and through partnerships. Please ensure you've opted in to receive marketing emails in your notification settings to ensure you get the marketing emails. If you set up your notifications settings and don't get any marketing emails, please get in touch with the Upwork Support Team through this page.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

I just realized that Connects expire after a year. Can someone expain to me how our money expires??? This feels unethical and not even sure how that is legal. 

Community Member

There are many jobs recently I have seen where clients joins on the same day and post the jobs. Then freelancers use their connects and then we find job is cancelled, it is also same job is closed without hiring. but I dont see connects are getting refunded.


Please have a look and correct your system. We are buying connects with our hard earned money and new clients (altered) are cheating.

I've been noticing this happening for months and instances of this have been reported to Upwork - nothing has changed.

Hello Kapil,


Connects are automatically refunded when a client cancels their job post before starting a contract with a freelancer, or if their job post is removed from the platform because it violates the Terms of Service


I've reviewed your Connects History and the jobs you've recently applied to and can confirm that everything is accurate. You may visit this article to learn more. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hii, I created my profile but still not getting any free connects from upworks. 

Community Member

I just want to know when my profile have been verified from upworks?

Community Member

If am getting back my purposals then how much will I be getting?


Community Member

Hello, I made my Upwork account a month ago and still not get any single connects on my profile. I don't know what is the issue kindly solve this and send me connects. thanks

Hi Usama,


We saw your post in the community and converted it into a support ticket to give it the attention it deserves. Rest assured that one of our agents will be reaching out to you.

~ Joanne
Community Member


When I buying the freelancer plus I supposed to get 100 connects but I got just 95 why ?

90, not 100.

Hi Achraf,


When you upgrade your account from the Basic to the Freelancer Plus plan, your free Connects will be prorated. You can refer to this help page for more information. 


- Pradeep

Community Member

I just created my freelancer account yesterday and i didn´t get my free Connects yet, what should i do? 

Community Member

Hi All


My friend has many Connect Points and wants to share with me some.

Could she transfer her Connect Points to others?

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