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Arceli's avatar
Arceli A Community Member

Contractor ID

Hi. The client asked me for the Contractor ID. He told me to go to My Profile tab, but it's not there. I'm a bit confused because I don't have a contract yet, though he already asked me to create an account on their platform for the transcription job, which I did. We're in the "pay rate" process. Please help.

Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Arceli,

Once you're hired on an official contract you, you will be able to view the contract ID by going to My Jobs > Opening your contract room.
If your client needs help about how they can send you an offer, you can share this guide with them. You can also refer them to reach out to us here or directly to our Customer Support if they need further help. Thank you.

~ Goran
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