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Filter Out Low paying Jobs

Hello, as a freelance illustrator I don't want to waste my time sifting through jobs that will only pay, $10, $20. Is there a way to filter out jobs that are extremely low paying? Or have a starting point price point and only show jobs at that, or above that payout? 


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When you search for new jobs using "Find Work" you can choose ranges of hourly or fixed price project pricing under the "Job Type" menu item.

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Hi Anne. I filter out overseas jobs. That helps eliminate the bottom feeders. I also go for hourly over fixed price jobs. I have noticed that hourly jobs convert to repeat clients at a higher rate. 


Changing gears, I will say I believe you to be one of the best illustrators I have seen on upwork. Your work jumps off the page with warmth and humor. Being a cat person, your depiction of cats is especially spot on. You should double your rate immediately!

Christopher B wrote:

Hi Anne. I filter out overseas jobs. That helps eliminate the bottom feeders. 

What a narrow-minded approach. There are plenty of clients in the rest of the world who are willing to pay for quality work; it's not like everybody outside the U.S. is broke and looking for a bargain. And you do realize that the U.S. is "overseas" to the rest of us who live on other continents, and not the centre of the universe? 

I have done a handful of good overseas jobs and hundreds of good US jobs. Narrow minded or business minded? If you are going to name call, at least get the name right.

Thanks, I'll stick with my first definition. But how did you get these "overseas" clients, if you're filtering them out?


It makes sense that most of your clients are Americans, since Upwork is an American company and 74 percent of its clients are Americans. But I still don't see a business case for blocking clients in the rest of the world. Makes no business sense at all.

I doubt there would be a selection for it if no one did it. It's in the search function of all to use. So is everyone who uses it not being businesslike? Or just me? I get invitations from overseas often. Do I need to apply to all of them to be businesslike? Limiting a search doesn't seem un-businesslike at all. It's my choice. I mentioned it to the OP as an opinion, nothing more. 

Why do you keep using the term "overseas"? You do realise that YOU are "overseas" to me? And it's not like there are no cheapskate American clients. If someone doesn't want to see projects below a certain level, then the most practical thing to do is to screen by price rather than location. 


Filtering out all overseas jobs is a bit drastic, but it sure would be nice to filter out the ones from China, India, and Pakistan, as they are almost always either scams or offering some pitiful amount of money that isn't even worth the time to interview for

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Hey Anne, please use the left navigation bar and pick the wage range you want to be displayed while in the Job search feature. Have an awesome California day!

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The real question is how to filter out low paying job invites...

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On Upwork, you can set a minimum hourly rate or project budget using filters,  when searching for jobs 

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