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imem's avatar
imem g Community Member

Free 1-2min Video Trial

Hello fellow Video Editors !  


I'm writing this post to ask if you really accept free trials ? Isn't agains the platform TOS ? Now every job post for a video editor, the client is asking for 1min free trial. I mean literally every post. Some mention it in the post and others ask you in messages.


only 3 times i got an offer and it was long term job, The clients asked for payed trial ( this is rarely happen ). Otherwise all of the post are asking for free samples and when i mention it's against the rules and would be happy if i make the trial with lower price the client can choose i got neglected and apparently he hire someone who made the free sample.


Tell me if you experienced the same cas ! and how i can deal with it to get hired more !

Julie's avatar
Julie J Community Member

Perhaps post several projects on your profile, 1 min trial video, 2 min trial video, 3 min trial video and you can point them to those when they ask.

Otherwise make sure to have lots of video samples in your portfolio so if they don't want to order a project they can view your work there. 

If they don't like either of those options then say you are unable to provide free custom trial videos.

imem's avatar
imem g Community Member

Good idea,Thank you ! 


I Make sure in every cover letter to add my portfolio and very similar work i did to what they asking yet they want a sample.

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