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Allison's avatar
Allison H Community Member

How do I bill the client once I completed a job so I can get paid?

I completed a job now I would like to get paid. I am only finding information on how to set up so the funds will be transferred to me. But, How do i bill the client so they pay?

Sophie's avatar
Sophie A Community Member

Is it an hourly contract or a fixed price contract?

Erin's avatar
Erin V Community Member

Iwan's avatar
Iwan S Community Member

Quick answer, you don't, it is done for you.


If you were working on a milestone based contract you submit the work and close the milestone for the client to approve. The client has 14 days to approve or dispute the milestone.  If they don't act within that timeframe then the funds are moved into a security hold for 5 days and you get paid, if they approve earlier then the security hold kicks in earlier.


If you were working on an hourly contract then I'm assuming you used the UpWork tracker to track your work hours.  At the end of the work week, UTC midnight on Sunday, your work week is closed automatically.  Then the client has 3 days to review your work and either accept or reject it.  If your hours fall within the parameters for hourly protection or if you did a good job then the work is accepted by Wednesday and the funds move into Pending, they will be released to you on the following Wednesday (unless you are Top Rated Plus in which case it is the following Friday).

Sophie's avatar
Sophie A Community Member

Some of the details you are providing about hourly contract schedule are not accurate. I sent you the proper link earlier today in a previous post.

Iwan's avatar
Iwan S Community Member

Which details are incorrect?  I work exclusively with hourly contracts and that is exactly how they work for me.  I honestly have no idea which link you are referring to.

Sophie's avatar
Sophie A Community Member

-Clients have 5 days to review the work (until the Friday, not Wednesday)

-Faster payout applies to Top Rated freelancers (not just Top Rated Plus) if the client's payment method has been charged successfully

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "How do I bill the client once I completed a job so I can get paid?"


As a client, I have hired over 180 freelancers on Upwork. No freelancer has ever billed me.


As a freelancer, I have completed hundred of jobs.

I always get paid automated. I have never billed a client.

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