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Mirena's avatar
Mirena Z Community Member

How to receive my payment for done project?


I worked on my first project nd finished it in the beggining of the month, but still haven't received my payment. I have the invoices and also a rating from the client, I put my bank account on my profile, but still - nothing. What should I do and who I should write to recieve my payment?

Thanks in advance

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Mirena Z wrote:

I worked on my first project nd finished it in the beggining of the month, but still haven't received my payment. I have the invoices and also a rating from the client, I put my bank account on my profile, but still - nothing.

What do you mean you didn't receive it? You did receive it in your Upwork balance... If it isn't in your bank account, did you actually withdraw it? 

Is it not Under Reports > Available?


If it's there, simply withdraw it. There is a button on Reports > Available which lets you withdraw your available funds to your bank account (provided your account was added more than 3 days ago and you completed your tax info).

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