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How to work with Agency?

Hello everyone)).


Recently, I was invited by one of my connections to join their Agency team.
He liked my profile and said he would get me projects by handling proposals for high-value projects on his team.
Instead, he said he would have his commition.

And he asked me my Upwork ID because they would invite me. (in the setting)

I want to know if this way is not violates TOS and if there is no risk in sharing my ID.
Also, I want to know when working with an agency, what percentage of the revenue is shared with them usually.


Thank you.


Hi Khamid,


The only way to join an agency is to be invited by an agency administrator. Your relationship with them, including how you get paid, is managed privately outside of Upwork. When you work for an agency, all contract earnings are paid to the agency's financial account on Upwork. Please talk to your agency about how they will pay you. As for the information to invite members, you will be asked to share your email not userID. 

~ Joanne
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