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Important Reminder: Policy on Sharing Contact Information

Hi there! I'm from Upwork's Customer Experience and Trust product team. Ensuring that Upwork remains a safe and trustworthy environment is at the core of what we do. In line with this commitment, I'd like to remind everyone about our critical policies regarding contact information sharing and payment processes. By adhering to these guidelines, we not only safeguard every transaction but also uphold the integrity of our platform.


No Exchange of Personal Contact Information Before Establishing a Contract 

To help maintain security and privacy of your Upwork account, personal contact information exchange (phone numbers, email addresses, social media) is prohibited until a formal contract is established. This prevents scams, protects privacy, and ensures transparent negotiations under Upwork’s oversight.


Off-Platform Payments are Strictly Prohibited

All financial transactions must go through Upwork’s official payment systems. This ensures timely support, dispute resolution, and community-wide protection. Off-platform payments violate terms, increasing fraud risk.


Consequences of Policy Violations

Any policy violation may result in disciplinary actions, including loss of talent badges, temporary restrictions, or permanent loss of account access. This includes attempts to share contact information through various platform features such as project descriptions, profiles, messages, attachments, or other means.


Be sure to review our contact information sharing policy and help us keep Upwork safe by reporting any attempts to send payments outside Upwork. 


Need More Information?

For further clarification on our policies, visit the links below, which provide detailed information and resources for navigating our platform safely and effectively.

We're dedicated to fostering a secure platform where freelancers and clients can connect, collaborate, and thrive. Thank you for your cooperation and being an integral part of our community.


Thank you for your help in keeping Upwork safe, 

Upwork Trust & Safety 

135 REPLIES 135

You should post this message in the Support Forum and a moderator can assist.


This thread is an Upwork announcment, so Bharathi is unlikely to respond here.

Community Member

I am new to upwork, I have not even made a withdrawal yet and I only have 1 completed contract. (I've only spent money so far, not made any money.)  Frankly speaking, I used to treat freelancing more like a hobby (and extra income), but recently I decided to get serious about it and maybe even open an agency in the future (if everything goes well). Today while reading a post I came across a rule that says you can't make a deal without upwork. (Off-Platform Payments are Strictly Prohibited and etc) I have NEVER RECEIVED any payments outside of upwork but I admit that because of my unawareness of the rules I have offered a couple of times to pay a client via upwork or any other convenient way for him. (I thought it was legal and that's what they charge for job adverts and working through upwork is an optional safety)
Fortunately, none of these contracts reached the final point (my offer was not even read). Technically I never broke the rules but as far as I understand my offer can also be evaluated as a violation. Naturally from now on I will never offer such conditions. The question is this:
1 Can I be banned under the circumstances that I described above? Or will Upwork not ban me ? (because it seems to me it's more of a misunderstanding than a clear violation)

PS If the guys from upwork are reading this, please reply. If you do ban me for this kind of thing,  please ban me now so I don't waste time and effort on promoting my profile.😅

Thanks in advance.

1 Yes. But your violation may be ignored. Your account still alive so dont worry. Follow rules in future.

Thank you for your reply

Community Member

So what about contracts you did not get, but the client meets the freelancer, just because you stumble upon them at a conference 


in some worlds there áre only 10-20 people across the globe who know what they are talking about, despite the 50 or so proposals on the job

Community Member

Can I include my website address in my proposal? My website has more samples, but it contains my contact information.

Community Member

I am wondering if Upwork knows how many clients post jobs on the platform and then refuse to use the platform to communicate.

I've lost multiple contracts because the client insisted on communicating via email or phone during the interview process and I refused to do so.

On one memorable occasion I even lost a job with a well-known company because their staff apparently didn't read Upwork's TOS before extending a job offer to me and the company ended up refusing to render payment through Upwork's payment system.

I really wish Upwork would be more understanding in these cases, or at least educate their clients better.

Community Member

I just wrote somewhere below that Upwork is not the center of the freelance universe 😁


But I kind of understand that they need, and it's hard, to balance "these things" to make sure they implement enough effort to prevent people from using them merely as a "meeting place".

I've lost multiple contracts because the client insisted on communicating via email or phone during the interview process and I refused to do so.


You didn't lose clients, you evaded scammers by following the rules.


Even giant companies can be used for scams. If they can't read the Terms of Service, then they lucked their way into being a giant company. Any business will understand following rules. Why did they refuse to follow rules, once they knew? I am not working with anyone that can't follow some simple rules, and yes, I have seen scams coming from big companies. I have had several businesses that did not understand the Terms, and I explained it to them. In some cases, it has been for a lot of money. The businesses always came through. If they can't follow a simple rules, I'm out.



I understand. Okay. I agree.
Community Member

Hi Clare L

I understand your frustration. It is essential for the security and integrity of transactions to adhere to Upwork's terms of service. You might consider reporting these clients to Upwork so they can be better informed. Hopefully, Upwork will improve client education to avoid such issues in the future.

Community Member


Community Member

Okay! Noted

Community Member

Athar Waseem Here!
I understand the importance of maintaining a safe environment on Upwork, but I find the restriction on exchanging contact information before establishing a contract to be quite limiting. As a freelancer, sometimes I need to discuss project details in depth, which is much easier over a quick phone call or through a detailed email exchange. Could there be a more flexible approach that still ensures security but allows for more efficient communication?

Thank you,

There are plenty of ways to communicate on Upwork. They can post anything you need to see. As soon as you have a contract, you can go off to Telegram or wherever. Especially for new and inexperienced people, they should keep everything on Upwork for documentation purposes. While there are some jobs that might make this a bit inconvenient, the vast majority of Upwork jobs don't require detail that can't be shown on Upwork.

Being new to the site, I agree with the need for documentation. I keep getting people who want to interview me off platform. It's frustrating because this is my livelihood, but it makes me wonder what the client's understanding about this is. 

I had an invitation to interview today & really want the project, but they would not join the call & instead sent an outside zoom link. Is that okay to do? I rescheduled because I wanted to be clear on what the policy is. 

I dont mind once the contract is signed, I use multiple platforms/tools, but it's frustrating to miss out on projects for lack of clarity. 

I keep getting people who want to interview me off platform. It's frustrating because this is my livelihood, but it makes me wonder what the client's understanding about this is.


It's not the client misunderstanding in 99.99% of the cases, it's a scam. There is no reason to not use the features on Upwork for the conversations leading to a contract. If someone is informed, and they ask/insist/ demand/ghost - it's a scam. Why would you need a different video? It's a scam. If they refuse to use Upwork, or they refuse a video, camera doesn't work, etc. it's a scam.


I had an invitation to interview today & really want the project, but they would not join the call & instead sent an outside zoom link. Is that okay to do?


No! It is not. Doing so breaks the big rules and can cost you your account permanently. It will also cost you time, effort, work, and your money. These are not real jobs, they are scams.


I rescheduled because I wanted to be clear on what the policy is.


Stop all contact with this scammer. Contact Support and report this scammer. There are several ways to get to Support: through the job, through the Support Forum, through the chatbot, and by clicking on the vertical dots in your message by the date and time stamp, and leaving a message for the moderators.


All you missed with this scam, is being scammed.


Upwork is no different from a random chat room. You don't know who people are, their real names, why they are here, or their motivation. Heavy vetting of the job and the client are mandatory, but it takes learning outside of Upwork. Every freelancer should spend time learning about vetting and using it because if you don't, you will be scammed, cheated, and have miserable clients. It's not a skill to be taken lightly; vetting is a necessary skill to have before you ever look at jobs. It entails an examination and is not looking people up online.


Because you are new, you are a target for the scammers. The way you protect yourself is through knowledge, which includes vetting. Please read this post, and follow all the links. It will take you to valuable information on Upwork resources and community input on scams that is a must-read.


Also, the first line of your profile is all clients see in a search, so it's crucial to have a powerful first sentence. Don't use greetings, names or your skills list. The clients can see this information. Use the first sentence to tell the client why your skills and experience combine to save money on invoices, increase the ROI on a landing page, or create a brand that will elevate the business.


A professional profile is the best way to attract clients and deter scammers. Add more to the introduction but keep it to three or four paragraphs and add more about how you can aid the client in their endeavors.


If you follow the rules, use vetting, and your gut feeling, you will avoid the scams. I understand needing work, but this means at times there may be no work. However, no work, and no money beats being scammed and losing money every time. Be safe.

Community Member

This is all understandable however this attached message is showing up in clients that I HAVE CONTRACTS WITH and it's stalling the communication process. Why is this?

Hi Monica,


I've checked your account and the client you're referring to. It looks like you initially communicated on a message thread with no existing contract, which is why your client is having that error. I can also see that you've figured it out and are now coordinating on the appropriate message thread with an active contract.


You're all set. Thank you for reaching out!


~ Arjay

Upwork is a mess. I like to use the original message thread where all the information is located and the problem with the whole stinking platform is that if there is a direct contact and a no "job" posted, a new contract starts a new message thread which does not bring over the conversation from the previous thread so now I have to toggle back and fourth between 2 message threads. A contract is a contract and it should not matter what the thread is. You people are consuming my time and time is money. HOW MANY MESSAGE THREADS DO WE NEED?????


You would think with all the freelancers you have you'd be able to figure out how to have a contract started from one message thread. You make it very easy to continue slowly phasing Upwork out. 

This is a problem, and it's being discussed in several posts.


Apparently, Upwork updated its messaging interface with a stronger, more rigid email pattern-matching function and forgot that emails can be exchanged with existing contracts and with exceptions before a contract starts.

Community Member

Thanks for sharing the information.
Regarding off-platform interactions:
I've noticed that most people ask me to connect on Telegram. I believe this is common during the initial stages of freelancing, as I no longer encounter such requests.

Community Member

Hi there! Thanks for sharing this info. But i have a question.

Regarding on ending a contract.

I only lasted 3 days on my hourly contract because it didn't work out on my side, when the client ends the contract, will I still get my earnings? The client ended the contract not me.


Thank you in advance.

Community Member

Security is one thing with new clients, but I agree with athar here. Sometimes detailed contact is needed. Besides that, many clients an freelancers need to share contact details, a github repo with previous work or the coding project for examle.


Will upwork forbid looking at code precontract as well? This would prevent many freelancers to assess if they could do the job successfully with unhappy clients and frustrated freelancers as result


The strict rules seem to be set so that Upwork does not loose clients. Wel they do, because of the high fees. Recurring contracts happened when the fee was much lower long ago. Both client and freelancer are fine with the structure. Now, after a first contract, nothing but payment security keeps freelancers and clients from engaging outside the platform.


many clients complained about the high upwork fees and  freelancers complained about the high fees too, even to withdraw money. When trust grows, the need for using the platform goes down.



Community Member

I understand. Okay.
Community Member



Community Member

Thanks for this valuable information. I will keep it in mind and will work accordingly.

Community Member

Lately I've been getting dinged, message deleted, for sharing contact info with a client that is under a funded contract?  Also, may you please consider: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/How-to-handle-fees-costs-or-expenses/m-p/1610590/highlig...



I have been dinged for trying to share contact information with a client under contract. Often the client starts a new message thread and then I get dinged. I have no problem not sharing contact information but I wish the client account could reflect the contract regardless of whether or not the message is in the contract thread.


Community Member

I am a Senior Frontend Developer and Top Rated Freelancer on Upwork. I often get confused when client ask for freelancers' github profile or portfolio site on their job post or in private message. 


1. Is this allowed?

2. Someone might have their personal info on github or in their personal portfolio site. So how shoule we deal with these?

Thanks in Advance.

That's a tough question to answer now. Maybe even the canned "include a link to your GitHub profile and/or website" question might also result in deletion if answered? 😁


But I know they needed to post this threat thread in multiple locations to reduce the possibilities of circumvention due to many of their recent policies. The most recent one would be that "invited people should still use connects to propose"😁

Community Member

Hi Upwork Trust & Safety Team,

Thank you for the important reminder regarding contact information sharing and payment processes. I appreciate Upwork's commitment to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment. I will ensure to adhere to these policies and report any attempts to violate them to help keep our community safe.

Best regards,
Obey Diop

Community Member

Very often employers ask for a link to your GitHub profile or personal website ("include a link to your GitHub profile and/or website"). The question is as follows:
Can I drop a link to my Linkedin profile?
Essentially it can be considered as a personal website too. If not, I don't understand what the difference is? I can implement the same LinkedIn functionality on my personal website (Of course I am talking about a minimal variant with simple communication etc.) Also as far as I understand Upwork does not automatically delete LinkedIn links.
I would like to note that this is not done in an attempt to cheat Upwork, but only for convenience. I just want to make sure it is accurate so as not to break the rules in the future.
Thank you in advance for your reply.


Hello Ahmad,


No, you should not share your LinkedIn profile, or any other social media profile, before a contract is in place. However,  you can share links to external portfolios, even if they have your contact information, as long as you remind your potential clients to keep all pre-contract communication on Upwork.


You can also link your GitHub profile to your Upwork account so that any client can view it when they visit your profile. To do this, visit your Profile Settings and add the link under your "Linked accounts" section. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Thank you for your reply.
I will keep that rule in mind and not link to my LinkedIn profile.

Community Member

I accidently sent my email before the contract which Upwork flagged.

Will it lead to susspension of my account? 
Never really happened. I accidently sent before I accepted the offer

Just don't do it again. Even if the client asks.

Community Member

Hi Bharathi,

Thank you for this important reminder about Upwork's contact information sharing and payment policies. I understand the importance of these rules in ensuring the safety and integrity of the platform.

I will make sure to adhere to these guidelines and avoid sharing personal contact information before establishing a formal contract. Additionally, I will ensure that all financial transactions are conducted through Upwork's payment systems.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping Upwork safe and reliable for all users.

Best regards,

Obey Diop

Community Member

One problem with Upwork is the challenge of maintaining a balance between quality and quantity of freelancers. As a global platform, Upwork attracts a vast number of freelancers, which is beneficial for businesses seeking diverse skills. However, this can also lead to a saturation of the market, making it difficult for clients to distinguish between highly skilled professionals and those with less experience or lower quality work.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Hi Bharathi M,


Thank you so much. It's very helpful for new members. 


1. Pls provide enough necessary information, and training for starters after they finish registering the Account and log in. 

2. Sometimes Clients don't want to use the App Zoom meeting and ask for more information... Upwork should consider adding more function meetings such as Teams, and Google Meet on Upwork Messages. 

It's certainly, members don't want to be involved in something breaks the rules and will be scammed like all that Upwork tries to build a safe environment here.


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