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Install the Desktop app on a smartphone?


I just would like to know if I can install and use the Desktop App with my tablet/smartphone using Android. I got an hourly paid project but I have never use the Desktop App... As I am often on move, I work a lot on my tablet.

If it's not possible to log hours on the App with tablet or smartphone, is there any option for changing the basis of the contract (moving to fixed price contract)?

Thanks for your help!

Hi Gaelle,


The Upwork Time Tracker App can only be downloaded to your PC/laptop. This is currently not available for download on mobile devices. 

~ Joanne

How then can one record their hourly work manually?

Hi Gregory,


Thank you for reaching out to us. When necessary, you can add manual hours to your Work Diary. Manual time is often used for billing for work done offline or that might not be recorded properly by the app—phone calls, non-electronic research, paper-based sketching, large file transfers, graphics rendering, etc.


I would like to clarify that the Manual time can be added to the current billing period before the Work Diary is locked, and only for intervals that you have not already logged time in. You have two options to add manual time, through the Time Tracker and through the Work Diary. 


To add the manual time you can follow these steps:

From the Time Tracker:


  • Open the Upwork Desktop App and select the contract
  • Click the Add manual time option
  • Select the date and times, add a description of the work, and click Save


From your Work Diary:


  • Go to My Jobs › Work Diary and select the contract from the dropdown menu
  • Select the day you want to add hours to and click Add Manual Time
  • Select the time period, add a description of the work, and click Save


You can find more information about adding manual time in this help article. Let us know if you have further questions. 


~ Nikola

Hello everyone, I have a question !! What if a freelancer don't have laptop/pc and he works on smartphone for fixed project. But one time he got a hourly project and as I read that time tracker app only can be run on pc. So my question is that what for smartphone users? Will they loose a hourly project if they do not have laptop/pc. Is there any way for Android users to work on hourly projects only on smartphone without laptop/Pc or they will loose it?
Everybody's answer welcomed
Thank you in advance :

Kamal S wrote:
Hello everyone, I have a question !! What if a freelancer don't have laptop/pc and he works on smartphone for fixed project. But one time he got a hourly project and as I read that time tracker app only can be run on pc. So my question is that what for smartphone users? Will they loose a hourly project if they do not have laptop/pc. Is there any way for Android users to work on hourly projects only on smartphone without laptop/Pc or they will loose it?
Everybody's answer welcomed
Thank you in advance :

No mobile platform allows automated screenshots. Therefore no mobile device can run Upwork's tracker. You and your client can choose any method of time tracking you like; you would still need to enter those hours manually on Upwork; Upwork does not offer payment payment protection for manual hours.

Offers can easily be changed from hourly to fixed-price before acceptance. Afterwards, not: the only method is to end the hourly contract and start a new fixed-price one.

Ok thank you Michael for clarification 🙂
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