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Loic's avatar
Loic B Community Member

JSS drop

Hello, I was wondering what the weight of a zero earnings contract would have on a JSS. This was a $630 fixed price project where the first milestone of $100 was refunded. This was my fourth contract with the same client, all of the previous contracts went well, except the last one because I renegotiated the price to get an increase which the client was hesitant to accept but ended up accepting. Then it looks like he ended the contract and requested a refund because he changed his idea of the pricing which could be proved with a message he sent just after he ended the contract. I currently have a 100% job success score so I am worried that this contract will destroy my JSS, hence making it very difficult for me to secure new contracts.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Loic,


I'm afraid that we can't share any specifics on how JSS is calculated. In general, an outcome from a contract with more earnings will have more weight versus one with lower earnings. 


Additionally, while the parties won't be able to provide public feedback on a contract that didn't have any payments, they can still provide private feedback. If the client provides positive private feedback on a contract with no earnings, that contract will be excluded from JSS. If the client specifies in their feedback that the contract had a negative outcome, that will be counted in the score.


If the client doesn't provide private feedback on a contract with no earnings, that contract will be excluded from the JSS calculation. You can learn more about how JSS is calculated in this article
~ Luiggi
Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member



If the client provides positive private feedback on a contract with no earnings, that contract will be excluded from JSS. If the client specifies in their feedback that the contract had a negative outcome, that will be counted in the score.



That is so unfair.


"Certa bonum certamen"
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