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Abdo's avatar
Abdo E Community Member

My Account is suspended

My Account is suspended and I create a 2 account but one is suspended too and one doesn't suspended now I want to close all my account and  open a new only one please help me fast

Brian's avatar
Brian S Community Member

You're not permitted to have multiple accounts. That in and of itself is grounds for permenant suspension from the platform.

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Abdo,


I checked with the team, and they have confirmed that one of our team members have reached out to you regarding your account status. Please check your ticket number: 30734120 and kindly reply with the information our team requested. You can access the ticket when you log in to your Upwork account and going here.

~ Joanne
Arsalan Ali's avatar
Arsalan Ali S Community Member

If you created multiple accounts, and upwork found something suspecious then they will suspend all of your related accounts.

Arsalan A.
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