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Yakov's avatar
Yakov K Community Member

My activity in proposals

For the past week I had troubles finding a client for a job, so I decided to check if my invites got through to the clients. When I enter my prososals and check "view job posting" I realised it doesn't indicate that I sent an invitation to the client neither that my invite was left unanswered.
How can I check if clients ignores or rejects my prososals?

Robert's avatar
Robert Y Community Member

If you go to Find Work>My Stats, you can see how many of your proposals were viewed by the client. That's the most you can find out. All proposals are visible to clients, if they wish to view them.

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

This is in beta, he might not have that available yet. 

Yakov's avatar
Yakov K Community Member

Hi Martina
This feature works for me

Yakov's avatar
Yakov K Community Member

Hi Robert
Atleast a little bit info is nice, thank you for your advice. I hope freelancers would be able to track clients activity on their proposals more clearly in the future.

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