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No action one month - evaluation requested

No action one month - evaluation requested - I have done a lot of work getting my profile and testimonials on up work. I am getting no traction on this platform. Can someone review my account and give a personal review of what is wrong? Linking me to help article and other 'profiles' has already been done and I have made adjustments as best I can see. So far UpWork is not producing for me for a month. No views, requests, message and no offers. Thank you ( I understand economics play a role here) but am I in the right place for what I am offering etc. Nick


I would like a person at UpWork in charge or freelancer profiles like mine, retention and market knowledge to give me a review to the best of their ability. - can you schedule that?



Community Member

Hi, nice profile, I can see you put a lot of effort there!

"If you agree that Sales is Everything" from your profile, and that is also true for us freelancers. I don't know if I understood correctly "No views, requests, message and no offers." did you actively scanned available projects and sent proposals and learned and fine tuned them, or did you just wait that something happens?


if the latter is the case, i don't think that works a) for completely new freelancers on the platform b) given the current economy situation


i also had a rough start and very steep learning curve, i can relate because I am also nearly one month here, slowly but steady some things are working out, but yea you have to be active and relentless, it's not easy for a newcomer here at the moment I guess 

Community Member



You can setup a one-on-one strategy call with an Upwork coach to get a personalized review of your profile and freelancing journey on Upwork. You can also join the Workshop: Profile Techniques with Coach Hilda. I'm not sure how these work or how much it costs, but it might be of interest to you.


I looked through your profile and I see two problems:


1) Hourly Rate: Why is your hourly rate so low? Your hourly rate should mirror your real-world qualifications and your successful background, expertise, and business acumen tells me your rate should be much higher. I just searched U.S.-based marketing and brand strategy developers (many with much less experience than you) and the 50 profiles I saw are exactly what I expected--almost all have rates between $100.00/hr - $300.00/hr.


When clients see low rates they assume your work is low quality; this is especially true when the rates they usually see are much higher. You are worth more than $39.00/hr, and there is no reason to devalue your expertise. Good clients appreciate quality and most will pay for it.


2) Overview/Summary: The first part of your summary has good information, but the first two lines need to disappear:




The first part of your summary is important due to the way Upwork displays our profile previews. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-225 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space (approximately two short sentences) to get their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services and results) in this small space--not emojis, promo statements or any unnecessary text.


Also, I would revise your summary a bit by moving some of those "services and results" higher--especially the client feedback.


These suggested changes might not immediately increase your profile views, proposal views, and invitations, but I think they will make your profile more appealing to clients.

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