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Navjot's avatar
Navjot M Community Member

Payment deduction

I am a freelancer.

Whenever I got paid.My payment has been deducted more than 20%. why?

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "Whenever I got paid. My payment has been deducted more than 20%. Why?"


Because you have not earned $500 yet while working for this client.

Once you have earned $500 with this client, then the fee will be reduced to 10%.

Once you earn $10,000, the fee will be reduced to 5%.

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Navjot,


As a freelancer, you’re charged a sliding fee based on your lifetime billings with each non-Enterprise client. This includes all contracts you’ve ever had with that client. Service fees are the same whether the contracts are hourly or fixed-price.

  • $0-$500: 20%
  • $500.01-$10,000: 10%
  • $10,000.01 or more: 5%

Here's the help article for more information. 

~ Joanne
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