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Amanuel's avatar
Amanuel T Community Member

Reason for JSS decrease

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Nalith's avatar
Nalith U Community Member

My JSS keeps getting low unreasonably. I always got only 5-star feedback and anyone can clearly note that by looking at my work history. All the clients I dealt with were very satisfied and thankful, so they all gave me 5-stars all the time.

The only bad thing that has happened was 2 clients canceling their contracts, telling me they solved their issues themselves, but they were small projects (under a $20 budget) that took place in 2020, and none of them complained to me or anything. 

But still, my JSS is getting lower every 2 weeks, after I recently started working on Upwork again. It has been 91% when I recently started again. It became 88%. Today it became 86%. I only did 2 jobs after I started recently after leaving Upwork in 2020. I am pretty sure that those 2 clients were super impressed with those two jobs and it is clearly noticeable to anyone with their feedback given to me as well. It is highly unlikely that they have given me any bad private feedback provided their public feedbacks are super positive (I have attached a screenshot of those here). 

So there is something clearly wrong with Upwork in my case and I don't understand what it is. Can someone from Upwork please look into what is specifically wrong here? I can not continue working if I don't understand what is happening. 

Wes's avatar
Wes C Community Member

Here's what I think is happening. In addition to the two recent jobs, you only have 5 more jobs in the 2 year calculation window. One of those had poor private feedback. As jobs are dropping out of the two-year window, whichever job had poor private feedback is getting more weight and bringing your score down. 


Whichever one that was will drop out of the 2 year window soon. So, keep closing out contracts with good results and your score will recover soon.

Elphas's avatar
Elphas N Community Member

Hi Upwork, 

My JSS yesterday was 100%, today it dropped down to 79% yet there is no new completed project added to my job history and there are no old projects that might have caused this. Please help. It really hurts seeing this happen.

Kind regards,


Danylo's avatar
Danylo N Community Member


My name is Danylo and I started work on upwork last month.

I will appreciate it if anybody teach me about this.

Best Regards.


Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Hi Danylo, the JSS score is based on private feedback the client leaves, not the public stars you see. It's also weighted by contract amount and length (longer term contracts have some weight, as I understand it). Anyhow, your JSS is low because 1 or more of your clients left less than perfect private feedback. They are asked on a scale of 1 - 10 if they would recommend you. If you score less than a 7 or 8 on that question, then it would likely negative impact you (I don't know exactly the algorithm, just what the community knows from collective knowledge, since the JSS equation is a secret). 


Continue to do good work and close more contracts with clients (have them close them so they leave feedback) and make sure your clients are satisfied and your JSS will go up. 

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad K Community Member

My last JSS was 100% but without any bad feedback my JSS is Now 94% kindly let me know why this happen..

Looking forward to hearing from you..

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Hi Muhammad,


The JSS score is based on private feedback, not the public stars you see. So one of your clients who recently closed the contract, despite leaving you publicly 5 stars, left less than perfect feedback privately. That is why your score went down. 94% is still very good. Keep doing good work and it will go back up as you close more contracts. 

Mohammed's avatar
Mohammed I Community Member

Hey ! Mohammed Imran here From past 1 year I am active on Upwork and Have purchased plus membership. I am facing issue on my JSS It is automatically decreasing even I didn't end any contract from past 2-3 months . I have long term Jobs for that my JSS should Increase . Please solve my issue ..Why my JSS is decreasing . Thanks

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Mohammed,


Thank you for your message. Your Job success score that you see on your profile is updated on a biweekly basis. You may also see your Job Success score change due to the rolling time window over which the score is calculated. Because your score is calculated over multiple time frames and the best score from your 6-month, 12-month, and 24-month JSS displayed, a contract can sometimes slip out of that calculation, causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity. For example, a contract will no longer be counted in your 6-month window once it is 6-months and one day old. 


Thank you


Muzaffar's avatar
Muzaffar F Community Member

Hello Community,

I am facing an issue regarding my JSS Score In the previous update, my score is 86% after that I have completed 4 projects with 5 stars and my client recommend rate is also increased to 76% but in yesterday's update my JSS score was still decreased to 82% why it happened?I talk to customer support they said that your previous JSS is 83% you don't complete any project in this update so the JSS becomes 82%. But my previous JSS is 86% and I completed 4 projects in this update period.

I really need help regarding this.Please help me out of this. Thank You




Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Muzaffar F wrote: in yesterday's update my JSS score was still decreased to 82% .
But my previous JSS is 86% and I completed 4 projects in this update period.

Private feedback.

Gopal's avatar
Gopal D Community Member

If you had big project and client gavd nagative feedback or private feedback then also JSS decrease. Remeber JSS increase with high amount project suddenly and decrease on cancle project fast.

Thank You.


Ahmed's avatar
Ahmed R Community Member

I know this is not the first topic that talks about (JSS) issues, but really I'm so despaired of fighting for more than 6 hours to enhance my JSS.


Last month I was 89% to 91% then It fell down to 90% then 84%, and I can understand that may be some of my clients are not 100% satisfied, but what else can I do to be in a safe zone.


JSS calcs are so sensitive to any engagement, and I understand it's classified, but really I'm so exhausted of trying to maximize it to +90%, and I did that for just 3 weeks, then again being back to 84%.

Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Ahmed, 

Your Job Success score is updated every two weeks, and it’s important to note that any movement in this score (either up or down) reflects both recent activity and activity over a more extended time. Because we look at trends over 24 months, you can see your score change, even without recently closed contracts, due to past jobs slipping out of the 24-month window.

We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

~ Avery
Suleiman's avatar
Suleiman M Community Member

Hello, i had a new client hire me early this year. Before he initiated the contract we discussed terms and agreed on a fixed price and he initiated the contract. A few minutes later he canceled and requested for a refund without me even starting the work, i messaged to ask why, his reply was he no longer require my services without any issues. The problem is, since this incident i haven't had any job invitations, interviews. I checked my profile stats and it dropped -100% with zero profile views. Does it mean this canceled contract is affecting my profile? Is upwork blacklisting my profile. Please help what's wrong?

SK Tanvir's avatar
SK Tanvir A Community Member

after struggling 1 year i got top rated batch before 2 weeks. I completed total 6 projects in this years and all of my clients was satisfied for my works and all gave me 5* ratings. Everithing was okay until this weeked start, suddenly i noticed my JSS is 87% and for that my batch is gone. I was tottaly shocked.It ruins all my struggle in past year and i lose hope working in this platform. If any client gave a bad private feedback that was totally unfair for me and like a scam work for a top rated freelancer. I don't know what to do now. I am totally broken . Can i get a fair justice from upwork?

ZeeShan's avatar
ZeeShan A Community Member

This is my profile:




I joined Upwork 1 month ago almost. Because I had a lot of skills in video editing I was able to get clients quickly and some good jobs as well. At the start, everything was fine. But then my JSS fell to 90% and today it fell to 82%. IDK WHY
All my clients are satisfied with my work. I have 5-star ratings. I don't understand what am I doing wrong.


Is it because I have some clients that are not very good with skills such as milestones or hourly. Some hired me hourly with my standard rate and then they said they want their work done for X amount of money and they don't know how Upwork works. So what I did to make it easy. I only logged in the number of hours that could reach the X amount. If the project started for 40h/ a week. I only logged in for 2h. 

I also worked with some clients. Who didn't pay me and they stopped responding on Upwork. I am trying my best on Upwork, But somehow it feels like Upwork doesn't care much. Like I had clients who made me do work. and left. I was like ok. I worked with some clients that don't understand upwork so I worked in a way that was easy for me. Despite all my efforts, my JSS is falling. WHY? WHAT can I do to improve it?


Extra Question: Can I get to a 100% job success rate even if my Job Success rate fell to 82%?



Extra Note: I am feeling very anxious because of this. That is why I am complaining. 😞

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi ZeeShan,


Please know that your JSS can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. You can check the following for more information:


Your JSS can change because:

  • You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame
~ Joanne
Mohamed's avatar
Mohamed T Community Member



I have just one bad review in my profile with only 20$ earning drops my JSS by 11%. Could you please help me?


Thank you.

Mohamed Tantawi
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Mohamed T wrote:

I have just one bad review in my profile with only 20$ earning drops my JSS by 11%.

You've only had 8 contracts in total and your JSS was already poor before this one. When you have so few contracts, each weighs very very heavily.

Mohamed's avatar
Mohamed T Community Member

Yes, but it is just 20$ from over 1300$ of total earning.

Mohamed Tantawi
Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

But it is 1 of 8 contracts, that counts more. 

Iman's avatar
Iman A Community Member

Hi there
I know about the jss working system and measurements (through Upwork's articles), and I've had ended 2 contracts in the past 2 weeks, with 5 stars and good reviews. but now my JSS has been decreased instead of incresing and I don't know why,
my last poor review was about 4 months ago.


Can someone please help me?
What should I do, this will affect my working here a lot!

Md Nazmul Hasan's avatar
Md Nazmul Hasan D Community Member

Hi Iman,

In shortly, 2nd recent project of yours might have bad private feedback [I have assumed it because it's weight factor on JSS comparatively higher than other projects]. Other projects might also have bad private feedback as your JSS is poor. 

Petar's avatar
Petar P Community Member

Any ideas on why it drops? Tech, my stats are doing better this month, and it dropped from 98 to 93 without bad reviews or anything 0_0.

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