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Amanuel's avatar
Amanuel T Community Member

Reason for JSS decrease

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Md Nazmul Hasan's avatar
Md Nazmul Hasan D Community Member


Your JSS was 98% on 17th April, you had one ended contract on 19th April with 5stars public feedback. So I've assumed that private feedback is an issue here. 

David's avatar
David S Community Member

Fractional drop. You're still above 90% so there's nothing much to worry about

Petar's avatar
Petar P Community Member

Ahh, that's quite nasty then xd - they're saying they are happy and will come back and later leave such feedback ☠️

Thanks for the reply tho!

Hamad's avatar
Hamad H Community Member


My JSS was 95% and I didn't complete any job during the last 7-8 weeks. I didn't reply about a new job. But, My JSS decreased and now is 89% without any reason. 

Can you please help why my JSS decreased? I just received Top Rated a week ago and now my JSS suddenly down. 

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Hamad H wrote:

Can you please help why my JSS decreased?

It's because good contract outcomes are falling out of your calculation window, which means the bad one weighs more and more every time a good outcome falls out.

You will lose your Top-Rated status today as well. You might want to consider using your Top-Rated perk to remove the poor feedback from December. You'll also need to get some contracts ended successfully.

Parveen's avatar
Parveen B Community Member

Hello Upwork.

This is Parveen.

My JSS decreases without any bad review and cancel contract etc, Can you please help me to understand why it's happening and if something is by mistake please help me to increase my JSS so that I should get my clients.




David's avatar
David S Community Member

In the contract that ended on April 18, the client dropped low private feedback.  That's why your JSS dropped.

Michelle's avatar
Michelle W Community Member

Hi all, 
All of a sudden my profile dropped to 70% JSS. I was 100% Top-Rated a minute ago. Does anyone know what happened?
I've never been at 70%.
I'm trying to see if someone left private feedback or something???

I'm stressing!

Cesar's avatar
Cesar M Community Member

Hi, Michelle,


The same thing happened to me a while ago and I had No idea why!

Turns out, when you finish a job, you have to ask your client to close the

contract. Unclosed contracts drop your JSS for some reason. After that,

cross your fingers that the client gives you nothing less than 5 stars!

If you click on "My Jobs" and then click on the client's job, you will see

3 dots next to "Feedback" - you can end the contract yourself.


Good luck,


David's avatar
David S Community Member

You have two contracts that closed on the 18th of April. In those contracts especially one contract with high earnings of 16k+, the client likely dropped negative feedback or low recommendations. 

Michelle's avatar
Michelle W Community Member

Thank you, David.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking, too, but......


Could another possible reason be because my old jobs have dropped off my job feed and are no longer being calculated into my JSS??
And now I don’t have enough recent jobs to count towards my Top-Rated eligible weeks??
I still have enough earnings though for the current year. $1,000 is the minimum you have to have for the year, correct?

Regarding my 2 most recent jobs that closed on April 18, 2022 (one of the jobs being the $16k job)—- If the cause of the significant JSS drop and loss of Top-Rated badge is due to Negative Private Feedback from that $16k job, why would my JSS score drop to 70% NOW???—- 2 weeks later???
Does JSS update every week or 2 weeks?



Do you have to have a certain number of jobs per quarter to maintain your Top-Rated status?
If so, how many jobs per quarter do you need to have?

And is there a maximum of jobs you can have with the same Client? 
ie: Would 2 jobs with the same Client count as 1 job for maintaining Top-Rated status?



I know I’m asking a million questions--- and maybe you know some of the answers, maybe not--- Upwork Helpdesk hasn't been too "helpful"--- Ya'll, the Upwork Community, my people, have been the ones that have helped me!!!--- thank you! 🙂 I’m just trying to make the best decision to “fix” this situation.



But with a few really great reviews from several more jobs, how much can I RAISE my JSS???
How long will it take me to reach 100% again??
I’ve never had 70% before.
I’m concerned it might take me awhile.
I just don’t like seeing that dang 70%.




Here's what I'm going to do--- as suggested by a wonderful and kind Upwork Community member:


I didn't know you could separate my removal requests (Regarding JSS and Feedback removal requests)

Maggie's avatar
Maggie M Community Member

It's the private feedback that matters. A client can give 5 stars and negative feedback. 

Michelle's avatar
Michelle W Community Member

This doesn't make sense. I had 100% this morning with a Top Rated badge and this afternoon I checked my profile and my Top Rated badge was GONE and my jss dropped to 70%!!!


Please help! I don't have poor scores. Not sure what's up.

Thank you,


Yasmine Liticia's avatar
Yasmine Liticia E Community Member


Today, when I checked my profile my jss score decreased from 100% to 94%, I don't understand, although I had no troubles with my clients, is there a way to know what's the reason or which client gave me a bad private score ?

Thank you.

Viacheslav's avatar
Viacheslav K Community Member

Most likely one of your last 3 contracts left a bad private feedback.

Olga's avatar
Olga P Community Member

Well seeing this **Edited for Community Guidelines** all around with hypocrisy going to absolute astronomic levels I say we should all keep pressure on UW to remove private feedback entirely. This thing is perfect way to encourage trolls. Feedback should be one, either client (or freelancer for that matter) is satisfied or not, no double-feedback. Maybe I am too old to play these social-media-happy-people-dead-inside-trolls games but I never leave different private feedback, everything just fits my overall impression. Is honesty and being brave enough to speak the truth so frown upon in these days? Enlighten me please what was the point of introducing double feedback in the first place. ESPECIALLY when this hidden, trolls-encouraging feedback is a base for counting another exotic and irrelevant animal called JSS. Also, JSS is indeed irrelevant if it counts only hidden feedback since we see good reviews on the profile but then JSS is low. Logic failed, perhaps...

Michelle's avatar
Michelle W Community Member

Yes, I agree with you--- I'm ALL about transparency! If you give me 5 stars or even 4.4 stars (which I received from my most recent client), then I would hope to receive nice Private Feedback. Don't smile, give me a fake laugh and stab me in the back when the contract ends--- so not cool or professional. If there's a problem, be upfront, and let's talk about it--- LIKE ADULTS SHOULD. Seems pretty simple to me. But alas, Upwork is Client-focused and sadly, it's about weeding out freelancers--- and sometimes it's not fair. Sometimes you just work with not-so-great clients, but that's life--- learn from it and move on. I do agree with you though about Private Feedback getting knocked off the face of the planet--- excellent idea--- I'm all for it.

Priyanka's avatar
Priyanka I Community Member

My criteria for JSS are meet that is 2 or more project with different clients and 4 or more contracta to be completed within 24 months. But still not received. When I will get it? 

Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Priyanka,


More than 90% of freelancers have a score after 5 projects, and nearly all freelancers have scores after completing eight projects. To learn more about JSS and how it works, check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran
Doston's avatar
Doston G Community Member

Hello I recieved job success score and top rated badge when I had completed 3 jobs in upwork but after I was hired to fourth job My JSS and Top rated badge was removed and Top Rated Eligible weeks is showing 15/16 weeks. Why does it happen?

Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Doston,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons and your Top Rated badge may be removed if you received a negative feedback either a public or private one.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

~ AJ
Doston's avatar
Doston G Community Member

Thank you for answering my question but I think there is some problem because I had jss already calculated they removed it and because I do not have jss they have removed my top rated badge also before top rated I had rising talent they have removed my rising talent badge also and Top rated eligible weeks was already 16/16 but they have changed to 15/16 and this week I see that they have made it 14/16. It is being decremented instead of incrementing. I am still not understanding why they have done it. Moreover, any of my contracts' end date has crossed 6 months. Please help me, it is really effecting my upwork career(not having any badge). Maybe something wrong in the system, Upwork has not even sent me a message about why they are removing my jss and top rated badge



Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Doston,


This could mean that the latest activity on your contracts with clients may not have gotten good feedback whether public or private. Keep in mind that 16 weeks have to elapse in order for this to be removed, considering that in the succeeding weeks you're not going to get any negative feedback from your clients.


Your Job Success score is updated every two weeks, and it’s important to note that any movement in this score (either up or down) reflects both recent activity and activity over a more extended time. Because we look at trends over 24 months, you can see your score change, even without recently closed contracts, due to past jobs slipping out of the 24-month window.

We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

~ AJ
Olga's avatar
Olga M Community Member

Hope you are well!  I have a questions. I worked on upwork several years ago, and had a good recommendation score. Now I have come back to upwork because of war in Ukraine. And I see that my score is reaaly low (only 75%). I got a contract and finished it succesfully - my stat is 77% now. But I can't understand how it calculated, because I have 60+ feedbacks with 5 stars, 1 negative (client was not adequate) and 1 middle with 4 stars. Why my recomendation stat is so low? It coudn't be because of 1 feedback as I have so many positive feedbacks. 


Sushant's avatar
Sushant B Community Member

Hi Olga,


I just checked your profile and I can see that your JSS has been removed. (maybe because of war)


For now, I recommend you focus on applying for more and more jobs and completing them successfully. With enough good outcomes, your JSS will be increased when it'll reappear.


Thank you.

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