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Cem's avatar
Cem K Community Member

Upwork takes %67 of my earnings. How am I supposed to make any money?

Upwork already takes %10 cut from frelancers and asks for more money than the freelancers bid with marketplace fee and contacty initiation fee. This would be fine unless I had to pay 0.15usd per connect to jobs that require on average more than 10, so with the introduction of asking for connects even when I am applied to jobs have destroyed the platform for me.


With a rough estimation I get at most an average of 1 job proposalls per month for free and aside from that,  based on a rough estimation, since all jobs I have applied to have above 10 candidates and I win %10 of them making me a higher hired rate freelancer technically, and if I spent 10 connects on average(which will be higher but lets say 10), I will need to pay 15usd to get a single job! So lets breakdown an average earning for me:

I remember a client telling me she paid 33.80$ for my 29.00$ bid due to upwork fees, and from the bid I have recieved 26.10$ after upworks cut. So on average(actioally the average would be worse for more sensitive calculation) I would recieve 26.10-15 = 11.10$ for a job thats worth 33.80 to a client.

11.10 / 33.80 = 0.33    so I only get one third of money from the work I have done %100 of. (and I will continue to lose my earnings when I transfer them to myself)


And becuase I am new here, my applications most of the time are not even seen by clients which to my understanding is because upwork places mine on lower ranks. I understand some freelancers are disturbed by the fact that there are too many appliations on the jobs they have paid connects to so, asking for connects on invited jobs even the plainfield. But shouldnt there be an alternative that drains the money out of freelancers like much more increased monthly connects as a base given and extra connects the more you are hired & gotten good scores/JSS. We should together ask upwork to find another way to handle connects & job proposalls.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

67% isnt a bad. From this FL Upwork took 150% 😸

Cem's avatar
Cem K Community Member

Yes I saw that as well, he unfortunately paid to work literally. I think we freelancers should come together to reach upwork and tell the troubles we are facing with these fees.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Dont worry, upwork know all your problems for sure. It is your problems but not upwork's. Moreover, upwork getting rich with money you wasting here. To give you some benefits upwork must take it from owm pocket. Do you realy think that them will give you money just for fun?

Prashant's avatar
Prashant P Community Member

You can moan and groan,  but Upwork likes to suck money out of you.  You have to make a decision if it is still worthwhile for you to be on this platform or not.

Cem's avatar
Cem K Community Member

I am already researching alternatives, I will most likely quit this platform if policy on fees regarding connects are not changed. I would be fine with %10 cut and marketplace fees to clients but asking money to apply to jobs breaks the platform for me.

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