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Jahanzaib F Community Member

Verification issue

The thing is that, I recently was able to secure my first contract, immediately upwork prompted me to verify my account, so I ignored it for while, now when I try to apply to new jobs, it won't let me until I verify my account.

The problem is when I try to verify the account, it takes you to another page for a link, which you can only open on mobile, after I opened the link, it asked me to sign-in, since I am using google sign-in,  Instead of putting email and password, I just click on sign-in with google after that, it just refreshs the page and doesn't sign in.

I kept doing that again and again, probably like 20 times, going back and forth, but to use, it just keeps refreshing the page, let me put screenshots, help me out, This is the first step of the verificaiton process, and I can't get past that.

It keeps getting back on the login page, don't know why

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