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What do the bid ranges mean (see message)?

What do the bid ranges mean on a proposal? I have Freelancer+ membership and I can see the bid ranges on other proposals. But the ranges are stated in $$. For example, I just saw one highest bid of $24,500 for a project that stated a fixed price of $150. What does any of that mean? Does it make any sense?


Hi William,


Once the job has enough proposals, the information about the lowest, highest and average bids should be displayed. The range (and the number of applicants) includes and shows the number and price of proposals being submitted. It does not include the proposals that were declined, archived, or withdrawn. You should be able to see bid ranges when you click on Job Post and scroll to the Activity on this job section. Here is a screenshot for reference. 


Please note that the bid range only appears when there are more than 5 proposals for those job posts. Feel free to check this help article for more details.


~ Arjay

Hi Arjay.


Thank you for the informations. 


It certainly has its advantages to use Freelancer Plus.

But often I see this kind of information, as in the example:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-06 um 22.00.14.png

Apart from the fact that the average is led ad absurdum, I really ask myself the question: Are there bots involved here?


Honestly, which serious freelancer offers $5 on a job that has a fixed price of $250.

And we are not talking about an exception, unfortunately.



Community Member

yeah its make sense

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